Foreign invasion

Fellow Amerifags, Is it just me or does it seem like we're heading for a new "Gangs of New York" situation with Haji's as more aggressive enemies? The mass immigration hasn't started yet but when it does i see this shit going full force. Personally i'd gladly do as The Butcher did back then. (His real name was William Poole. Look him up)

Bump because i want a fucking opinion dammit

This implies that you lose

It implies i'd personally go down. And i meant that i'd have no problem dying in the conflict, but if i lived through it, i better have fucking won.

>hurf durf, me going to fight hard and win yarrr

Buddy your are probably going to die.

Who the fuck asked you ya syrup sucking moose fucker?

damn, someone got a case of micro dick

hey he started it

Lol the Irish are way more aggressive than arabs. They'll actually fight you without five of their buddies around

The irish had a sense of honor in battle. The arabs seem to be like fuckin insects...... they just swarm