So just how connected to the white house is black lives matters?

So just how connected to the white house is black lives matters?
How do you go from being in jail to meeting the president that fast?

Other urls found in this thread:

Da fuq? Smells fishy

All hail king nigger

Both BLM and the Democratic party are owned by Soros anyway.

>niggers twitter is hacked showing messages of him talking about rioting so obama can declare martial law
>all of a sudden hes meeting with the obama just a few days away from the rnc convention

George Soros is the leader of BLM, Obama is one of his henchmen.

Obama was shilling for BLM at the memorial service for the police that got murdered by BLM supporters

I'll dump what I have of those.




Stay woke

Amazing. Our own president is willing to go as far as to sit down with BLM for 5 hours to humor the attention whores/idiots that their complaints are legitimate and there really is institutional racism in our police and law, and not just the result of niggers being violent. Our taxdollars hard at work.

Why are we paying these peoples' salaries again?



that would imply Obama doesn't 100% agree with them that white people are evil

i'm going full race war if Trump doesn't become president. Niggers must be removed from the western hemisphere

You're not paying shit you neet.

It reads really fake mate

I will drop some images that will make more sense as to why BLM has so much access.

This is Alex Soros, George Soros' son and the figurehead of "Open Society"


Decide for yourself.

>US Digital Service Team
Nothing ominous here.

Alex is a large organizer for Black Lives Matter.
He is also gay, as is DeRay and Obama.

By having an oblivious/unmotivated president.

Here he is with Jarrett

fuck these people


this was 3 weeks ago.

Da fuq is USDS? They look like they don't know what they're doing.

Suddenly Bongo's weekend with Alex makes a lot more sense. Sensual sense.

Kif! Bring me my erotic letterhead and bikini pen.

>that wonderful gentleman

>He's one of the good ones.

>that wonderful gentleman

The team that Mistress Clinton will be directing to shut us down. :^)


Probably pretty well connected since they have the same employer

yes. yes. yes.
I'm glad someone else is on to this little fucks instagram. Thank you based user

I literally expected something like this to happen in his first 100 days in office back in 2008

and i would have expected black unemployment crime race relations etc to be A LOT BETTER

we elected this guy on the promise he would bring people together adn change things

1. If you are a black hate group you are connected.
2. You're a nigger.

yup, and he has billions of dollars of influence.
activist and politicians get hard over this twink i bet

Do you Americans realize what he has done?

He created a radical left wing, anti-white movement. Nationwide. And he is gonna use them to disrupt or even shut down the biggest event of his political enemy.

How is this even legal?

And by the way, It's the same here. We just call them antifa. The dogs on chains, the red goon squads of the political left.

>We need more diversity in our schools, businesses, and agencies


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos

President Kangz and sheeeeet.

>negotiating with terrorists

more useless fucking agencies.

This shit needs a regular thread.

Does Sup Forums know about this?

How come? Do you think they're up to nefarious things?

>How is this even legal?
It's not, but they have the same problem as we do - the only people who could (legally) do something about it are in on it.

"what we realized was that we could potentially build a SWAT team, a world-class technology office inside of the government that was helping agencies." - Obama

>He bought the meme that Obama isn't a Kenyan Muslim Communist

Yeah, no shit, Obama sucks


what a disturbing photo, why do they all look deranged

myUSCIS makes immigration simpler

Take a wild guess.

>sticker enthusiasts
mother of gawd...

Leftism: the agency

>startup at the white house

honestly I don't know who writes this, but whoever thought that this specific wording was good needs to be shot

President Soetero is the number one supporter of ISIS. He hypes em up so much that he even changed their name to ISIL, reflecting ownership of the entire Levant.

how is this not terrorism


>insignia is the Twin Towers
Why do I get the feeling one of their duties will be Correcting the Record online and ensuring no citizens are sharing "unlawful packet data"?

>He hypes em up so much that he even changed their name to ISIL, reflecting ownership of the entire Levant.

I was always wondering why he insisted on calling them ISIL when pretty much no one else does.

To be an obnoxious nigger.

They're all fucking children.

>So just how connected to the white house is black lives matters?
They meet all the time. This was back in February.

He's helping alleviate the issue, but he's part of the reason it was aggravated in the first place. "Empowerment" was just encouragement of niggers to nig.

Sitting nig community leaders down with police leaders is the best way to solve this issue with the least amount of violence. We don't want it to continue to the point where more of these savages get radicalized. However, niggers are indeed dumb savages, and despite efforts some are still going to lash out because they don't want a solution, they desire only to nig. The police stance needs to stay explaining why they're getting arrested in such higher numbers, and explain that nothing is going to change when someone breaks the law or endangers a public servant, and they need to get tougher when it does happen. That'll save face with the few rational nogs, the savages there's not much we can do but put the boot up their asses and the noose on their necks again. You can tame a gorilla by giving it bananas, but they'll keep demanding more, or you can lock it's ass in a cage or send it back to Africa and not have to deal with its gorilla bullshit. But sure as shit it needs to be put down when it goes apeshit, these cops are being too cucked these days.

Where's he first five.

What the fuck kind of name is De Ray

BLM is legit but that Deray dude is fucking suspicious. Ain't no one ever heard of him and all the sudden he's the new civil rights leader getting spots on The Late Show and running for mayor of Baltimore

I have a feeling that this connection to BLM is something that Obama and maybe a few of his yesmen lackeys are trying to be personally involved in, but his general staff and the vast majority of the government know better. Obama is on his way out and when the new boss comes in there's going to be a big house cleaning and nobody with any common sense wants their fingers on this career-killing poison.

Obama is basically a child celebrity with an activist complex but his time is coming to an end.

Ghost from TCR said he's been a bureaucrat for his whole life, that he's most likely gay and has HIV/AIDS, he compared the Black struggle to the AIDS/HIV "struggle", his house is funded by Open Society

It's what happens when your parents want to role play being proud Africans even though they can't even trace their family back far enough to find some ancestors who actually lived in Africa.

BLM reminds me of those "colour revolutions" Murica likes to enact around the world. Social-media driven, devoid of substance beyond the big words and slogans. Non-events played up by mainstream media to create rallying calls for protests etc.

“OK, I’m thrown off because I just saw a cute boy,” the 30-year-old protester announces. “I wasn’t expecting to see him!”

deray is george sorros open boarders society baltimore head of human capital he makes $165,000year and lives in a house owned by a board member for the organization

Beyond the off-again, on-again relationship, he says his love life is nonexistent. I ask the tech-savvy activist if he’s on Grindr, Jack’d, or Tinder, and he throws me a fierce look.

“Could you imagine what would happen if the people saw me on there?” he says.

Watching the Ferguson uprising unfold on television and Twitter from his apartment in Minneapolis, where he made $110,000 as the senior director of human capital for the public school district, Mckesson noticed a discrepancy between what mainstream media were reporting (riots and looting) and what he was witnessing directly from protesters on social media (a threatening, militarized police force).

Oh hes one of these gay dudes, that would explain a lot

Only difference is that BLM is a distinct minority so they don't really have much chance of overthrowing the system since are so overwhelmingly black dependent.

If he takes off the blue puffy vest will he die?

>Mckesson noticed a discrepancy between what mainstream media were reporting (riots and looting) and what he was witnessing directly from protesters on social media

>"If I selectively only listen to one side I get different opinions"

How do these people even function?

>Dellow felegates, we need to give emergancy powahs to the supreme chancellor

Yup, gay alright.

Obama and Deray, both faggots, working to destabilize the country by promoting a racial cause that would hang them if they all knew they sookd dix, how ironic.


(((((US Digital Service Team)))))

Well that's like saying that the civil rights movement didn't succeed because blacks are a minority. Whites are already aboard, the narrative is so strong that we have BLM marches in Germany fer fecks fake.

You're gonna need your guns burger bros.
Good luck and God speed.

Is there more?

Civil rights and slavery were different because they had massive support from whites and there was actual issues they could show were caused by the system alone.

BLM is just pretending everything is the system's fault when mostly everyone can see blacks are violent criminals.

Doesn't mean shit to me. But exposes interesting internal schisms within the BLM movement.

This dude is a joke. I drive everyday on the same street where he lives in Baltimore County. The white part. He ran for mayor, raised the most money, and only got 2% of the vote.

He's nothing more than a social media star. Living in a white middle class part of town. Goes to show just how dumb social can be. He parlayed that into meeting with the president. What a joke.

Haven't seen it mentioned here, but there's been talk (don't think it's confirmed) that Deray and Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter) are in a relationship.

Civil rights had nothing to do with slavery. It had to do with segregation and opportunities. The MSM is now, like then, saying that Blacks are terribly disenfranchised and society is mean to them and white people are drinking the Kool Aid. I only used it as an example anyway, taking the analogy too far misses the point. BLM can, will, and is being sold as a trendy and morally righteous cause for white people.

BLM is literally a George Soros production.

Their "leader" lives in a swanky joint owned by Soros.

Soros has Obama, Hillary and that Faux Indian chick pop around to his fucking son's apartment for groveling photo ops.

So they're heavily connected.

Feel free to dump what info you have here, need to rebuild collection

There is no way niggers are this literate.


Alex Soros is gay. And has a black boyfriend.


The cunts can't even trace their dads, makes sense