What are some kino's about the perfect and sublime beauty of little girls?

What are some kino's about the perfect and sublime beauty of little girls?

Reminder that he does it for free and this thread breaks no rules.

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What happen to the last thread?


Pruned, despite quality discussion going on (or the makings of one).

Also synopsis pls.

>In a remote Norwegian mountain-area in the 1930s, two 12 year old girls Siss and Unn meet.
>They are friends, but for Unn it is more serious. She admits to having secret and indecent fantasies about her friend.

This one is kind of dark and depressing.

Ooh, sounds interesting, will check out.

You'll probably like that. Also do you like any of the Lolita adaptions?

The bratz movie not sure what age you consider little but i think they are 15 or 16.

I've only seen the Kubrick version thus far, the other one is still on my backburner, though I've seen pieces of it.

I can only speak on the Kubrick version and basically say that it stands well as perhaps an independent film, but only loosely true to the original story. Parts of it seemed accurate to the novel, but then others deviated entirely. One particular quirk that annoyed me during the film was the consistent use of calling Dolores "Lolita", and even worse by pronouncing it "low-lee-ta" when it is supposed to be pronounced "law-lee-tah", as backed up by Nabokov himself.

Obviously there's the glaring age of Dolores issue, but that couldn't really be helped. But otherwise, like I said, it seems to stand well enough on its own as a movie based on Lolita, but not quite it.

Kiki's Delivery Service?


here are a few good ones to get people started

But let us have a thread for discussion instead.

That's probably the best way to see the Kubrick version. Though I think it did a great job of capturing the humor of the novel.

The 97 version is decent and I really enjoy it but its biggest problem for me that it turn Lolita into a sappy love story at times.

My Little Princess

This was a good one.




there was no real connection between logan and the lil girl.

Nobody's Daughter.

The scene where they talk about having nightmares and hurting People was nice

>That video description.