((((citation needed))))
Old traditional shit of men not handling money, the women managed the household and this included finances. Merchants, and money, were essentially viewed as a necessary evil, something required but also looked down on.
What are the divorce rates like in japan?
It's why the Jews have no power over there. The women are red pilled as soon as they have a kid.
my dad does this
Doesn't surprise me. Women are always in charge. The true redpill is that pussy has objective value, but dick does not. That's why men are constantly vying for it and competing with each other for womens' attention, not the other way around.
It's an East Asian tradition
Men work and women are in charge of running the household.
This is called "oppression" by feminists because unless a women is working she is worthless.
It was the same thing in western country before feminism
>women don't compete for dick
except they do
It's just they want the 10/10 men while most guys will settle for 4-5/10 women or lower
The man turns over his paycheck because the wife is the one who handles all the household work and duties while he's out earning money.
she pays bills, buys all the food and various supplies they need, the clothes, etc.
it's a simple, logical division of work.
The man focuses all his energy on his career earning money, while the woman focuses on maintaining the household and all the various things needed to keep it running properly.
it's a good system. nobody is cucked, it's just common sense.
>Men work and women are in charge of running the household.
>This is called "oppression" by feminists because unless a women is working she is worthless.
Many feminists, such as myself, are rejecting this model in favor of one that demands men pay us directly. It's called #GiveYourMoneyToWomen and it works wonders because lonely betas need female attention.
I'm a lesbian, but men will still actually pay me for scraps of my attention. What does that tell you about the male/female dynamic?
Big difference. Men worked and women managed the household. Division of labour and not the empowered womyn stronk bullshit you guys have at all.
men are providers while women are nurturing and ought to be in charge of finances to invest & grow them
women love spending money on whatever random stuff they need for their kids/house/bills and other "projects" while men just see those things as a chore.
Lel, this is how I grew up.
~35%, IIRC
its because gook 'men' are beta cucks who are all extremely prone to gambling addiction.
It's just basic logic
said life was like this in the west until 50-100 years ago
That beta males are desperate and will do anything for attention from women.
society gives them false hope of obtaining a quality mate, when in nature they'd be totally ignored in favor of the superior males(who manipulate women much the same way women manipulate low-end males)
The hierarchy goes: Alpha males>top-class females>lower end females>Beta males
Good Lord no. Women have terrible financial planning skills.
>Be based kamikazi ready to fly plane into a boat
>Japan surrenders
>Go home
>"Yes wife, here is my check"
nips believe money is evil. might as well have the women do it.
>honestly, it's nothing more than a namesake tradition
Not getting married to my woman was a good move, in hindsight
Because woman handles the household because we aint got time for that shit
if they spend to much you hit them till they dont
Historically in Western society, men worked while women raised the children and handled the finances. This is as much "[giving] all their money to their wives" as what Japanese men do.
>nip society is healthy enough that women can be trusted with money
>westerners will never know this feel
>Be based kamikazi ready to fly plane into a boat
>go home
im not sure youre doing it right
This is true. My father recently asked for a raise, and it was denied.
Most Asian families are like that.
The woman runs the show at home.
This includes education, finances, investments, family relationships, etc.
The man is only required to spend some time with kids at home and sex, the rest is work.
>but haven't gone yet
American education
Not too different from how most people I know do it. The lion share of the money goes into the household budget to cover stuff like basic necessities and repairs and what's left over is split as allowance.
>waiting your turn to defend your country
Westerners knew this feel until the early 20th century.
I want to trust you.
>those vacations to Hawaii with her girlfriends
Explains their suicide rates and declining birth rates.
Then how do the salarymen pay the middle school prostitutes for their panties like in my chinese cartoons?
Obviously depends on the woman. I would never give my money to a westernized whore who just wants to try out all those fascinating four star restaurants and vacation spots.
There are plenty of women here (and I assume, in Japen) who are only interested in getting the best possible foods (no GMO shit or artificial ingredients) and saving the rest of the cash for non-essential shit (appliances, entertainment, vacations).
My parents' relationship is like that and it's how I live my life as well.
I have a hard time believing that 3 quarters of all men in Japan are married.
My great grandfather used to kick my great uncles ass and deposit his pay checks into an account my uncle couldn't touch and his wife was given an allowance for groceries that was spent immediately. Everything else went into savings. This was done because My great uncle was a shitty gambler who pissed away any money he could get his hands on.
The war ended before he flew, GI Potato
dont over-think it. she was just getting spitroasted by chunky islanders
>wants a gook to btfo their ships
Because none of them learn how to be responsible anymore. Go back two generations and you will find lots of women who still knew how to run a household without bankrupting yourself in a few months.
Similar practice is very common in Korea
Maybe not in the north because the great leader liberated men from money and women
If you work and your wife doesn't then what's wrong with supporting fully the woman you love? Also your family.
Keep in mind the average Japanese worker doesn't make very much compared to the U.S/Canada/Europe/AUS/NZ and even less after taxes + 1/3 of the population lives in Tokyo which has insanely high property prices so it's probably what little money you have left after covering your expenses.
What you guys forget is men biologically are basically built to provide and protect their family and wives / women and their fellow men. Not doing this, and not working as hard as possible not raising a family after giving all you have to your country and your family is the true beta cuck way.
The mentality shift to "mine mine mine" and self wealth collection to spend on stupid shit has ruined the West. I'm not saying hurr durr don't have money and don't save money, but if you're only working so you can become rich it's for all the wrong reasons.
Nips are blue pilled ad literally every male below 50 is a fedora tipping nice guy and the women would rather pursue their boring shitty career than fuck Japanese males.
best explanation in this thread
So salarymen have to ask their wives for "entertainment" money for prostitutes?
>be a Japanese male
>work hard for little money
>give that money to your wife
>she spends the money on trashy lingerie so she can pretend to be a hooker on dating sites and cyber with white guys from the US/UK/Australia
Yeah, That happens in white family's as well.
If you look at your grand parents they may of had your grandmother doing the budget while your grandfather worked.
I don't know, why but i always read posts by Malaysians. They're such amazing posters.
I don't get it, That doesn't seem that bad for me.
However presumably that means she's working as well?
forgot your christ chan
It's not so healthy. Most married couple don't love each other, or much like each other so much so that the younger generation doesn't even want to marry.
I love the comment she makes about happy couples in love, "I wish the would all die!""
seems weird tbqh
although here traditionally couples just pool their money
I'd go find a picture of a woman with a broken face, but I'll just tell you to go roleplay as woman in /soc/ instead.
Fucking Sup Forums bullshit
>reading too much Mizuryu Kei manga
It's not bad for us, it's just a rising trend with married Japanese women.
And another contributing factor to a low birth-rate.
>Posting cancerous garbage like that
I'm white and let my wife manage the finances. She's extremely frugal and I'm not. It's like having an accountant, all our money is accounting for and tracked at all times.
Care to share any of those websites? For research.
srsly what the fuck. that's not what the guy implied, japs do go on holiday to pacific islands like guam or hawaii
>She's extremely frugal and I'm not.
You really learn to control yourself.
American-based ones like OkCupid, just put the search location as Japan (or any Asian country, really depending on what ratio of class/depravity you prefer), and then find any of the women who have a profile pic in lingerie, or in some sexy pose wit their face obscured out of the frame.
My first thought with all of these was that they were legit prostitutes or bots, but I ended up getting messaged by one, and I played along, just waiting for her to ask for money, but she never did, and then I got her to send pictures, and then eventually she broke down and revealed in broken English that she was married.
Then she either quit that shit or maybe her husband found out and killed her, who knows?
But since then I've been more willing to start messaging those hooker/bot looking profiles, and sometimes they are bots, but of the real ones, I've never been asked for money, and seven of them have come out as married, and the rest of them have just SEEMED like they also were.
shutup dyke, move to saudi arabia
How hard is it to understand that Japan doesn't have shit western culture?
Japanese culture really needs to change. Why can't they see this?
How was Japan able to stay out of the multicult SJW wave that swept the West in the last two decades if their men are such undeniable beta cucks?
Really makes you think.
Japanese culture is fine, the West should learn from them.
>Virtual cuckcolding
What is the point of this and why do you want this?
From what I've heard, from the muzzies I work with, Pakis do this too.
Why would I want to have sexual conversations with and naked pictures of women?
Gee, I dunno, man.
I married a European girl, and at first i let her manage all finances, but i realized that she canntot save money for shit due to being too impulsive and shortsighted.
So now i mange all the fiances, but this kinda thing really made me regret marrying a non-Japanese.
It's not like all the Japanese wives know how to mange money well though.
Oh, I didn't realize the expectation that they would have low standards.
You seem mad.
Did your wife do something similar behind your back?
Stop lying. You're not married.
Happens throughout the Middle East, I'm Jewish and can confirm that this happens to Ashkenazim too
Im okay with this explanation.
whats so bad about this?
>not having a marriage bank account with all your pay and savings going into
>not giving your wife complete access to funds in case of an emergency.
>not realizing money wont fufill you as a man and that instead providing for your own family and eating homecooked meals with your children and wife is always going to fill the hole in your heart.
>thinking that providing for your children and wife is cuckold tier and instead is better in every way to the R type nigger breeding culture festering in the USA or WEST.
>you take nothing with you into the afterlife, you only leave behind your children and love.
lel, you have no reason to suspect I'm married.
I'm interest in what possible reason a person would want to romance in particular unloyal wives unless the thought of cucking some man pleases them.
You'll find that Semitic and Eastern women in general are very loyal to their children and never spend money on themselves. They also never get divorced, I've heard some real horror stories but they weather it all out of love for their children. Unlike European women who are quite selfish and narcissistic.
Most Asian women who aren't spoiled know how to manage money because they spend their time helping and learning from their mothers, aka contributing to the household.
I went to college in America and amazed at how white women don't try to look for better deals but prioritize convenience over save-ability because "BUT I WANT IT NOOOW."
Married to a Japanese woman. She wants to do that with me, told her "no". But to be honest, most Japanese women are great wives/mothers that put her families needs first. They aren't like American women who would go shopping for themselves if they controlled the money. Japanese are not showoffs, they drive simple cars and live in simple homes.
same thing happened with my mothers husband.
what a cuck.
Also Arab and Jewish societies were traditionally matriarchal in our pre-monothesitic days. Ishtar and Isis and all that might give you an indication. Our women are the glue that hold our societies together, They're a lot more cunning and rational than their western counterparts
Jerking off on the internet to cam girls who may or may not be married, or bots, is about 100x more alpha than actually going out and getting pussy, ya dumb beta male
All I know is mot one single person in my wives family is divorced and growing up, none of her classmates had divorced parents. Meanwhile, my stepdad was divorced twice lol.
After an Asian women marry, especially after getting a baby, they feel so much pressure to be a responsible mother,
and they try their best to save money for their kids and don't waste money for their ego(such as for unnecessary cloths and other luxury stuff).
Of course there are pros and cons for this.
For example, because of feeling too much pressure for a good "mother" role, they often stop paying attention to be an attactive female for husband.
Sexless marriage is often a bigger issue in Japan than in the West.
Well, but when i consdier about the obesity rate in the West, I kinda don't know what I'm talking about....
it was normal in USSR. Men are children that want toys and vodka and can just ignore necessities after all, look at bachelors.
>Our women are the glue that hold our societies together
Good luck with your African empire then.
It`s education. You would do the same with the right curriculum.
You see, illuminati are training male to be slave (slaves would have hard time overthrowing ZOG). And they are training female to be his wardens and to make slaves of her children with her own hands "if you wont - your child will be antisocial/not socially adapted/unhealthy/etc.".
Any word, that comes out of feminist, meninist, mediakike or any official speakhole is about installing mentioned models of thinking onto sexes.
You ain't getting out of that plane. I believe they're sealed in.
Women in Japan are more faithful than women elsewhere, it's like how back in the 20s-50s or so women would handle the finances of the family for groceries and the like and the men would just spend the money on whatever they wanted or that the family needed which fell outside of toiletries and the like
Because this mindset leads to suicide if you can't get a woman, so as a defence mechanism you start to convince yourself of the opposite, hence Sup Forums, still eventually leads to suicide because denial only goes so far.