Why are Americans so obsessed about what state they're from? Like in movie they'd always say "you're not from around here" or "Is that a Boston accent?"
WHO FUCKING CARES, it's the same country retards!
Why are Americans so obsessed about what state they're from? Like in movie they'd always say "you're not from around here" or "Is that a Boston accent?"
WHO FUCKING CARES, it's the same country retards!
>being comprised of states and not uniting as a single country
delete this comment or im calling the cops now
You realize that our states are the size of many european nations...right?
cuz New York and Texas are miles apart in both ground and people.
> I hole doors open for people and shit, say thank you, yes ma'am etc
Can't get that up North, fkn got home sick quick
There are differences between the states, retardo.
Just remember
It's a white world you're living in
That's because Te only fucking thing you ever hear are the fucking moaning noises of sheep and the screams for welfare by your fucking natives.
>b-but abos
At least we kept those shit cunts in the fucking north so if those FYCKING japs ever come here they'll be greeted by noongahs.
Enjoy your sheep shagging and shitty island you fucking poofta cunt
You can get it in dakota, bubba.
It's like that in every country dummy. Are you chained to a radiator or something?
Is the south nicer? I'm a masshole who's going to be going to Tulsa, and I'm worried that I'm going to be seen as abrasive when I'm just acting normally.
I guess everyone's from the same part of russia.
South is social rationalism.
North is individualism.
What part of NZ are you?
My guess: Wellington.
its moreso Regions.
t. Bostonian who lived in Arizona for a bit and was asked "are you from Boston/NE" thousands of times.
I'm from Texas and holding the door for people is annoying, so is having the door held for you, it helps no one, unless I've got an armful of whatever the fuck, fuck off.
>Not having state pride
We are united as one country you dip
i get what you are saying OP. this country is so big though that the different regions kind of urbanized at different rates. theres alot of unique history to each part of the country so there is a bit of folky provincialism that still goes on. i dont think there are too many cities id dare not venture to being a white man from oregon. id probably avoid most dindu megahoods but id get along fine in des moines or boston just the same.
Because humans are naturally tribal.
Kiwi's identify as New Zealanders alone because there's only 5 million of you.
Americans need a way to differentiate themselves from the other 300,000,000 plebs who occupy their nation
I've been wondering if the Russian Federation has similar things. China does atleast, even worse than the USA.
Really low energy bait. Australia needs to teach it's kiwi friend a thing or two about shitposting.
Look at threads with Canadian OPs, just copy what they do and then maybe you might get the (You)'s you've been craving.
It takes no effort to hold a door or to say thank you to someone who does.
I love how people here bitch about having to do such trivial things. I swear it's autism.
>Like in movie they'd always say
A lot of shit. Do you believe everything you see in movies? Remember the tragic destruction of Tokyo by Godzilla? Remember how a meteor hit the ocean and killed a ton of people? That was a deep impact (if you know what I mean).
To be fair: There are differences between our states. Our country is pretty fucking big. I'm from the east coast and moved to the west coast and people here are different. No so much that they give me shit, but people notice subtle differences and that peaks their interest.
In my life it's happened maybe twice, and I've moved all over the place. Happened when I moved to Florida because I was swimming in cold water while people on the beach were in sweaters. Happened in California because people here actually are fucking weird (seriously, simple shit like sarcasm goes over their heads - it's strange). Noone REALLY cares. No hill billy is going to give you shit about it. It's just general interest.
>says the "united" kingdom that's really wales, scotland, England, and Ireland desperately trying to pull apart from each other
Same reason any real Canadian hates the Québécois or Albertan welfare rats, or shy any Aussie with sense hates anyone from Melbourne. Big countries breed different people.
Different climates, sports, television stations, local news, provincial/state laws. People aren't going to be similar because of an overarching government body.
Why are the people in the UK so obsessed with where they came from?
Like in the movies they always say "oy m8 you sound loike a cheeky irish cunt, i bet ya on me mum I do"
"Is that a scottish accent you haggis eating apple scrumper?
WHO FUCKING CARES, its the same country retards!
no it's not
I've moved over 30 times in my life and I'm only 24. You are delusional to think the whole country of America is the same. When people say "you aren't from around here", they literally mean, you don't understand how it works around here. Life is different in different area's of the US.
America is special because despite the MASSIVE differences between states (ie climates, dialects, political parties, and foods, to name a few) it is held together through common identity, rapid information transfer and great infrastructure.
It's funny that you say that, because California probably has more culture and overall GDP than most of your shitty European nations, you britcuck follower.
I hear the oregon washington area's very nice
>country in the middle of nowhere
>only 4 million people
>can't even make a decent flag
>has an opinion about anything
Weed, spic gangs and fags?
They really don't get it, but this guy does.
It was. Since the 90's the yuppies migrated there and gentrified it into a colony of california.
Why are Europeans so obsessed about what country they're from? Like in movie they'd always say "you're not from around here" or "Is that a Stockholm accent?"
WHO FUCKING CARES, it's the same Union retards!
It's a gesture and common courtesy you aspie.
Next time I'll just slam the door on your nigger face.
But they will get robots that deliver pizza soon, so I'd still rather be a Kiwi than anything else.
Each region has a distinct culture. It's cool to meet girls from other states, it's like banging a foreign exchange student with a cute accent. Goddamn I need me another southern girl asap.
but I still hear the midwest (maybe) and north west coast are god tier places to live
Dont forget literally piles of homeless people.
Walk past californian court house, literally 12 hobos passed out on the lawn. Of the fucking court house!
shut the fuck up german ball licker
>not being an aussie ball licker
I don't really care for Yanks and Yuppies. but I care for them more than I care for you Royal fags.
the state thing works out pretty good, I can cross the border and get shit I can't get in my state.
is the california homeless meme true? Isn't that the same place where rodeo drive is?
Keep in mind "the northeest" includes idaho, montana, the dakotas, wyoming.
Washington and oregone are okay in the rural areas, but portland and seattle practically invented hipsters.
Seattle literally invented starbucks, so yeah. Its like millineal central headquarters.
touchém mein freund
Because, in some cases we might as well be separate countries. I am from WA. I don't think Californians are American. I don't think we should be a part of an America that recognizes California as a part of America.
I believe we should wall off our borders and deport Califaggots via trebuchet over said wall. Hell, I don't even think Californians qualify as human most of the time.
I really want that shit hole to sink into the ocean. Instead, they drag us along with all their retarded insanity. We get more and more Califaggots moving up here, and quite frankly Oregon is not doing a good job stopping them from coming to us. Fuck you Oregon. They are turning our state into California. Starting with Seattle.
Someone needs to nuke that place. We really aren't that united. All the flag waving aside, we are actually being barely held together. If the trend continues then we will probably shatter. Might be good, might not be. Depends on how many lefties we can purge during the chaos.
I've been to about a douzen states and Idaho might be my favourite.
You'd love it as a Kiwi. Miles of untamed wilderness, outdoor activities and nobody lives there. It'd be a home away from home
Thank you based Guam.
I completely agree on more states rights and less feds. I want the ability to pick the state that fits my lifestyle the best instead of federal blanket rules for all states so you can't escape it. e.g. gun bans.
Midwest can be very, very empty and boring. Think large sections of the outback, but covered in fields of grass or crops. There's some neat towns and cities, but a lot of nothing.
Northwest coast is lib paradise central. It's almost exclusively middle class or higher whites and asians. Nice geography in a lot of it, but eastern Washington for instance is plains. It's alright I guess.
Montana seems like a good middle ground between the two. Not very populated though, if that's what you're after.
Why are non-Americans so obsessed with America?
nobody i know cares about it
Well fug, didn't look at flag. Well, think of the shitty wasteland of your nearest shitposting neighbor.
And Idaho, Wyoming, etc can be added to Montana as good choices. They sure need the population.
The wealthy neighborhoods (like rodeo drive) have fences and guards to keep em out.
Anyone not wealthy enough to live there can find homeless people sleeping in a density of about 4 or 5 per block.
Not exxagerating either, Im from the northwest but am stationed outside of LA because I enlisted and dont have a say in where I live. Hobos. Fucking. Everywhere.
Like, you sometimes actually have to step over them, and you arent even in the ghetto, regular working class middle income neighborhood. Hobos in the bushes, digging through trash cans, sleeping on your front porch, or under it.
In the actually poor neighborhoods you cant the hobos actually set up tents and build little hobo kingdoms in back alleys, unused lots, and abandoned buildings.
Some say if you fight your way to the center of such an encampment and defeat their tribal chieftan he will grant you three wishes, but ive never tested it.
You will get it when you guys will fully urbanize your continent.
nice try dad. I actually grew up in Singapore so I got used to the hustle and bustle and THEN when I went home I fukkin hated it. Still do
And here we have the classic "holier than thou" fuck nugget who pretends he's never bitched about having to do something trivial and pointless. I'm not saying it's the end of the fucking world you cunt, I'm just saying it's annoying.
cuz you're always up in everybody's grill
Nationalism on steroids
its pretty great
fuck Indiana, fuck Ohio and fuck Wisconsin
Illinois, Michigan, and Iowa goonsquad gunna fuck your shit
Montana resident here.
Our philosophy is "gut shoot em at the border."
Which, being a rural area has a special meaning. When you gut-shoot an animal it will not dy quickly, but instead crawl back to its nest or burrow and writhe around for a while before dying, removing the need for you to expend energy birying a pest.
We hardly consider califaggots human. Our terminology for them literally rates them at about the level of a raccoon or pack-rat.
iowa is the shire for real. rolling hills, simple people, slow pace but safe and inviting. the NW is probably one of the mos scenic places in the US. socially its mega left but its also super rural for the most part. look at a map. portland is 800 from san francisco and to the east, the biggest and closest city is still 300 or so miles away. id say visit the east coast but this countries future is the sun belt and the west coast.
that's pretty interesting. What;s your opinion on the north south if that makes sense? not like florida or louisiana but more Arkansas and Virginia
>no sir, I'm from Kentucky
>fuck Wisconsin
Spoken like a true flatlander, kys cuck.
Maybe because the states are of the size of country?
It's like asking europeans
>Why are Europeans so obsessed about what country they're from?
>WHO FUCKING CARES, it's the same union retards!
apart from being insufferable, is it worse than let's say poor states or something?
You're weird, Mexico.
this is partially true. they are boom states, they always have been though. portland has had massive population growth since the 1800s. we never really felt the effects of deindustrialization. seattle is the big mega city out here though. sf likes to think they are the capital of the west coast, thats still LA, but the real future of the west will happen in seattle. more space, cheaper real estate. the SF exodus has already started.
Iowa 3>
balkanization when?
>b but a fucking leaf
i want balkanization here too
do google streetview of skid row in los angeles. not a meme.
i have no idea what the fuck's going on in this map
Because the USA is big and has actual naturally occurring diversity born of the melding of different cultures in different regions over many decades which, until the fairly modern times and the development of advanced transportation technology, were fairly isolated from each other.
Our Constitutions emphasis on a states ability to self govern where it doesn't violate federal law, limitations on what the federal goverment is allowed to pass laws on, each state having their own fairly equal representation in the legislative branch, and the fact that the old scars of the civil war are still clearly visible also play a part.
Imagine a version of Europe whos histoty was much the same but everyone mostly spoke the same language and the EU was more representative of its member countries. Any measure this EU tried to pass must to first be approved by two legislative bodies comprised of democratically elected officials from each member nation, one body being weighted by the nation's population, and the other with an equal member of representatives for all nations. Chances are people from different countries would still give each other a hard time.
Also, Virginia reporting in, Sic semper tyrannis..
BCer here
as the only province with economic growth this year who will be paying the most in equalization taxes youre all fucking welfare rats. Also thanks for deciding that election before we colonials finished voting
Give us a fair vote stop taking our money or give us independence. NO TAXATION WITHOUR REPRESENTATION!!
Wisconsin is Illinois's biggest state park so I like them more than Michigan tbqh senpai
T. Autist that vacations in Wisconsin
God I hate the name of your city, Get a better name, and a better bigger fucking church than that cardboard shit or the dumb tiny one that fell down.
have you been to portland recently?? its like that here too. hobo fucking meltdown....
No, he's right, fuck you.
You call your elders sir and ma'am, unless they give you a reason not to.
You hold doors open for women, and men if you're polite or they have their hands full.
That's one of those things that keep Texas Texan, and it's pretty fucking easy to do.
Im from Montana, one of the poorest states.
I fucking detest seattle, spokane washington (spokanistan) has become infested with middle eastern immigrants and is kind of a shithole.
Never been to oregone, but as soon as you start heading west these stupid social drama issues disappear and you end up in 95 percent white blue collar workers who keep to themselves and are pretty reasonable folks.
The other 5 percent are native americans who are mostly hilariously alchoholic petty thieves, but thier drunken antics are great for having a laugh at the remnants of a conquered culture so we tolerate them.
The one or two black people are VERY well behaved, they know they are in enemy territory.
>compared to Europe
Im from Montana, one of the poorest states.
I fucking detest seattle, spokane washington (spokanistan) has become infested with middle eastern immigrants and is kind of a shithole.
Never been to oregone, but as soon as you start heading west these stupid social drama issues disappear and you end up in 95 percent white blue collar workers who keep to themselves and are pretty reasonable folks.
The other 5 percent are native americans who are mostly hilariously alchoholic petty thieves, but thier drunken antics are great for having a laugh at the remnants of a conquered culture so we tolerate them.
The one or two black people are VERY well behaved, they know they are in enemy territory.
I think I saw an asian once, but it was far away, could have just been down syndrome.
Not surprising coming from a kiwi
California can drop into the fucking ocean and take it's (((culture))) with it.
>types this on a US invented keyboard made in China while also reading the Book of Mormon
Really funny there, Todd.
In the UK you can actually tell a lot about someone from their accent. Class is still very important.
At least to me.
Only non-pleb in the nation, here. How's it going?
>western canada
Pretty based place. couldnt think of any other symbol for the west
>islamic state
Ontario loves muslims is the most welcoming of (((diversity))) and is where 99.99% of "leaf shitposters" come from (too bad they alone control our elections)
Quebec is basically their own french culture and have wanted independence for years
>maritime union
the atlantic provinces couldnt survive on their own and this has been a secession idea for awhile
NO, it's a union of States, you fetal-alcohol syndrome afflicted dingo.
I guess flags are rags...
Illinoisan/Michigander spotted. your daily reminder to fucking kill yourself and stay out of Hoosier land.
I agree but whoever took that photo should be shot alongside the person who is in the photo
bama here