And you thought negros were a problem.
>we lord of the flies now
Isn't Zika a problem jus for pregnant women? Guess the BBC is not so good now...
good thing I never leave my room, neets will inherit the earth when all your normalfags die
>1 post by this ID
I'm prepping my bunker, you fools can die if you want
Good thing black 'women' are hardly ever pregnant.
Florida isn't human user. Just gas the niggers that got the plague and we will be all good.
>tfw Floridian
Why couldn't this happen to SoCal instead?
If only you had built a wall..
The big scare right now is that we apparently know next to nothing about it because the South American researchers who've been studying it keep fucking lying or providing misinformation.
>They said it couldn't be passed by mosquitoes.
It can,
>They said it couldn't be spread by different species of mosquito
It can,
>They said it couldn't be spread by sexual contact.
It can
>They said it had no longer term risks
It does.
>They said the birth defects were unrelated
They weren't
>They said the risk of birth defects only lasts for a few weeks
It lasts months, potentially longer
>They said only pregnant women were at risk of birth defects
Men infected are at risk of being the source of defects as well
>They said there weren't any other serious risks
There's evidence that Zika infections can cause GBS, MS, and other forms of debilitating paralytic and neurological conditions.
so this is how it ends; the healthy running from and fighting off the poor, weak and infected.
guess I better get in shape and buy a gun
>small brain people
How are they different to the average american?
No source guys. Op is a shill.
Fagget, do you even know our top tier scientists found cure for zika.. unintentionally ?
No Zika chan ?
zika chan is pregnant brazilian whore with blonde negro tier hair
love dat video
>They said it had no longer term risks
>It does.
Not from the virus itself.
>They said only pregnant women were at risk of birth defects
>Men infected are at risk of being the source of defects as well
The way you're stating this is misleading.
Men cause defects by infecting women that are pregnant/soon to be pregnant, not directly. Once men pass the infectious stage, there are no issues.
>They said there weren't any other serious risks
>There's evidence that Zika infections can cause GBS, MS, and other forms of debilitating paralytic and neurological conditions.
There are a whole bunch of infections, both bacterial and viral, that are documented to trigger GBS and MS. It is not special in this regard, and researchers studying them believe it is the immune response to infection rather than the infection itself that triggers them.
Zika is a dumb meme virus. They will have a vaccine within the year.
All that dumb meme peddling cucks like yourself have to do to be safe is talk to your wife and her boyfriend and plan to wait for your wife to have her son until after she has the vaccine.
The only people that have to worry about zika are currently pregnant women and people that accidentally have children--like niggers. This is why SA has been hit so hard; it's full of both permapregnant women and niggers.
Brain dead little potato people can't commit crimes