What is a political opinion you have that majority of Sup Forums would disagree with?

What is a political opinion you have that majority of Sup Forums would disagree with?

Hitler did something wrong

Communism is good

Kikes are mostly decent folk. Race war hopefully never.

Being transgendered is okay

Americans are gay.

Christianity is not the one true religion. There are more illuminating spiritual paths.

political correctness is the salvation of this humanity.

I support Authoritarianism.

socio-economic factors are the primary reason for nigger crime rates.

australians are a-okay and shouldnt be genocided if given the opportunity

Allah is the one true god, and Muhammad is his prophet.

abortion is good

America is an awful country full of awful people

Israel is a good ally

The concept of 'race' is a spook that only defines skin colour and cosmetic differences. All issues surrounding 'race' are simply down to isolation and cultural difference between ethnicities.

just like your mom's vagina

SJW, and BLM are totally legitimate ideological guidance for this generation, they are true heroes, and withes are animals.

Blanket Drug testing welfare recipients is a huge waste of taxpayer money.

Jews are fine. They're smart people and generally red pilled. Yeah they sell shit like rap and SJWism in the media.. because that's what people want. It's not all some magic fucking spell of theirs. It's our degeneracy and we should be addressing it, not saying WE WUZ ARYANS TILL DA JOOZ CORRUPTED US.


Jews are probably not an organized cabal and most likely don't exert control over everything from the shadows. The fact that the majority of the world's media outlets and banks are owned by Jews is most likely pure coincidence.

I always thought New Zealand's flag should have a blue background with a giant picture of goatse in the middle of it. That or a farmer fucking a sheep.

It's not really political but pol is basically confirmation bias: the board

National Socialism is still Socialism

The ideal society is one in which the great diversity of the world's viewpoints are freely exchanged, challenged, discussed, and tested.

Jews, although (apparently) disproportionately represented in higher levels of society, are not involved in a collective plot against western society.

Hitler did something wrong.

how so?

Globalism is the future

i suppose that's the idea.

Socialism is good, so long as it is nationalist in nature and not globalist. Most of you fascist faggots aren't even real Nazis.

This absolutely false sir btw. You are ignoring 100 years of scientific data to come to that conclusion.

Drugs should all be legalised and a part of the enforcement savings and tax revenue should be put into solving the problems caused by addiction and mental illness.

Hitler was fucking retarded. And anyone else in that role would have won the shit out of WW2 in his shoes, even with incompetent Italy
as in someone in that role who gets to decision make from the beginning

>literally proven wrong on this by science

What exactly

Flat earth

I like Israel and hope they keep killing the uppity self righteous Paleslimes. And I think culture is more important than race.


Newt shouldn't be Trump's VP

I love Netanyahu

I don't hate niggers Gaza is goobois

I think America is cancer.
I think Anglo is cancer.
I don't think Trump will be the saviour of the white race
I think "white" identity as it is in America is pitiful
I think American cops are murderers
I like sex with women

Hillary Clinton will win the election solely because she is a woman, just like Obama won both his elections solely because he was a black man.

Make Clinton a man and make Obama white with the same baggage and credentials. They'd fucking never get nominated.

Emotions and religion have no place in politics. Everything should be by the numbers for the sake of functionality.

Any criminal that knew what they were doing when they did it should be killed.

The key is that it I forces nationalism, unlike international socialism

Personally I believe in local socialistism

He attacked Russia

Losing. :(

Marijuana should stay illegal but people who just take marijuana should be given prison sentences

That's really only true for the legitimate racists and Neo-Nazis on this board. A good chunk of Sup Forums actually does pay attention to all of the evidence.

I thought we were friends finland

Homosexuality and abortion are non issues that the right pushes as convenient distractions, religion has no place whatsoever in the government

I don't have a problem with gays. Maybe not the most divisive ever but there seems to be a lot of people here against gay marriage.

Freedom is better than fascism.

he turned the majority of his army away from the western front to attack russia. He could easily have invaded Britain stopping any american foothold in europe and essentially winning the war

Finland has no friends :(
I think we're one of the few E-European countries that hate both Russia and USA quite intensely.

We should vote for Hillary, to finally end this hell world.

Agreed. These things aren't a problem for everyone else. Abortion means fewer low class people get born.

If I knew, do you think we'd still be in this mess, user?
Critical thinking, brah.

socialism itself is cancer you fucking idiot

Nationalist Capitalism is the way to go

>Literally shrug off Britian after they retreat back, let them get powerful
>le no retreat XDXDXDX
>lost best parts of your army
>say meh to taking fucking Moscow

Hitler was retarded.
>blamed it all on his generals even though they said NO thats fucking gay, every time he made choices

This. It seems a lot of people come here just to confirm what they already believe, whilst simultaneously being pushed farther to the right by it.


nothing more cucked than being a nationalist

I'll be your friend Finland

Democracy is the best system of government we have

Fascism is retarded

>Nationalist Capitalism

It's not surprising hearing that from a Dutch user. You basically invented Nationalist Capitalism with the VOC.

trump will ruin this country just as badly as shillary if he gets elected, he was created by the system, why would he try to even unravel it? Well he isn't directly lying, hes not being completely being honest either.

>nothing more cucked than being a nationalist

t. Remainer

Aye, those things would fade away by themselves anyway if we were to erect a healthy society/culture. It's like not watering your plants and then getting mad at them for losing their leaves.

Eh, I think as far as actual science (not the kind meme posted to this board) agrees with him, not you. It's hardly even a debate anymore
>inb4 Jews control the science and scientists are globalist devils

He killed Hitler.

I'm straight but gay marriage doesn't bother me

All religions are complete shit (though islam is objectively worse because it never went through reformation and it's a political religion too)

Public healthcare and education is very important and we should strive for the best of both

Taxes are fine if the money is spent on helping the less fortunate, not leeches

Trump is not the one true saviour, he is the lesser of two evils

If you can behave like a decent human being i don't give a shit about your ethnicity/religious beliefs/etc

Free trade is good.

your country is run by a bunch of old men who milk you for every penny of your hard earned money.

they would go to war and let you die just to make themselves richer

nationalists support this

Skyrim belongs to the Imperials. Down with Thalmor puppets.

Yup, this too though i do think it's up to each church whether they will marry them or not

In Denmark they can get married at city hall if no church wants to do it and that should be enough

Hilary will win because most Americans see Trump as a horrible candidate. Agree or disagree, that's the truth. She's lucky she's running against Trump

Most of Sup Forums is fine with gays. Gay white men are literally one of Sup Forums's biggest allies.

Coal burners are only a problem if they exclusively let non-whites bang them, if they just aren't fussed about race I don't see the the issue.

If anything exclusively fucking one race is dumb, limits your options. Shouldn't actively seek a brown partner because who cares about race really?

and it brought us into a Golden Age, giving us the most powerful Navy and making us the richest country for 2 centuries.

I don't understand why we moved away from that

Women aren't that horrible

>Any criminal that knew what they were doing when they did it should be killed.
That's some serious dictator-level crazy hammarabbi's code type of shit

i am pro choice...i dont actually knows pols position on this.

The argument that western civilization will be destroyed because of non-white immigration and race mixing means that black dick is so powerful that it destroys civilizations.

Remember that.

>he thinks taxes would be high in a Capitalist society

you're pretty retarded desu

Absolutely not true

He failed to cleanse this earth of kikes, slavs, and gypsies.

We need to go back to Christianity


Israel is morally superior to the nations that surround it.

Hammurabi was onto something.

get fucked! hispanic families in america have an even lower household income and commit far less crimes. why? because they don't get divorced and have children out of wedlock. negros cant keep it in their pants or commit. single men abandoning their baby mommas produce crooks. and lead. lead exposure is an absolute cause of delinquency. hope larry the cat is doing well.

In my opinion being a christian=being bluepilled.Also in my country means pretty much also being cucked by the Church

Women are superior to men in most ways.

blacks in the US would probably not have a lower IQ if they did some cray-cray sheeit like

1. Value nuclear family
2. Value education
3. Built their own businesses
4. Stopped doing/selling drugs
5. Made shit degenerate music
6. Stopped blaming the white man
7. Weren't niggers

I see what you did there :^)

That last one on sugar is noteworthy because the tariff is in the vicinity of 350%. The fact US companies have to pay upward of four times more for sugar than they otherwise would've without the tariff has pushed many confectioners and others who use large amounts of sugar to shift production outside of the US, most notably Hershey's. The lost manufacturing jobs significantly outweigh the farming jobs saved for the two or three large sugar producers in the US.

If you want to disincentivize moving a company overseas, I would suggest you begin by eliminating every regulation possible and shifting to some type of consumption tax instead of an income tax.

I said a good chunk, which is maybe pushing like 25% of the board.

Eh, you know what, never mind, fuck what I said, Sup Forums is a hivemind. But sometimes hiveminds can be right.

Why famous black rappers and athletes break the law so much then?

Abortion is great. Though Sup Forums might agree with me on my reasoning (Good nigger population control)