Anti-establishment! Expect he picks the two biggest establishment neo-con bible thumping hacks out there! Lol how does it feel to be wrong again Sup Forums? Trump was always a sell out.
Anti-establishment! Expect he picks the two biggest establishment neo-con bible thumping hacks out there! Lol how does it feel to be wrong again Sup Forums? Trump was always a sell out.
what the fuck?
I know, it's pretty fucking confusing to me as well. He's all but signing his death warrant and dooming us to a gingrich presidency if he picks newt.
every single fucking story like this reads like a sitcom
I think he would be better suited to Secretary of Defense
Newt is a piece of shit, I highly doubt he's all that familiar with his bible. Considering all the affairs and all. Gonna make it harder to hit clinton with being a POS when gingrich is similar in a lot of ways.
>I highly doubt he's all that familiar with his bible. Considering all the affairs and all.
Trump's a Christian and had three wives. Divorce isn't allowed in the bible. Christians are hypocritical shits like that.
So it is Flynn. This is just faking out the press.
I still can't fathom why anyone would want to fuck someone who literally looks like an overgrown baby, let alone multiple women.
Honestly, I don't believe what the media says about this. Trump has stopped baiting the media with semi-outragous (to liberals) statements for publicity, and instead his campaign is now dropping VP breadcrumbs every day or two for publicity. It's working. Not only are they vetting them for him, but it's also giving him free media coverage as usual.
We'll know who the VP is when we know.
Trump is a christian* to get the nomination. The dude couldn't name a bible verse when asked.
>Trump is a christian* to get the nomination. The dude couldn't name a bible verse when asked.
How many Christians in America actually read or know the bible?
Women can be paedos too.
>We'll know who the VP is when we know.
So when it's Newt?
I like Newt, he seems to actually get Trump and understands the overall message of MAGA. He's got a lot of credentials and his FOX appearances are always pro Trump. He's like one of the few mainstream guys whose supported Trump
Newt's a possibility. But there are plenty of others.
>Newt's a possibility. But there are plenty of others.
It will be him. Trump even said he wanted and establishment hack for VP who knows Washington.
A lot of them are what I'd call cultural Christians. If you go by the words of Christ they'll be turned away. Matthew 7:23, Matthew 7:13
He's an open borders cuckservative globalist. Fuck off.
He should pick this guy only because a former general will be the best pick given the times
He's going to pick whoever shuts up the #NeverTrump faggots because they will fuck up his campaign if he doesn't.
>#NeverTrump faggots
Oh did we hurt you feeling faglord?
>giving a FUCK about the VP
he could pick his nutsack to be VP and I'd put their yard sign up
Maybe he was but so was everybody in the 90s I think he realizes that the party members (not the elite) want a change
In that case it's Pence
Trump has also said he wants someone who mirrors him on policy. In the case of VP selecting he can and does say anything he wants. What he thinks could be entirely different.
Yes, Newt's the candidate who's getting the most publicity at the moment, but that really doesn't mean anything. Almost everything is based on 'sources close to the campaign', who have probably been told exactly what to leak. I have no idea who he will choose in the end. Newt wouldn't surprise me, but neither would Flynn or potentially even someone who has barely registered a mention.
>Yes, Newt's the candidate who's getting the most publicity at the moment, but that really doesn't mean anything.
And what will you say when it is Newt? I want you beat a 100 dollars it won't be Newt.
Pence is a auto-loss
any shill saying otherwise is fucking stupid and ignorant of this country
he'll have a hard time with newt but may come around if lucky
the biggest issue with newt is cheating on his cancer wife and later cheating on that other mistress
>Divided between Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
I can see why..
Just go ahead and call off the election and install Hillary as President now.
Does vice president even have any political power while president is still alive?
>Anti-establishment! Expect he picks the two biggest establishment neo-con bible thumping hacks out there! Lol how does it feel to be wrong again Sup Forums? Trump was always a sell out.
He has to get the Bible-belt vote.
>the biggest issue with newt is cheating on his cancer wife and later cheating on that other mistress
Sounds like a typical Republican though.
>He has to get the Bible-belt vote.
Jeb pls go.
yeah but this would rile up cnn and msnbc with "soggyknees and cheater" for months non-stop
Depends on the President and Vice President.
2 candidates, 7 wives
Why the hell would he choose Pence when he endorsed Ted Cruz?
>implying this isn't a red herring
I expect moonbases
The VP, Donald, give it to me.
Cruz would decline. He's already making plans for 2020.
All of the practicing ones.
I read that in his smarmy voice. Then I ate a booger that was lying around on my lip.
It was an ass kissing competition, but i'd still include christy. Althought im 99% sure he's going with Newt, especially if he wants dems.