"My legs are in a reasonable amount of discomfort"

"My legs are in a reasonable amount of discomfort"

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How do they pay for all of this?

in wontons

scrape by on disability.



>all these fat shaming threads


I'm unironically triggered right now

Thank goodness for the censor

No matter how bad your life gets it will never get this bad

Who feeds these people? They can't get to the kitchen right?

>He fell for the GOMAD meme

They have an enabler who brings them whatever they want. The one in this episode was the worst.

>BUT ITS WHAT I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!

your tax dollars at work.

There is nothing wrong in telling fat people they are disgusting.

How does he gain 100 lbs after starting treatment? Are they really that delusional to keep feeding him that much food?

What episode?

So is Steven Assanti going to be in this season or not?

>Dr Now walks in
>Steven you are 800 lbs
>Before we do the surgery you need to lose 200 lbs


>"steven you need to stop making excu-"


Why do they have to be under 600 lbs for the surgery?


god I remember when he had half that much fat.


"Just a taste, james" you say as he continues slurping down his gravy. "We both need out breakfast, correct?" Faintly nodding his approval, you get eye level with the yellowed crust flake on his toe. "An appetizer", you say. James eyes light up and he inquires, "where?" Ignoring him, you slide the tip of your tongue up the edge of the flake, a small piece breaks off and becomes soggy as moisture is returned. Swallowing it, you tilt your head to the left and align your bottom teeth under the crust, moving slightly forward and slicing off the whole piece. "Mm" James grunts as the flake slides under your tongue, the oniony piece turning spongy. You swallow, but with an audible gulp - as large as it is, it didn't go down easy. "Now for the main course" you say wryly. James beady eyes dart all over the room past his plate of gravy and steak, desperately looking for a fuller meal. Holding your nose up to the fold of his legs you take a deep smell all the way into your core. Cheese, mayonnaise and the smell of full rot enter your lungs. You gag, but you will not be denied your feast. Taking one of the leg pustules into your mouth, you bite down hard - thick, yellow pus shoots into your throat and strikes your uvula. With the taste of pure rot, your gag helps the half mouthful of disease get down your throat and into your stomach. This feels wonderful, as you haven't eaten in a day. Finally you pull apart the crux of his legs do reveal half an inch of incredibly thick goop lining the folds. "Laygs" was said from the corpulent James but you barely notice. Sliding a finger into the goop, you happily place it into your mouth and suckle it down. No longer can you help it and you go hog wkld, drinking mouthfuls of what used to be skin and fat down your hungry throat. Stomach full and picking your teeth of bits of flesh, you kiss James deeply through the remnants of sausage and gravy lining his lips. Falling asleep on his huge fatpad, well, today was bliss.

How the fuck has only 1 of these fuckers died?

Performing dangerous surgery on someone who hasn't remotely altered the behaviours that got them there is just a waste of everyone's time.

>fat chance
That still killed me.

Doctors in the usa are cowards. Harold Shipman would have done the surgery.

The worst part is they ruined his daughter's life by taking her out of school to wipe his ass.

How does child services not take her away?

A literal landwhale with barnacles included


I want this fat fuck to see a guy in a speedo. I want him to see what normal people like, what healthy people like and I want him to feel fucking awful that he's a fat tub of shit that contributes nothing to society but dank memes for bored teenagers on the internet.

at least theres a noose right next to him


He obviously wasn't following his diet to a tee but 90% of it is genetics

I wonder how James is doing these days, is he dead? Of all the people I have seen on this show he is really a despicable piece of shit

I watched Nicole's episode. It had everything: obesity, poverty, drug addiction, juggalos, personality disorders, abusive parents. It was the quintessential american drama. By the time i got to the end, i was rooting for Nicole to succeed. The fucking police raid on their house (they rented the garage in the home they were staying in and the tenants were busted for drug dealing)was so stressful to watch. I hope they do a follow-up episode.


that was a good episode too, that whole family is fucked. the mouthbreather jugglo boyfriend was a nice touch

I honestly can't comprehend how people reach this level of obesity.

Fat impacts the ability to do surgery. The thinner you are the easier it is for surgeons.

Because you don't have a dysfunctional relationship with a doting enabler.

Literally all he has to do is yell BRING ME FOOD and she comes running with biscuits and gravy

>quintessential american drama
Midwestern drama*

Wait is that this motherfucker?



I threw up

Part of what pisses me off about these people is how they basically drag everyone down with them. I feel sorry for that fat fucks daughter, shes basically giving up her life to clean his gross ass every day.

I've only ever gagged while reading something twice in my life, and the other time was to the Toy Box Killer's audio transcripts.

It's going to be a good episode.


Wouldn't work. He sees himself as a victim and is dumbfounded when talking his way out of situations doesn't work.

reminds me of the Fats in Blade

How do you let your own son get like this?
Jesus man.

I just cannot imagine being that big. I used to be fat at 220, down to 160 now. But even being 220 i felt huge and felt like shit all the time, but add another 400lbs on top of that is fucking insane.

These people even if they get to a decent weight are fucked, how they are alive now is crazy. Are we gonna get an episode where one of them dies?

If he walked would he get like super strong legs with all that weight?

At least he's not Anthony Burch

Doubt it. The doctor doesn't do the surgery until they can reach a safe weight.

I can't either and I'm 270, these threads have been getting me to eat healthier although I still save in to cravings at times.

U retarded? His knees would probably collapse and then destroy his ankles and feet, not to mention his spine cannot support that weight. Also he probably has no muscles from being in the bed all the time so theres no way he could stand

The thing I don't get is the obsession tv has with the guy. He's not the heaviest person and perhaps hes not the most unsympathetic, so why keep going on about him. I mean I love bashing fatties just as much as the next guy but why is this one so alluring to you all. Even steven assanti has the pre tv thing going for him, that being his youtube channel. What does this lard lorry have?

Because his episode was the latest one, he had the grossest legs, and gained the most weight while on a diet.

I mean prior to the surgery, i doubt they'd air an episode if the person they were following died at some point while documenting their story

its this weeks episode

>just barely hit technically obese weight at around this same time last year mainly because of booze
>felt terrible and was disgusted with myself
>around September stopped drinking, started exercising, cooking nutritious foods, and counting calories, lost 50lbs, now well into healthy weight
>feel like a completely different person
>keep standing in front of the mirror rubbing and slapping my now flat stomach, my thin not chipmunk cheeked face, my love-handle-less hips, my lard-replaced-with-muscle legs, my man-boob-less chest thats no longer sticking out from holding in my gut.
>cant fucking believe my eyes that the big disgusting blob of fat that used to be my whole reality is gone
>wake up every single day having completely forgotten that it's gone until I get out of bed without any effort and with so much more energy and feel the joy all over again
>>mfw all these fat threads keep showing up

Oh thank fucking god.. jesus fucking christ I'm not these people. I'm never going to be one of these people holy fucking shit hail satan.

it's funny that doc knows the majority will relapse and go back to their old habits.
so does he do it because he believes in redemption or for the paychecks?

They're not afraid to do the surgery. They just dont want to waste resources on someone who hasn't proven they're committed to changing

I laughed so hard when he was told he gained like 150lbs. How do you fuck that up, like how do you not realize your eating way more than wat the diet says. Though that kind of showed how he got that way inn the first place

He does it for the money, fucking idiot.

>They're not afraid to do the surgery

If there's any complications that can be attributed to the weight they get sued for malpractice.
Doctors are afraid of surgery on fat people like doctors are afraid of surgery with heroin addicts.

>foreign doctor
>can work anywhere in the world
>chooses the united states
>the country that pays doctors the most money
really makes you think...

>*blocks your path*
>"So I understand you've not been following a 1,200 calorie a day diet


They sign waivers acknowledging the risks.

It's elective surgery

user is overeating and not being truthful about it

>fucking idiot

Cause doctors that actually practice the Hippocratic Oath don't exist right?
Each and every MD/DO is all about the money right?

Nothing wrong with getting the most out of your training. If you could pull the kind of money these docs do working in another country you'd consider it too.


I'd love to see them do episodes on these people in a few years to see how they are. I bet most if not all are just back on pace to being huge again. I don't believe these people have the willpower to stick with this change

Waivers aren't 100% legally binding. If the hospital/surgeon knows there's a risk and they ignore it: malpractice. Just because a person signs a contract doesn't dismiss law.

Doesn't matter, they're not doctors and their consent on any sort of waiver could be called into question due to their lack of medical knowledge. If you operate on them without getting them down lower, your malpractice insurer will just settle and raise your premiums.

season 3 and 4 have 'where are they now' episodes

>watching Erica
>her family moves her to an apartment in Houston
>they don't tell her the address so she can't order food
>she can't go outside and check the street name/house number

I unironically wish the axis won WWII everyday thanks to shit like this

but can't whales use echolocation?

How do these people survive and live? How can they afford enough food to keep them this weight? They may not live all that good but the ones i've seen don't have jobs but they still have homes

Those are good family. With James K it was just "I'm sick of chicken and fish, order me chinese" "okay, also here's some cheesecake you didn't even ask for."

Thank god they blurred his buttcrack.

I can cope with all the other weeping and oozing cracks, but that specific one would have caused me to lose my lunch.

holy fuck

I think you mean
>Doctors in the USA dont waste tax payer's money
You unironically think this is a bad thing and feel smug and superior to Americans, you're this cucked.

There's no way he is going to understand any of that.

This guy has ruined his life for fucking sausage and gravy, and fast food. So he's not intelligent enough to look at other people and "see what they like or want."

It's honestly mostly stupidity. The guy is just a moron who can't figure out what to do with life but eat. And so it's pointless to try to get him "treatment"--he doesn't have anything to live for but food and there's very little chance he has the willpower to suddenly decide "well I'll just eat a boring bland diet of 1200 calories of healthy food now!" Why would he--he has nothing else in his life, and his IQ is like 80.

If by some miracle the treatement worked initially and he got down to 250 lbs--what's he supposed to do then? Continue on the exciting career he worked in before being bedridden? His brain is too fucked to do anything worthwhile.

The show pays for it dumbass

Your faced gets duct-taped to a patch of pustules on his leg. For every minute you spend on it, you get $10. After 10 minutes, the pustules start to burst.

How long do you stay taped?

>How do these people survive and live?
Enabling family shoves food into their gaping maw
>How can they afford enough food to keep them this weight?
Your tax dollars at work!

You can thank the 'muh religious freedom rightwing homeschooling nutjobs for taking the teeth out of regulators to keep that kind of shit from happening.

TLC pays them to be videotaped all the time. medicaid and SSI/disability as well perhaps. his dad had to mortgage his house to pay for the move to texas though so obviously they still were hard up for cash.

Why the fuck do i find those crusty wounds, bubbles and blisters so satisfying... I can fap to this... I have thoughts in my head about licking that shit... I feel disgust but pleasure at same time wtf is wrong with me?!?!

>You gon' give me ONE lil EGGROLL?

>There's two


What did he mean by this?

i'd pay $10 a minute not to be there.





>*even the fattest of the fat ones proceed to demonstrate that you absolutely can pose like this*

They just actively contradicted themselves

i heard they often described it as being in a prison in their own body.

imagine being almost completely immobile and the only thing your compelled to do is eat and smell the stench of your rotting flesh.

real life makes for a more interesting horror flick.

$10 a minute? that's nowhere near enough money. maybe i'd consider it for $100 a minute but the answer would still probably be no.

I was thinking how does he jerk off or get sexual pleasure, but his body is so screwed i imagine he doesn't get those urges anymore, nor could he find his dick, and food is his sexual release now

Her kid is not fat but he is balding at like age 6 and looks half blind
We need to bring back forced sterilization