Christie is the perfect VP, video proof

Perfect message for this election. Anti-establishment and a call for change. No Teleprompter.
>Shit gets real at 1:10

Chris Christie is the most talented politician in America not named Trump. Liberal reporter Mark Halperin called him the "best brawler" in American politics. Here he is taking a voter who makes a potent emotional attack on Christie, and he calmly dismantles her entire attack and wins over every single person in the room

The most important role the Vice President in getting elected won't be winning their home state (historically that doesn't matter) or fundraising (Trump doesn't need it) or uniting the establishment (they'll fall in line regardless). It'll be the one Vice Presidential debate. Chris Christie is the best debater available.

Chris Christie is the second best counter-puncher in politics.

Trump needs to prove Clinton is weak. He needs a touch VP. Christie is the toughest.
Christie is a great, great politician of immense talent. If he wasn't the governor of New Jersey but instead of a state like Indiana, he would be the most popular Republican in the country.

Hes fat.

So is Hillary

Shall not be infringed.

>Statist fuckwit with not a shred of consistency
Good one.

Did you watch the speech? It's perfection.

>MUH 9/11
He's a fat fuck from shithole new jersey and he's squishy on the 2nd amendment.

He's good for an endorsement for some votes, but he's a liability as VP. He used the Office of Governor to self-promote, sucked Iowan dick, and is a RINO.


You mean just like Trump?

> and is a RINO

As if that's a negative in this election.


>implying paleocons are RINOs

Time to uninstall Sup Forums.

If you think Trump isn't going to take the NSA to new heights, you haven't been listening. Trump is going to take the full technological ability of the US and wage total war on the jihadists... constitution be damned.

>please do

>You mean just like Trump?
Trump goes Should Be A State Issue on things while Christie has said several times he'd go full obongo and fuck with things he doesn't like directly.

Bridges and shit

It's going to be based Flynn, get over it nerds.


No it's not.

It's not going to be Christie, that's for sure.

"Perfect"???This mother fucker needs to lose 200lbs

Remember you said that. You'll see.


from the land of guidos and spray tans, what's not to like?

He exercises.

if he picks christie, trump can go fuck himself

real talk

i bet $100 bucks it would be christie about a month and a half ago

Christie doesn't help Trump take a single winnable state in November.

>pick Christie

Trump could also stop campaigning right now if he chose him. Fuck off ctr shill. It'll be Flynn and there is nothing you can do about it. I can already see Hillary lying in a corner and cry her acid tears.

All the buzz suggests that he's narrowed it down to Mike Pence or Newt Gingrich

I'm hoping for a big surprise though.

Nobody in New Jersey likes this guy he's been shittier than corrupt Corzine. Never in his own damn state always out campaigning for his fat ass

>All the buzz suggests that he's narrowed it down to Mike Pence or Newt Gingrich
Congratulations, President Clinton!

Speaking of, has Shillary picked a VP yet? What circle of hell is it from?