>Performed at a slam poetry competition in May at The Paideia School in Atlanta, Royce Mann's winning poem offers a reflection on the privilege he feels he has been automatically awarded as a result of his being white and male.
Teen's "White Boy Privilege" slam poetry goes viral
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Oh boy If left inclined kids Today act like this i cant wait to see What the right offers ; opposites always attract
Oy vey! White people are privileged because they have beauty and brains.
So the obvious solution to white privilege is to tattoo all white people with black-face, and to preform neurosurgery that removes 20% of their brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex, and they should be given daily supplements of testosterone to make them equally aggressive as blacks. Only when this is done will white people be able to escape their privilege.
Why is slam poetry so fucking obnoxious and why is it only associated with liberals?
Is it wrong to think this kid isn't white
I wonder (((WHO))) keeps pushing that garbage.
>slam poetry
He's American-white
He isnt hes (((one of them)))
That kid is not fucking white.
>White privilege is winning with a shitty poem.
pick one
dude looks at least half or 1/4th arab
My Mexican wife is whiter than that kid
Pupate merchant.
> "feels he has been automatically awarded"
> Is automatically awarded
>implying that kid is white.
Holy fuck
>Hey white boys, it's time to act like a woman
LOL white people deserve to die off
kid looks Arab or maybe a swarthy Mediterranean, not even white. Also that "poem" is one of the gayest most emasculating things I've ever heard in my life
Cringed hard.
>white people
Seriously...that kid is a spitting image of a jew kike
They are all like that, have a friend who started this shit not so long ago. They got him. He's gone /pol. HE'S GONE.
The fact that he even considered it after seeing that shit show proves he was always a fag
I usually roll my eyes at the Jooooo accusations, but this kid is like the stereotypical Jew child
>curly hair that will become jew-fro
>massive nose
>baggy eyes
>pointed eybrows that end at the top of the nose
>swarthy complexion
i kek when i see brainless people thinking they are right! or they know what they are talking about.
>LOL white people deserve to die off
LoL Thailand over run by gays, traps and selling their children to dirty old pedophiles
fucking based
why do these whiny little self loathing shits ALWAYS look like such bitch boys?
>slam poetry
Seriously. That thing needs to be banned under penalty of death/forced labour for life.
>The Paideia School
Does no one remember the significance of this word?
>Black people
When will you people realize that Judaism is a religion and has no effect on someones race
That kid isn't even white
Can just anyone be white these days
Thats the american "white", inferior
Also, since when has 'viral' been a few hundred thousand views in a month?
Didn't even notice.
>affirmative action is literally institutional racism against whites
>white privilege
>White Hispanic
A fucking snake as their mascot.
who taught that beaner how to speak? Has science gone too far?
faggot ain't white
What would happen if whites would start talking about jewish privilege and rich jews?
he's a jew
If he is white me and my argentinian amante are albinos.
Is this what you consider white in America? He doesn't even have white skin.
True, this little wet back is white facing.
>Is this what you consider white in America?
White in America is complicated because niggers and liberals consider you white and privileged if your skin is light enough so you don't actually have to be white for the media and shit to call you white.
Look at George Zimmerman.
>Look at George Zimmerman
looks like a mexican to me
he'd be seen as a sandnigger in germany.
>this is what americans consider white
Based redpanels
>this is considered white in America
No I mean look at how the media treated him. They called him white. Of course he isn't white, dude looks like a fat beaner but that doesn't matter because he was light skinned beaner so he's white to them.
>white privilege
I'm sick and tired of hearing about "white privilege". White people built the Western countries and made them what they are today. Black and brown people only came afterwards, failing to achieve the same level of development in their retarded hellholes.
And the main thing is: Without black and brown crime statistics, there would be no fucking white privilege. It's their own people who once again ruin it for everybody.
I saw this one slam poetry guy talking about the Catholic Churches systematic kid diddlin'.
Was actually pretty good.
>white boy
English, German, Dutch (De Mann), and Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname for a fierce or strong man, or for a man contrasted with a boy, from Middle English, Middle High German, Middle Dutch man.
oh okay. i guess people see people as white when they want them to be white.
there was a turk who emigrated to germany few years ago and the left called him 'german racist nazi' because he told them things they didn't want to hear. maybe i find it again.
>My argentinian amante and I
So if American "whites" are not white but Arabs and Hispanics, then what do they call real white people?
Are they considered Elves or something and categorized as a protected species?
wasnt henry rollins a slam poet?
There are more pure germans in america than there are in germany
This is hard to watch.
>Oy vey! White people are privileged because they have beauty and brains.
You are the one that has no brains, brother
Real whites are categorized as non-Hispanic whites. Arabs don't dilute the white figures here because they only constitute 0.8% of the population.
in america 'whites' look like mexicans and half-asians, but as this guy said they still have a lot of real whites, but a lot of 'whites' also
>white boy
>image is clearly of a brown person
Oh Americans, your definitions are so feelings based and fluid, and as a result funny.
Someone post that based nip haikus from last night
>I always thought I had advantages over others
>afraid to speak up about it
pick one
>slam poetry
this is the most cringing ive ever done in my life wtf like slam poetry isnt bad enough already he pulls this shit and WINS
why live
Seems forced
If you act civilized enough (without being Wesley Snipes shade) you are white, and being a white person = bad goy.
>this is white in america
Looks greasy.
He's one of the first to go
The kid is clearly a Jew.
He looks like Ben Shapiro's son if he had a son.
When the (((media))) just runs with it like that, you know its good stuff, or are you a nazi?
And a fag
This. They live in a fantasy land where they make up their own reality.
Dear women, I'm sorry.
Dear black people, I'm sorry.
Dear Asian-Americans, dear Native Americans, dear immigrants who come here seeking a better life, I'm sorry.
Dear everyone who isn't a middle or upper-class white boy, I'm sorry.
I have started life in the top of the ladder while you were born on the first rung.
I say now that I would change places with you in an instant, but if given the opportunity, would I?
Probably not.
Because to be honest, being privileged is awesome. I'm not saying that you and me on different rungs of the ladder is how I want it to stay.
I'm not saying that any part of me has for a moment even liked it that way.
I'm just saying that I f------ love being privileged and I'm not ready to give that away. I love it because I can say 'f------' and not one of you is attributing that to the fact that everyone with my skin color has a dirty mouth.
I love it because I don't have to spend an hour every morning putting on makeup to meet other people's standards.
I love it because I can worry about what kind of food is on my plate instead of whether or not there will be food on my plate.
I love it because when I see a police officer I see someone who's on my side.
To be honest I'm scared of what it would be like if i wasn't on the top rung if the tables were turned and I didn't have my white boy privilege safety blankie to protect me.
If I lived a life lit by what I lack, not what I have, if I lived a life in which when I failed, the world would say, 'Told you so.'
If I lived the life that you live.
When I was born I had a success story already written for me.
You -- you were given a pen and no paper.
I've always felt that that's unfair but I've never dared to speak up because I've been too scared.
Well now I realize that there's enough blankie to be shared. Everyone should have the privileges I have.
In fact they should be rights instead.
Everyone's story should be written, so all they have to do is get it read.
Enough said.
No, not enough said.
It is embarrassing that we still live in a world in which we judge another person's character by of the size of their paycheck, the color of their skin, or the type of chromosomes they have.
It is embarrassing that we tell our kids that it is not their personality, but instead those same chromosomes that get to dictate what color clothes they wear and how short they must cut their hair.
But most of all, it is embarrassing that we deny this. That we claim to live in an equal country and an equal world.
We say that women can vote. Well guess what: They can run a country, own a company, and throw a nasty curve ball as well. We just don't give them the chance to.
I know it wasn't us 8th-grade white boys who created this system, but we profit from it every day.
We don't notice these privileges though, because they don't come in the form of things we gain, but rather the lack of injustices that we endure.
Because of my gender, I can watch any sport on TV, and feel like that could be me one day.
Because of my race I can eat at a fancy restaurant without the wait staff expecting me to steal the silverware.
Thanks to my parents' salary I go to a school that brings my dreams closer instead of pushing them away.
Dear white boys: I'm not sorry.
I don't care if you think the feminists are taking over the world, that the Black Lives Matter movement has gotten a little too strong, because that's bulls---.
I get that change can be scary, but equality shouldn't be.
Hey white boys: It's time to act like a woman. To be strong and make a difference. It's time to let go of that fear.
It's time to take that ladder and turn it into a bridge.
Just like the number one trending topic on twitter always has something like 1/1000th the amount of other trending topics and most of the posts are people asking why the fuck it's number one.
Clearly some sort of spic.
Slam poetry is cancer.
Its why no one takes real poetry seriously anymore and you're called a fag if you like it. It used to be a manly and respectable interest to have.
As usual, women ruin everything.
>"Hey fellow white boys, it's time to act like a woman"
>a little cuck annoyed that his ancestors had ambition
That kid is darker than I am and I sure as hell ain't white. Let me guess, he's a half-breed who was raised to think he's white.
>Dear everyone who isn't a middle or upper-class white boy, I'm sorry.
>apologizing to upper-class white women
Guys,check the comments on DailyMail.
I'm 99% sure that these thumbs ups are paid/fixed.
This whole thing is shady.
He doesn't look white to me.
The eternal kike strikes again
.t a sexy katoey