80s and still rolling

>80s and still rolling

Why are you still against the based herb?

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Not at all.
People should have the right to consume whatever the fuck they want.

Potheads are disgusting as fuck, thought.

Potheads are disgusting, true, but regular smokers aren't. To me willie is the best example of that, he's a country music player, it's like the least thing related to pot ever. Yet he smokes a ton of pot

Time to uninstall Sup Forums.

Most people can't make a living out of weed.

>Why are you still against the based herb?
I'm not. I just barely smoke because fuck supporting organized crime.

Name one disgusting thing about Carl Sagan.

Does that include producing hemp textiles, oils, and fuels?

sometimes i forget marijuana is a crime in other countries

in toronto people just go to the dispensaries, buy weed legally and then smoke it out in the street. no one cares, even cops. you don't even need a doctor's prescription

every time I go down to cannaclinic there's a line of like 20 people grabbing all this legally grown and taxed weed.

honestly the worst thing about weed is it makes you sleepy.

Well, I can't but sure He's not a Pothead.

country music has ALWAYS been filled with references to weed and other drugs and degenerate fun. Early country musicians were the only white guys who were willing to cross the tracks and jam with the blacks.

I'm not saying blacks invented country, but the earliest country musicians were influenced by black music. Pic related is perhaps the godfather of country music, and he pretty much was a wigger who hung out with pimps and dope dealers on the black side of town. Some of his songs sound like west coast ganster rap lyrics.

Here's a song about being a memphis pimp and getting hassled by the cops: youtube.com/watch?v=9BFbY9Vw8DM

Country music was sleazy and rebellious and counterculture long before it was good clean family fun. The stuff that most people think of as "country" now is really just pop music in cowboy hats.

>honestly the worst thing about weed is it makes you sleepy.
No. The worst thing about weed is what its proponents like about it.

You'll never be hungover.

You'll never feel poisoned.

You can stay blazed and couchlocked 24/7 and won't actually ever feel worse for it.

It's like smokable MMOs.

It's an insidious sort of drug because unlike say Heroin you'll always stay functional-enough.

Not that that's an argument against it. Just a thing to consider.

>sometimes i forget marijuana is a crime in other countries
Feels bad man.
>Potheads are disgusting as fuck, thought.#
That. Can we ban dreads and bandanas please?

this, theres the assholes who think their whole lifes should revolve around their epic weeds and their new gigaultracrystalizedsuperhybridweed.
if you enjoy weed like you enjoy a nice beer on a sunday afternoon theres literaly nothing against it.
Im a regular smoker, i never try and push people to smoke with me, i dont go around saying shit like "duuude im so high etc pp"

its a matter of whose using it i guess.
Got a good job, a girl, a nice big flat with 2 balconys, all is stable and i still smoke ever 1-2 days.

>80 and still a hippie
Now that's pathetic.

Oh for fuck's sake that guy annoys me.

At least until I remember he's apparently married with kids.

He's got a fucktard persona but it seems to be working out for him.

exactly the kinda asshole i meant.

Amen man, We live in a nice country dont we?


Honestly I have no problem with people putting what they want into their body, if you want to take drugs take them, you should have that right but from what I've seen potheads are mainly lazy, unempolyed losers who sit around getting high all day

Can't remember which black bluesman said to which country singer to be, who wanted to play blues: "Country is the white man's blues"

I know very little in this genre, but I really really love David Allan Coe, especially his melancholic side. Even Kris Kristofferson lol. And recently Whitey Morgan. What artists you country aficionados would you adise me to listen to?


You don't even know what that means.