>geting married in the 21 century
Can someone tell me the pros and cons of geting married. My family is preasuring me into marriage. I'm 22 years old. Because of that I broke up with my ex.
>geting married in the 21 century
Can someone tell me the pros and cons of geting married. My family is preasuring me into marriage. I'm 22 years old. Because of that I broke up with my ex.
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The fuck? You're 22 years old. Establish your career and then marry if you want to. Tell your parents to fuck off until otherwise.
It varies by country op look into laws and local's personal stories.
That's what happens when you raise multiple generations of women with the "only the very best is just good enough for you" slogan.
>own a house
>still a student (history)
>parents live in another city
I just finished with my exams, do you really think that after reading reading reading history books with 500 pages each that are boring as fuck I would be bothered to read a pdf of how marriege works in my country. Maybe in a month but not now.
As for personal stories, most go like this or most start like this... I was already married at your age boy...
>the reason is the lack of men willing to settle down
It's hilarious that they all spout this meme when it is really them who were unwilling to settle down.
These women often had multiple partners throughout life and a good amount of them would have been willing to settle down - yet they decided to ditch them because they had this vague feeling that they could do better (they can't).
You can also see it in the fucked up marriage laws we have nowadays that turn marriage into a complete non-commitment
>can initiate divorce at any point
>alimony laws will most likely leave her better off financially than if she had never married at all
>don't even need to be loyal because there is no punishment for cucking your partner
The problem isn't that there aren't any men willing to commit, the problem is that they themselves are unwilling to commit and thus make demands almost no one is willing to fulfill so they can blame everyone else but themselves for staying single.
And when they do happen to stumble across someone who is willing to put up with their shit they just ditch them for some vague reasons because even with the fucked up marriage laws they still are too afraid of going through with it, even though it should be a no-brainer.
These women are getting exactly what they have been asking for
>Can someone tell me the pros and cons of geting married
Pros: NONE. Absolutely none, except if for example she's a foreigner and she would be thrown out of the country otherwise.
Cons: Loads.
>only the very best is just good enough for you
I'm getting married in just under a year to a girl I've been with for over 2 years. The more I think about it, the more I'm torn. Get married and be chained down with the responsibilities of manhood, or stay single and be unstoppable money making and pussy slaying machine. Loneliness got me into this relationahip, I feel like it would grip me again if I chose the latter.
>I'm getting married
Good luck
Cons: Everything
you should not marry at 22 because if you have kids at 23 your life would be boring as fuck.
try marrying in your late 20s. thats still pretty young imo, but you said marriage works there so, i guess its not that bad.
Try reading this. If you think she can do something like that... well you know the answer
You don't have to be married to start a family with a woman. Beware that in some countries you can still get the 'divorce' treatment if you part ways even if you're not married though.
>Loneliness got me into this relationahip
Honestly, if you are at the point where you are admitting to yourself that the only reason you are with your partner is because you couldn't find anyone else marriage does not sound like a good idea.
Modern marriage is basically a voluntary blackmail. You have to be 100% bonkers to engage willingly in one.
desperation is just not very sexy
>I was drunk
How does that change anything? Being drunk doesn't change your character, it just makes you drop inhibitions.
Don't do it lad, you're a clapper so watch Divorce Corp as it's highly relevant to your country.
The system will screw you, the system encourages your wife-to-be to screw you. If you have a kid (even if you don't want one you can't ensure she won't skip a pill) then you are literally stuck paying alimoney and child support for 18 YEARS, possibly longer on the alimoney.
I'm getting married to a DD tits cutie I've been with for over 2 years now and I'm not falling for the "don't marry, don't breed white man" kike trap.
if anything, this just warns you about bachelorette parties.
you can get married but you have to delay it.
the men who say
"i was married at your age"
are just trying to get back at the world by bringing more men into suffering as early as they have.
It's kind of funny how they paint themselves as over achievers who stick out among their peers and are highly intelligent, yet they do not even understand the most basic aspects of social interaction.
Though I guess that could be due to them being women and thus never having to learn how to woo someone during their youth.
sounds like a cuck in the making
This is a thread of frustrated virgin fedoras. Once you find the right girl and fall in love, you start to think differently. I know from experiance.
If you cheat it's your fault.
If I cheat it's your fault too.
I'm always amazed how these posts start off with the guy explaining in detail why his relationship is unsalvageable. And then asking for tips how to save it.
>in the making
He even said he's alright with her fucking other guys, just not with him being left out on it.
Sure thing reddit.
Nah, most people in here just aren't underage and experiencing love for the first time.
Lots of brides-to-be have sex with strippers at bachelorette parties because the kind of women that have strippers at bachelorette parties are whores. If your fiancée is having a party with strippers, you've already fucked up in your decision to marry her.
Women still don't know what they want.
More news at 11.
>he hasn't taken the ultimate red pill and found a black milf gf
How did women get to be so successful?
So much for being devout Catholics.
I know that fly trap
Yeah but we don't get to marry DD Agnieszka, Pawel.
More like it proves that the only way to prevent women from turning into degenerate whores is to literally lock them up.
Remember Aladdin? The girl was locked up by an overprotective father? It turns out he was right, the first chance there was some brown thief ("bad boy") started fucking her.
Being drunk is YOU ARE A VICTIM for women
>He isnt entitled to alimoney because he isnt a woman.
And this is why stay-at-home-dad is a stupid thing to do. Theres no financial or government aid in case she ditches you and fucks up your life forever.
Try doing that to a girl (as a man) and she is forever entitled to your earnings as tho the two of you are still married.
Libcucks BTFO.
This guy sounds like a massive beta. He was always just a place holder until she found someone better. Sounds like he and his fiancée were just room mates by the end and he didn't even notice.
They are allowed to advance for free in most western countries.
>because if you have kids at 23 your life would be boring as fuck.
The sentiment of an 18 year old right here
Bait. It's now statistically likely that if you marry a girl, she'll divorce you.
> He isnt entitled to alimoney because he isnt a woman.
Meanwhile, in civilized countries, this isn't a thing. Gender doesn't matter in regard to alimony and it would be retarded due to faggots having kids.
Also statistically likely that if you are born, you will die. So how about not getting born?
Who here /wantedtogetmarried/ but has since changed their minds?
At the back of my mind, I always thought I'd get married one day with a nice gal, settle down in a place and have some kinds. A pupper. The good life.
But it was around 17 when my gf cucked me with her old bf that I got super depressed and started hanging out on /r9k/. It was there I learned how shit a deal marriage is for guys now.
Two years later, I've come to the conclusion that I'll probably have throw away gfs til I die.
In your case your taxes pay for her free meals from Khalid's welfare payments
>American logic
Fucking this. Jesus
ITT: we diagnose the fall of white families
>within 2 days she is blowing up my phone waning to know why I defriended her
Gives a good impression of how much of a beta he must have been even before she started openly cucking him.
Though I do want to believe those stories are just from guys having a giggle making it up. How could any remotely sane person think that he would come back to her after that?
Its not that I couldn't find anyone else, I can have anyone I want, because genetics were kind to me. What I'm saying is that I always wanted to feel love and not just be a fuckboy. But now that I'm in a successful relationship and the realities of spending the rest of my life with one person starts to set in, it makes me miss being an unstoppable bachelor.
>My family is preasuring me into marriage. I'm 22 years old.
stop lying
Personally I feel I'm doomed to a marriage that ends in disaster and when the time comes there won't be much I can do about it.
My mother is always pressing me about grandchildren, I don't think she understands that it's statistically likely that they'll be torn from her life at some point.
But I am weak when it comes to the female pussy trap and will probably get married once I have the finances for it
I just pray I get lucky
>Loneliness got me into this relationahip
yeah you really sound like a pussy slaying machine
Fuck divorce man, it's like it's nothing now
That's al I got lads.
I know Sup Forums scorns MGTOW because tradionitional values etc, but but it does exist for a rather convincing reason and is worth checking out just for the horror stories. It's not impossible to have a successful marriage in the West, but the odds are heavily stacked against men, the game is rigged from the start.
About what?
How the fuck did I manage that, traditional.
user. Please. This is your buddy user speaking. Don't fucking do it. Don't willingly put yourself in such a shit situation. Instead of finding a girl to marry, find one who's fine NOT being married. Think about it, outside of a few gov't benefits, what do you get from a wife that you couldn't get from a gf without far less risk?
no male under 30 is being pressured into marriage here.
hell, it's normal to live with your parents or study until that age.
is this fake? please be fake.
I'd rather stay alone that be married or even get into a relationship with a girl that annoys me or is being a bitch all the time. two friends of mine are with two absolute soul eating, nagging bitches and I can watch them slowly dying from the inside. I met two girls in my life that were amazing, but in the end it didn't work out. I keep looking for a girl that I can live with and that is on my level, but until then I prefer being alone and fucking bitches one time or another.
The author doesn't know what circumstance means.
If this isn't cause for murder i don't know what is
John Green tried to warn us all.
i dont understand parents like this.
why do they have to force you to marry?
but it is quite common in asian countries, but i loathe it.
why should you be forced to marry when you are not ready and suffer because of a bad impulsive decision later?
if anything marriage makes love die because of the pressure it puts on the couple.
I'd be weak too, with those Korean broads. Are they really that bad, or are they Americanized to shit at this point?
>MFW female spaghetti story threads
I don't live in a city user. I come from Puconci (Prekmurje), it's different here than in Maribor, Celje, Ljubljana or Koper. Lot's of old people and very few young ones. Those who don't go to study either take over the farm or help around with other chores.
yes, good goy, avoid those sloppy women and don't produce any children
I feel ya.
My mother is angry that she doesnt have a squealing little larval stage human containing some of her genes on her lap whenever I visit.
Like, I've served in the military through 3 combat tours and am the first in our family to begin earning a bachelors, but somehow none of that matters because according to society your life is not complete until you reproduce.
lel instantly saw PUCCI
are there qt hungarian girls?
There is absolutely no benefit to a man to get married. The marriage contract is not an actual contract, it is the relinquishing of the man's rights - including that disputes in dissolution will be handled by a Family Court judge.
The Family Courts exist to preside over divorce for the very reason that the marriage 'contract' in not a valid contract. For a contract to be valid, it must show consideration to both parties.
You have been warned.
This. This is making an insane amount of sense.
Define the word "girl"
>don't avoid the sluts
For what purpose?
Not here, but they are only 30 away ;) Sadly their language is like mine to yours. You can't understand a word they are saying.
>according to society your life is not complete until you reproduce
a man reproduces. biologically speaking, it's the sole reason you're alive
If you ask me, one of the main reasons to get married, despite the risks, is to help rebuild the family unit to fix western society
Underated post.
>pic related
I'm Canadian so it would become common law (marriage without the ceremony) anyways.
Mum's pretty traditional and started seeing my dad when she was 19. She doesn't understand not being able to "make it work"
They're a little boring personality wise and they mostly are after money it seems. They're not nearly as degenerate as white girls.
But I would say they're at least 50-60% 7's. They don't go beyond 9 as often but the average is higher.
I plan on going home in a couple years so long term here is out of the question thank God