
>people having fun
>must be a government conspiracy

Is this one of these fake news website ? It sounds fucking retarded.

No, some people are insane.

My question is why is the media hating on this game so much?

Well, yes actually.

>the amount of users
>the permissions the app wants
>the nature of the app
>the fact it is constantly recording and sending your data out to others
>continuing playing with your phone when stabbed

Because anything popular among white males is racist and must be destroyed

Are from CIA?

No this stupid story is actually true

Are you from FBI?

Dr. Pavel?

the media always needs "the next big scare that's destroying our precious children"

if you think they gather any useful information from that app, you're deluded. It's the most popular mobile game in the world. There's no way they can go through all of that data, even if they had it and the entire NSA sorting through it night and day

Plus, what are they going to find? That you bought a fleshlight and browse Sup Forums? It's not like new information is being exposed

>No this stupid story is actually true
How old was that guy to think somebody with a knife would want to play pokemon ?

Could this game be used to lure people and assault them for their shit ?


>..lure people and assault them for their shit
Niggers already doing this....

Males that playing this mental crap



Are you really this ignorant of how the NSA works? They have profiles on you and have AI scan all data in there massive database and give everyone a threat score. Its not a big deal now, but as AI gets better this score will become more and more important.

Not saying this app is sending data, but they are taking in far more data then any humans could look over.

stabbed him for what?? i mean you see a guy walking, was the attacker soo pissed off that someone was playing pokemon GO that he felt the need to stab him?

Not bothered to read the link. But I am sure that the "stab" barely broke the skin. So there was no need for him to visit the hospital.

The CIA/NSA is so completely overwhelmed by data that 99% of it isn't actionable

It's like saving every image from Sup Forums over the past 5 years. Great, you have it, but now you have to sort through it, label it, find some sort of connection, use it in a meaningful way

The threat score only takes travel, "dangerous" purchases, and connections to extremist websites

Even then, the intelligence gathered from that is often corrupted and not actionable

I'm not condoning the mass gathering of personal information. I'm for abolishing the NSA. But if you think they have a nice neat little file on you, you're very wrong

Source: 2 family members that are privately contracted by the NSA

>It's like saving every image from Sup Forums over the past 5 years. Great, you have it, but now you have to sort through it, label it, find some sort of connection, use it in a meaningful way

You know, some people are doing this for KeKs...

Stuff like this actually happens because as soon as most people receive an injury the brain instantly goes to "IT'S FINE EVERYTHING IS FINE" mode

I remember being weirded out that one of my coworker actually came to work after having a tree fall on top of his car while he was driving, he was completely disoriented and had his elbow and knees completely fucked up yet this guy was merrilly coming to work despite all that

But i understood what hapenned when i cut one of my finger off at work one day, the only thing i could think wasn't jesus fuck i cut my finger off " but " ah shit i'm gonna be late on this project because of this...."

It's just survival instinct making you go retarded so you don't freak out

He was stabbed in the shoulder and got 8 stitches afterwards

I have a weed charge. I can get any college degree, how do i into nsa

Gizmodo also ran the story

>There's no way they can go through all of that data

They do that for even more popular platforms you utter fucking retard.

You have clearly never worked or been involved in anything relating to data analysis.

>He stumbled across someone he thought was another player, but when he asked him if he wanted to battle him, the stranger stabbed him in the shoulder.

He made the mistake of asking a nigger.

you cant battle in pokemon go

story confirmed bullshit

If I take my tinfoil off it's because they know controversy will lead to more clicks.

If I put my tinfoil on they are just assmad because every minute spent on playing the Japanese data harvester is a minute not spent on the American data harvesters.

This is true. After I got stabbed I calmly walked back to my house, went inside, realized there was blood everywhere, and then went to the hospital. The pain didn't even set in for like 10 minutes, nothing but pure adrenaline.


Nah bro.

Just autism

Because it's making fun of jews

See the irony here?

It's made a US company, so it'd be going to the American data harvesters.

Coincidence isn't irony you fuggot

I think we should finally start using Pokemon GO for our own purposes. As soon the pleb is addicted to it we should start using it for crowd control. We could use gamification to bring slavery into the 21th century. Let them pick up trash from the street and market it as quest. It's gona be great! I am sure the government is already working on it.

>Meowth uses Pay Day

This is an article from Clickhole or something, right... right?

>letting a measley knife get between you and your Pokémon
You'll never be the very best.

jews btfo!!! omfg!!

The fact that you don't really feel the pain as you should also helps you do that kind of retarded move

In your day to day life you analyse how serious your injuries are by how much they hurt, but when it's too serious you get a shit ton of ardenaline wich makes you subconsciouly think it's not that bad even though you know exactly how bad it is on a conscious level

I'm poretty sure some people die every year because they get grave injuries and they try to sleep it off