White People Voting For Trump Cuz He's Half-German?

Be honest, white people: the main reason you're voting for Donald Trump is because he's half-German, isn't it, and white people always secretly track this sort of thing.

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>because he's half-German
ah so thats why he's such a cuck for kikes

Yes, the 200,000,000 white people in America are all in on it, just like Barack Obama got over 95% of the black vote in 2008.

Aw, you got me.


The worst part is, is that you actually believe one could be 1/nth [insertethnicgroup]

wtf i hate whites now

i am now a #santorummissile

and yet only 10% of germans would vote for him.

is (((german))) the new thing here?

>"muh white male!!!"
>mean while proceeds to vote hillary because "muh vagina"

s&h bait threads, they're trying to slide this:

Durka Durka Muhammad Jihad, I'm voting for trump because he will send the crusader armies to the middle east for the final battle with muh ISIS bros