Will we ever witness a new Hitler?

Will we ever witness a new Hitler?

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>((( )))
Oh fuck this shit is getting annoying

yes. he's called trump

>KIke daughter
>Sucking Israel dick

kek no

Jelly that kikes and faggots rank higher than Mexiturds?

I dont recall mention of a 3rd coming of Christ in the scriptures so..... no.

Look at this summerfag trying to look edgy.

in NL we call him Geert Wilders and he will save us from the muslims

A firmly believe that a new Hitler is growing up in Sweden as we speak.

I'm not a charismatic speaker. Anybody else want to do it

He´s still growing? Okay we´re fucked its going to take way to long.

you guys better hope so, just don't let him invade anybody this time

Just let him take all of Europe this time.


>on /pol
>teasing a Mexican
>called edgy

And you're calling me summer? lol. Sounds like your first day in here

nords are too dumb for that

look at their achievements. absolutely pathetic

Hitler is inside of us all.

Yes, just wait for at least 22 more years.
I believe he will be half Austrian half Swedish.

Hitler declared war on God. This is why he was defeated

t. Rodríguez (((Goldstein)))

Hitler destroyed Europe and invited the bolshevik-jews to take more than half of it over.

As long as there are jews there are hitlers

Trump=modern rosevelt

That quote is deep tho, is that Gandhi or something?

Can someone explain the point of ((())) ?

>As long as there are jews there are hitlers
No, there is no quote like that, the most similar to that quote is this.
10 February 1945.
There is, then, no danger in the circumstances that anti-semitism will disappear, for it is the Jews themselves who add fuel to its flames and see that it is kept well stoked. Before the opposition to it can disappear, the malady itself must disappear. And from that point of view, you can rely on the Jews: as long as they survive, anti-semitism will never fade.

(((Jews))) deserve hugs and kys-ses


(((Henshel Weinstein)))) = Henshel Weinstein is a jew
(((They))) = The jews

He lives inside us all, user

Jews are the master race, german scum.
You destroyed Rome
You destroyed Europe twice
Now, you are destroying europe again.

Jews never destroyed anything, apart from Jesus, and it was for the best. His resurrection made him famous.

Good goy show those nasty germs