Why does Sup Forums hates Jews and Muslims so much?
Why does Sup Forums hates Jews and Muslims so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
>cant get job
>cant get laid
>no self-awareness
>no self-responsibility
>blame everything else for personal failures
it's a meme.
nice meme.
What about the jews plan to destroy thw white race? what that all about?
undercover isis warrior in the building
Nice projection, reddit.
I only hate globalist jews.
I actually like muslims, but I've never saw one tho
>redpill me bro
>let's go back to the last human city zion
Everyone here should swallow glass.
Why does Jews, Muslims hate Sup Forums so much?
>I actually like muslims
>but I've never saw one tho
This picture is from Old Damascus. Which is pretty neat
They aren't trying to destroy the white race. They're just naturally attracted to ideologies that solve the old Jewish problem; they're raised from birth with the narrative they've been persecuted for eternity. On a list of Jewish issues, it's high up there. Liberalism teaches that we should treat other races and religions as equals, so Jews will see the appeal in this
What are you talking about?
you're a fucking sperg if you don't see it in this board. It's full of beta edgelord virgins. If you come here to discuss politics seriously you're either very young or a dumbass
Everyone can chimp out, so please not generalize all the Muslims.
I'm talking about their culture, food, language, architecture, history, religion, etc.
Mudshits have made it so I don't feel safe in my own country anymore. They dominate our cities, don't work, receive welfare paid by our taxes, freely harass our women, gain constant protection from the media and still they complain cause "Muh oppression"
Nah, fuck those guys
There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, kiddo. Grow up.
>If you come here to discuss politics seriously you're either very young or a dumbass
>everyone should be as mundane as me
Pls go and stay go.
Kikes are responsible for just about anything globalism.
Mudslimes are savages that hate animals and fuck kids.
Something to depend on.
Ever heard of "critical theory".
They're not us
Pro Assad?
Please, this board isn't full of people wanting to wait until marriage. Sorry to trigger you
fuck Marcuse especially
Whats the point of frankfurt school?
Jews are OK. Maybe they have too much power, but if they can tough it; they can keep it.
Muslims are 100% incompatible with the modern Western world. Anti-gay, anti-secular, and anti-fucking-dog. 150% in-fucking-compatible.
When you meet a moslem you will understand
>this board isn't full of people wanting to wait until marriage
And the site is lesser because of it. Degenerates ruin everything they touch.
Of course.
trump hates his daughter?
trump hates muslims that don't blow your head off?
thank you for bringing up that important question.
Who cares what Trump thinks?
He asked YOU.
Benjamin, Adorno, AND Marcuse were all Sabbatean-Frankists. Even scholars have admitted it.
Sabbateanism's evil agenda: make everyone satanic to usher in the messianic redemption.
The Lurianic kabbalah is pure occultism.
A western pro Assad. Nice
I don't hate Muslims, some of them are good people.
I hate the politicians and leftists that open our society to welfare leeches with an archaic incompatible world-view, that bring lots of problems like conflicts, sickness and poverty into our formerly peaceful and wealthy society.
This is pretty much it. I don't have issue with muslim immigration but open border policy like Germany is just suicide
I was very neutral in this subject.
But 3 years ago I met a syrian girl at my Uni, she really changed my mind.
She's now back in her country, I hope she's Ok.
How many Muslims are there in Germany now?
because critizising islam is equally as bad as hatred of the jews, cause muslims are the new jews. Like we germans lured them into our country just to put them in camps and stuff again.
Muslims-Arabs are bio-weapons of war that the Jews use against us.
3rd World immigration = a Jewish bioweapon
They invented Communism.
They are behind radical feminism.
They are behind homosexualism and gay marriage.
They are behind multiculturalism.
They are behind anti-Christianity.
They are behind a one world government.
They are the ‘divider and conqueror’.
They are the race baiter and the slave trader.
They are censorship of free speech and the truth.
They are anti-gun.
They are open borders.
They are eminent domain.
They are dual citizens with loyalty not to your nation.
They are the reason your daughter has low self esteem and dresses like a whore.
They are the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, central banking, and big corporate money.
They are usury, fractional reserve lending, world currency, and fiat money.
They are the mainstream media, Hollywood, tabloid journalism, and pornography.
They are the corrupt judicial system that frees the guilty and imprisons the innocent.
They are the nation’s high end drug dealer.
They are the re-writer of history to their advantage.
They are the military industrial complex.
They are an unregulated nuclear state.
They are an international terrorist.
They are the WTC 1993, OKC 1995, 9/11, the Lavon Affair, and the USS Liberty incident.
They are ‘war by way of deception’.
They are the aggressor, yet always the victim.
They are the eternal radical.
They believe that chaos equals cash and that gray equals green.
They will defraud your country without conscience or consequence.
They legislate from the bench, not from the Constitution.
They contrive to make the simplest notion complicated.
They are your last, your current, and your next war.
Do you know where she lives? I'm in Syria, I can tell you if she's okay or not according to where she lives. I don't know what she told you but to sum it up. Pro Assad are the open minded Syrians who wants their country to still a secular country. Against Assad are narrow minded people, basically ghetto people.
About 4,5 million turks and now additionally 1-1,5 million asylum seekers. About 40% are of them are young (allegedly) Syrians, the rest could be from basically anywhere.
Why are the Jews controlling the world tho?
But still they're in your schools, colleges, work places. They are everywhere.
>They are behind radical feminism.
but they won't be for long. In germany, there is the
successor party of the NSDAP on the rise, but this time their goal is to eradicate the muslims, like the NSDAP did with the jews
And how is that good for Germany? Whether they're Muslims or not. Having this such huge number in Germany is a problem itself
I hope this work for you guys
Its not.
Merkels decision was entirely based on abstract morale principles and wishful thinking.
Last year, anybody was just able to enter the country without any permit and apply for asylum. Even if the government decides that they have no right to stay, cause they aren't from Syria, there is no proper way to get them out if their home country remains unknown.
They won't even leave on their own, cause the state is basically constitutionally forced to pay for them until they have been deported.
>successor party of the NSDAP
And how will they be deported? They won't by themselves
Right now by plane. In most cases individually or in small groups and accompanied by police and doctors. Its ridiculously expensive.
Well according to Sup Forums Jews are immensely wealthy and successful scientists, bankers and actors.
Merkel has still what, one third of the population behind her?
Good luck with that, Hansie el Ahmed Krombacher
Literally this
Because they tend to rot or violently convert any group the come into contact with and are allowed in.
much prefer jews, muslims are fucken scum and backwards idiots
Germans are not known for changing their mind and opposing existing societal norms. The pressure to conform to what is accepted is huge in this country. If you oppose those opinions, the majority of society is happy to have your right to free speech and your job taken away from you.
Germans will continue doing what they do and ignore all indications of danger, until the world will spirals into a genocidal nightmare (yet again).
>Why does Sup Forums hates Jews and Muslims so much?
Sup Forums mainly hates women. Women are the lowest in the hierarchy. Whenever women get raped by Muslims Sup Forums unites and grins.
The jew hate is just a meme.
That harsh truth.
And jews aren't?
Coming from an aussie?
What is this kike magic