How should daughters be raised so that they'll desire a large family and so that they'll get married early in life so they can make it happen?
I don't want to end up like my grandmother where her three daughters have only three children between them. One of my aunts is childless and miserable I never want a daughter of mine to have to live though that.
Detached from materialism. Ancestral pride. Strong family bonds.
Parker Martinez
She needs a good example in her mother and a good father to mold her into a proper woman. My wife was raised right, she's good and has womanly skills.
Isaac Jackson
How many babies have you made with her? How old is she?
John Collins
>How many babies have you made with her? Number 3 is in her now. Which means probably another near-continuous of her being pregnant. >How old is she? 20.
Also she's apparently 12 wtf what kind of 12 year old looks like that.
Aaron Hill
>another decade I mean to say she plans on at least a dozen, probably more. Her family is massive and she wants to be just like her mother.
Liam Edwards
Haha, you didn't know? I thought using those pictures you knew. How fucked up is it they made up a scenario to show how evil child marriage is instead of publicizing a real story? And how old did you think she was?
Gavin Hall
I just hope you're white. Where do you live that having the 3rd baby at 20 isn't looked down upon? Most women are only starting to have children at 30, which is horrible, so it would be nice to know what kind of environment approves of this.
Adam Perry
What's the secret?
What would you do if one of your daughter's got infected with radical feminism somehow?