Why is this place filled with violence towards minority groups? We get it you're edgy and anti-norm and against sugar coating the issues caused by said groups. But why cant you be more accepting of the people in these groups that do try and make your lives better and help your country? Their lives matter too you know
Why is this place filled with violence towards minority groups...
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>this place filled with violence
Lies. Sup Forums is the board of peace.
thank god she is 18.
I think it's frutration. Deep inside of course we know a nigger can be a cool dude too. It's the fact that stastitics make it very likely he is a piece of shit plus frustration.
Niggers tend to racemix and not give a shit, they tend to not give the slightest fuck about the white race declining and make many little mulatto babies. They're prone to robbery, murder rape etc.
Pretty much the same thing with sandniggers.
And Jews, well, we don't hate Jews per se, we know guys like you are just some clueless peasants. We hate the establishment, unfluential bankers, politicians like that EU president, media chairmen that propagate racemixing, feminism, anti right and other shit 24/7 and which somehow JUST happen to be 70% Jews.
dat ass
Shut up you filthy kike
Because minorities are useless alone and they don't want do act civilized
>Their lives matter too you know
but that is false
>Words are violence
Ok there kike
Shitskins have never done anything for me but take potential job and scholarship opportunities and tax dollars from me only to then say that I'm privileged and society is treating them badly
Shitskins deserve to die, along with you parasitic commie Jews
Oh and they sucker punched me and robbed me for $30
At least you picked the right flag to post with this time.
Go away, Caribbean nigger. That is not an ass for you.
>Their lives matter too you know
But, they don't. I wouldn't experience any inconvenience if all niggers in the country were to cease existing right now.
Honestly, it is mainly just aesthetics for me.
Whites, discounting trailer trash that ought to be burned, are the most aesthetically appealing.
Blacks have nappy hair.
Indians smell of BO and curry.
Asians are small and weak and those slanted eyes reminds me of ayoos.
Native American are just retarded to believe in their ancient culture that post-dates Columbus. Sorry Mr plains injuns and your ear bonnet, you needed horses for that and that happened after Europe arrived.
Middle easterners including Jews are sorry and hairy.
It's just aesthetics.
I like that girl's butt
>potential job
They only take burger flipping jobs and IT.
>scholarship opportunities
Try harder. Asians are taking these as well.
Honestly, the only thing shitskin's have done to me is clog up the road with their terrible driving and perform stupid exercises at the gym. Even then, Chang drives worse and women do even stupider exercises.
Israel is actively ethnically cleansing Palestine. We're just shitposting on an imageboard.
Op this should explain everything
thanks for the ass shitposter
>mfw seeing her face for the first time
That's like asking why people are filled with violence against rapists, pedophiles, murders, etc.
Minority groups are a nuisance. If you do the math, you'll come to realize that people hate nuisances.
It's really, really, really, not that hard to understand.
Show us the way, chosen one.
Sauce please
Image search gives nothing
What do you mean "filled with violence towards minority groups?"
This board is very Pro white. Very rarely are they against minority groups like whites.
This place isn't filled with violence you retard, all we do is post pictures and words.
>Their lives matter too you know
To whom?
To us as a human race, we can't treat our fellow human beings like that.
>Filled with violence towards minority groups
Today must be opposite day, because minority groups are filled with violence.
If their lives matter so much Israel, drop your borders and bring some in :) .
>cherry picking statistics
doing your best I see
They are, just not for people who want to destroy us
>Cheery picking statistics
>Covers whole race
>Cheery picking
Boy, zion is trying very hard right now.
It's literally the same situation here. They.
We will defend ourselves and fix the problem. Period.
Minorities have been taking advantage of whitey for years now. There's not one official policy of any public institution that discriminates against non- whites. White people are dying out, and greedy niggers are taking advantage of that.
How are they killing you? Cant embrace change? What is so hard for white people to look at things at a different angle? They come from a hard background trying to build themselves up while you're only there putting them back down.
>Not knowing the difference between violence and hate speech
I thought Israelis weren't pussys
>Why is this place filled with violence towards minority groups?
Wot? Women are a majority group.
I just show you the crime statistics. Lead the way, Israel. If minorities are so terrific, import some muslims. Give them social programs. Drop those borders and let them all come in illegally, lad. Otherwise, mind your own state's affairs.
We don't interfere in yours, don't make us start.
Can you tell me why apparently every single fucking Jew on the planet is either a delusional grandiose religious retard who thinks everyone else is his slave, or a full blown communist parasite, and tell me why that doesn't make you deserve extinction?
Hitler was fucking right about you people.
Every single article bashing whites, every single sick story about how "normal" it is to fuck an animal or cuck your husband, written by a fucking Jew
I sincerely hope you all get gassed again
That's what you get for supporting women.
On the large scale whites are actually the minority dude
They're bitter that everyday blacks fuck their women and they're just in their basement fapping to anime.
>written by a fucking Jew
Usually it's a woman, Jew or not.
>do try and make your lives better and help your country?
False premise.
This is wrong and is the reason why Sup Forums dislikes these groups.
This is true for east asianand Indian diaspora and European diaspora, so Sup Forums does not mind these groups.
But it is clearly untrue for rapefugee trash from the Middle East and Africa who commit violent crime at far higher rates and want sharia law to be implemented and who are financial burden on the countries they enter.
N.b. When you look at immigration overall it is a net benefit to the country's economy because of productive immigrants from Europe, but when you look at immigration from outside Europe alone it is a net burden on the economy because of trash from the Middle East and afruca.
>Falling for the porn jew
Porn is made by the jews to make us goyim beta cucks
Well sure I think there's room for all kinds of ethnicities in the world, once we exterminate the filthy Jew cockroaches.
>people in these groups that do try and make your lives better and help your country? Their lives matter too you know
yes, this one was trying to make people's lives better by threatening people with a gun and fighting police. i guess ultimately he did make our lives better by committing suicide by cop.
violent criminal lives do not matter.
oy vey cyber violence can't let the goyim do that
Pol has been certified as the most peaceful board of Sup Forums u piece of shit
>cherry picking
I'm gonna be nice to your flag for once and let this slide without spamming this thread with jews sucking baby cocks. Look up what that means next time before you use it.
Sup Forums is a board of peace, friend.
exterminating shit skins is an act of compassion.
>jews promoting cuckery
Well if you cant plesure your women you should be man enough to get her someone who could. Nothing out of the ordinary
We are letting a lot of muslim palestinians into our land, help them with jobs, help Gaza with what we can. Cant see what's there more to do
This place isn't filled with violence. I read more posts talking about issues in a politically incorrect manner. I don't read very much if any that is inciting people to violence. As stated above, most people here hate shitty people, it doesn't matter what color they are. All the race war shit is a reflection of society's need to purge the undesirables.
Why does israel sterilize its niggers then get mad when we just want them to leave?
the sooner you realize, rodney, that they are not here to "just get along" rather they are biding their time until they are able to usurp our culture and change it - either by force or death by 1000 cuts ... the sooner you realize this, the more this board will begin to make sense to you
White people and white males are tired of being thrown under the socio cultural bus. They are tired of being menaced, threatened, victimized and blamed by every other group. They're tired of being used as the whipping boys and bogey men by the wealthy elites.
A lot of what you see here is the expression of that frustration and the intellectual exploration of what options might be available to deal with that that are deemed taboo by society.
I'm tired of black people I know who grew up wealthy while I grew up dirt poor lecturing me on what I owe them and how I am somehow privileged over them.
I'm tired of women who have never worked a day of manual labor in their life, and who will never worry about going hungry or being homeless telling me that I owe them something and am somehow privileged, and demanding that I do all the hard work they don't want to be bothered with while they claim to be stronk and independant.
I'm tired of being told that I don't have a right to a stake in the society and culture that I live in nor do I have the right to create one where I will.
I'm tired of being treated as a whipping post, bank roll, and storm trooper at best.
Shitty bait.
Kill everyone darker than me.
>Yes ridicule the goys, that will show them!
Sup Forums is a board of peace. You can't judge an entire culture based on a few extremists.
Maybe you should make some slam poetry about your trials and tribulations.
They're just being edgy for the sake of it, most people here are quite normal.
Well put, sir.
I have too much dignity for that.
Checked, Finland. Is the same thing going on over there? The only thing I know about Finland is that I love the old architecture and H.I.M.
Words can't be violent
Cp is illegal
Fuck off degenerate
No, because these people, mainly bigs though, are simply not capable of such things.
Oh wow israel, glad to hear you're accepting foreign cultures and beliefs into your 100% jewish stolen country, now that you're on board with 'acceptance'.
This place is full of edgy retarded teens who think racism and antisemitism is cool. They don't understand that these kinds of attitudes are what led to the Shoah.
I don't think you know what dignity means.
They've held themselves down for 30 years, we're sick of them dragging us down.
I'm going to start with "Not doing self flagellating slam poetry" and work from there.
You mean 'muh 6 gorillion'.
>They don't understand that these kinds of attitudes are what led to the Shoah.
They led to the world's biggest lie?
"human" is an arbitrary definition that needs to be reexamined
I'm sorry that the murder of 6 million Jewish people is so unimportant to you.
I hope no-one ever does anything like that to you.
Brah are you saying that poetry isn't the fucking business? What are you, a fucking homosexual?
Can you see the poetry you fucking jew?
Seems to have worked out in your favor, Chaim.
No. I can't. What am I missing?
>I'm sorry that the murder of 6 million Jewish people is so unimportant to you.
But it is important, I spend day and night thinking about not much else.
It's 15 million now by the way.
this precisely. hence why all these slide threads are posted with porn pics to draw you in. sage or better yet don't even open the thread, just let it die
>Why is this place filled with violence
Sup Forums is a board of peace. You're thinking of the Daily Stormer, but even that's only a 20% hate site.
Why can't you be more accepting of Palestenians, Moishe? They will make your life better and help your country yet you bomb them.
Care to explain why?
>inb4 kebab, i hate Muslims as much as Kikes
why are these roleplay threads allowed?
it's just some poltard flag baiting newfags.
who is that semen demon greatest ally?
JIDF isnt even trying anymore
Look at things from a different angle? White people are pussies, and we're dying out while blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims breed like rabbits you dumb bitch. Get your head out of your ass and wake up, what's left of western civilization is going to hell.
Fucking kike. Whites are a world minority. Niggers are an overwhelming out of control monstrous majority.
Can't wait to kill kikes, and I WILL slaughter kikes.
A significant portion of that is the fault of white women, who have grossly disproportionate demands of white men.
>don't see what more we can do
How about every Jew walks into the ocean to drown and give the sand niggers their land back