Europeans will never be this manly

Europeans will never be this manly

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t. Roachgar

Aren't that the sport where oily men cuddle with each other? :3

Hes clearly on the gas bruh

Turks will never be European or Human.

roach roids

Call us when you are able to build a car.

Wrestling with another half naked bear oiled up and greasy.
totally manly and not gay at all. sure süleyman.
now go prep the bathhouse for those after wrestling massage in a house full of hairy turkish men.

damn stupid turks

More like... Captain Turkey




Even the women is

>turks will never be THIS manly

That manly oil wrestling.

yes we will never call giving another guy a reach around "wrestling"


Why are EuroKEKS so Pathetic

He looks like the main character from Wolfenstein New Order

>disguised ISIS

What the fuck i writed CU.CKS

>Europeans will never be this manly

Thank you for being the first roach on Sup Forums to admit you aren't European/part of Europe.

can a turk explain oil wrestling to me? I don't get it at all. like where the fuck did it come from and how did it become your national sport when it's so inherently... gay.

How can even Amerifats compate?

whatever you say, roachboy.

Yeah manly Turkish wrestlers sticking their hands down each other's pants grabbing the other guys junk

we don't get it too

GOOD banter "shitkey"
your luck you will never EVER be european right ?

I served two tours in Iraq. Kurds are bro tier, if you disagree you are Turk or Arab.

It looks gay but most of the people who does oil wrestling 20-30 year old married man.

At the first it they weren't using oil. They are oiling themself because this way it's harder to grap your opponent.

Main goal is the smash his back to the ground. (of course not like hurting him)

Wew, that testosterone.

Mmm. I love these homoerotic threads. Post more pics like this please.

Let's fap together, got a cam?

PKK and communism

Attainable natty?



>20-30 year old married man
Who are all gay as fuck. Being married doesn't make someone immune to being a faggot, you faggot.

>turks will never not be roaches

No literally! There are rules about this. They don't allow gay people to join tournament.

Why so jealous?

Are Turk white? They look like white men to me.
Why has pol lied to me.

Turks are white.


We are not colored. We are not white. We are not black. We do not know equality. We do not know superiority. We all born warriors and die warriors. If we can't fight. We just die in the battlefield to make enemy bullets waste.




Thank you for finally admitting it. Pic related.



well we can agree on one thing


So many butthurt nu-males iit lmao

He looks like shrek and russel crowe had a baby who was gene spliced with andre the giant.

>implying your pussyboys are as many as superior French soldiers

Remember when the tiny Balkan countries crushed you and your empire? Notice how the Kurds are killing you now and you're too pussy to do anything but airstrikes against them.

Just fucking think guys think that this guy is holding your fucking neck.

Eurocucks don't know things like that poor fags


>pic related your average "turks"

turks are literally an inbred race of arabs/iranians/armenians some of them are considered "white" because they stole childeren from european countries during the ottoman era


sosis seviyorum

Turkish Brokeback...

We send you our k*rds now you are crying cry more faggot

>If we can't fight
You can't. History disapproves

We probably have the best trolls.

jesus christ our stabbistabbiss(samis) are even better built than this.. pic related.. I wouldn't fuck with his raindeer. Seriously? This what you got? This is average here, possibly below

Enjoy Turks fucking and conquering your country

I knew he would be in here. Good call Austria.

starving them selves 1 month each year...
no wonder you are skinny fucks and think that roach up there is manly...

Mr Burns here could prolly taken him down

This country was doomed after WW2, amk pic.

>spamming pictures of dead soliders then going LOLOLOL I TROLLL U is good trolling


It's not gay. They are just putting their fingers in the other guys' assholes to have more grip because of the oil.

>Dad, how do I become a man?
>Well son, first you have to develop infinite muscles, be a walking aberation of deformities. Anything to be very strong so a faggot one day shoots you with a handgun and your muscles are useless
>then you have to read books that are intellectual self-wanks
>Now you have to be very angry at people that enjoy whatever sex they want to have
>as a bonus point, you have to behave like an ultra-violent caveman
>Get a job, as you will be less of a man if you figure out a way to live without working, a shitty job
>try to find promiscuous women, but hate them a lot
>become a nazi, how are you going to be a man if you don't become literally retarded?
>Pretend to follow a religion that doesn't match your behaviour in any way or shape
>Basically I'm retarded and asking you to be even more retarded.

>keep wishing you were European roach

If you can keep shitposting on Sup Forums while isis and kurds are blowing themselves in your cities, that's advanced trolling.

It is for preparing ourselves to even killing you in bad times

She's Turkish?

Are western turkroaches almost white in some areas?

i think you selected the wrong picture the only thing i see is a roach

turk sikis zafer

Who's that qt? I bet she rides the dick like a queen

Western and northern turks are pretty white. (blonde hair, blue eyes, etc.)

keep telling yourself that

wow, this is really hot.

Post more ripped men oiled up rubbing each other please.

God, I wish I could enter the twink category and get wrestled by these manly bears, possibly while wearing maid dress.

Turks not European confirmed.
Knew it, thanks roach-bro

Surprised to hear that. More information on aryan turks?

thats because we evolved from mammals unlike turks that came from cockroaches no wonder why everyone loves to crush turkey

Fuck I wish I had a folder full of oiled up naked Englishmen so I could offer a rebuttal. Damned I wish I was Turkish and could have the excellent world renown and standard of living that goes along with it.

I read his book when i was in jail.. Total fucking snow-nigger who brags about everything. He's also a fucking midget.. Like legit 4foot bald hobbit.


A random Trump supporter from America. Someone posted a pic of him with some mates on Sup Forums saying that they spread Trump photos across their high school.
I cropped the pic of him because he's the kind of guy that Goebbels would place in his Aryan propaganda.

>The Mountain
>not a manlet

I particularly admire his muscular antennae and the way his four front legs are so buff.


It's sad how beautiful white people speak such a disgusting sounding roach langauge and follow Islam


I doubt she's muslim lol. She looks like a typical Kemalist from İzmir.

He could still break them. Ahmet

She looks Finnish.


Looks Slavic to me desu

I know a girl who looks like her (except green eyes instead of blue)

They're all going back, or they're going to die.

Ey kanake, this is some of the gayest shit humans have ever created lol..

Grabbin your opponent at the balls while you are full of oil wtf WTF lol

Thereos nothing in the world you could every say that a hetero would not find it gay..goddamn just stop the gay nobody cares about you subhumans