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Her African features look good on her. I would definitely cum into her nigress pussy and give her a white baby.
Ok Jamal
People like her give blacks a good name.
you mean a light skinned black baby
No, my seed is so potent that I could wash away the negro genes in one go.
breddy gud
look at all the views, all the likes.
Does the media literally only show all of societies fuck ups?
MMMHMMM *Smacks lips* IM FINNAA UHH HOL UP IM FINNA UHH IM FINNA *Smacks lips again*.
Stopped watching.
Sup Forums going through the "white people cliche 101" book, today we're at
>hey guys I found this nig...I mean black person that says something I agree with, hah I guess they are not all bad and I'm not a racist piece of shit after all!
>y'all voted for obama cos hes black
>now he has failed so y'all makin excuses for him
>you are the real racist
>and now y'all are calling trump racist
>BLM is a cult
>all lives matter
she be redpilled
She's a nigger bitch.
negros are such gross creatures
u scared of a strong black woman white boi?
Wtf finna even means?
"going to" in nigger speak
Man. Fuck you. This woman is trying to make a difference unlike the other animals we see out there.
Can someone explain why the racial tension increase after 8 years of Obama's presidency? people voted for him because they wanted to end racism and now is worse, and now they want to elect Hillary to end misogynist. JUST!!!
See this fucking snowflake
>Dominican education
Give us her twitter you fucking faggot. Stop censoring it like this is leddit or something
the problem isnt black people, the problem is thug culture
>American healthcare system
most attractive nigress ive seen in a long time
Why do black people talk like retards?I spoke to afroamerican and it was me who had to shame him for speaking like autist and asked him to speak normally.Funny fact, he did.
This lip smacking, ''yoo'' and word-shortening manner is disgusting
The reality is that 90+ percent of blacks are going to vote democrat again. You are engaging in self propaganda to disassociate from the reality that Trump is fucked.
With that nose? Hell no.
when she say it CNN CLinton
Better than the Dominican one faggot
Saved :0)
how the fuck did "finna" creep itself into the english language that fast
seems so fucking weird
I wished a black woman like her pegged me
KEK i thought this was just memes
>dont have to pay more than 700 dollars for an ambulance if something happens to me, just call 911 and already payed with my taxes
medic negligence in my country is not a common problem trust me.
Fixing to
Im finna hit a lick
I'm in love Sup Forums
>I'm guarding my ear-gaze and eye-gaze
>house niggress and an aunt tom
>voting for trump
It's like pottery, it weaves
Based strong Christian black woman.
We need more like this.
Obama took away black people's excuse for being failures. If a black man can be president, they no longer have an excuse for their own personal failings. Instead of accepting this reality, they've constructed a complex new narrative to explain away their shortcomings: it's all whitey's fault... blacks are capable of great things (they were kings after all) but those racist crackers are keeping them down. They've always used this as an excuse but with Obama, a black man, becoming president, the cognitive dissidence has driven them into a collective psychological breakdown. They've never been expected to take responsibility for their life choices. Obama's presidency, through no policy decisions of his own, demands that blacks acknowledge they can do anything and are their own worst enemy.
she's a black women. not a nigger.
best example to see the difference.
Wait. They actually say this?
ITT: Sup Forums worshipping a black single mom because she's religious
She's still a nigger. Can't save something already lost.
Ay hol up
This. What fucking word/s does that even come from? I figure it means 'gonna' but aside that I'm stumped.
Why would any nonwhite support Trump or Republicans in any way?
Nonwhite conservatives are like their version of our white liberals, basically traitors to their own race and group interests looking to suck up to the "other".
>that nose
this is why I can't find niggers attractive
Just admit it swen, the real reason you don't find her attractive is because she has no cock and she is not cucking your sorry ass.
seriously this is the first time I have heard someone say finna in speech and I still have no idea what it means after 5000 pol copypastas
well actually If you look at what Marxism has done to Zimbabwe and places like that I think a lot of black people would prefer a male white leader. I know there was a survey in Zimbabwe after Ian smiths death and everyone prefers him to the other options.
Some of these people realize that the only way to improve their lot is to get the government out of the way and end competition on the democrat plantation.
>Why would any nonwhite support Trump or Republicans in any way?
oh yes because wanting a safe stable country now and traditional values is an exclusively white need
>Stopped watching.
Nobody cares.
Someone post this to Hillary's facebook
I second this.
Would do it my self but I try to avoid places like cancerbook so don't have an account there.
What's a lick?
Finna comes from "fitting to" which is also poor English.
Is she black? Yes? Then she shouldn't be alive.
It's a qt button nose.
Ty mates, I always wondered wtf many nigspeak words mean on the 'Holla up smack lips' pasta. Maybe we should make a dictionary for nigspeak
Her lips look like they could be excellent pillows for muh dik.
I stopped watching when she started saying 'this is gods test'. Fuck off with that shit, you're are all under your own control and if you think a god dictates your life and or has any influence on world events you are an ignorant fool.
>watch video
>she says BLM is a cult
>Dems use blacks to stay in power
>more black murders committed by blacks than cops
Holy fuck based. Nice to see that every black in America doesn't behave like an uncivilized chimp. Just a shame that for every one like her there are 100 who would kill you simply for being white.
Going too.
Finna go down the skreet to the stow fow some newports.
I'm going down true street to the convenience store for some Newport cigarettes.
Honestly, why can't you fucking idiots work this shit it from context?? Yes. It's retarded but no more retarded than you all asking what finna means.
Nah, you're the fool for being unable to see it.
I thought it was "fixing to", which is a very common phrase in the South.
You're the real fool thinking you can see it
>black person preaches God and doing good and not being a victim mindset
why you wanna reject people like this? even if you are atheist this is some good stuff for their community
It is.
Same way "ratchet" is an bastardization of "wretched".
It's like people never heard of eubonics here.
Its "fixing to" mate. Its a southern thing.
It'd be more appealing if you were looking down at her
Nah, I know what I see. You don't know what you can't.
Fucking this. Also related to the pic: that free form jazz from back in the day is sophisticated as hell. It tells me that as a race, they're capable of so much better, but that thug culture has a tight hold, especially on the men's sense of masculinity.
This video is quite funny. Thanks for the Keks. She is right however. Love how she called Obama "yo black god".
Too much christfagging for me but she's on the right track.
If that's you in the picture, stay strong, never lose hope for this election.
It's a functional nose
She can breathe well while she grinds your cock
That nigger fucking accent, everytime bro. How come whites don't end up with that accent
>I'm finna speak my mind
So she prayed to God to understand things the way he sees them and know what the answer was in this situation
Then she made this video
Did we just witness a miracle?
We may have. The more I think about it though, the more it seems that Christianity has been the primary tool through which cultures and people have become civilized. I think this is probably due to the fact that it promotes prayer which acts as a self-reflection and introspection rather than just acting on "muh feels".
I can see you are enlightened by your own intelligence
>im watching my mouth
;) your not that only one that is watching it
nigger culture. call it what it is. destigmatization of the word nigger will be the death knell for black privilege.
nigger speak goes deep
i have no idea what these fine afro americans are saying either
>women from a totally different safespace happens to come to similar conclusions as Sup Forums
That´s kind of a strong indicator that our logic is actually sound. It´s like three scientists inventing the phone independently from each other. Pretty neat.
Her hair is like silk. I want to wrap her hair all around my big fat white dick.
well you're not wrong.