Aaron Sorkin Gets an Education on Hollywood’s Diversity Issue at WGFestival

>“Are you saying that women and minorities have a more difficult time getting their stuff read than white men and you’re also saying that [white men] get to make mediocre movies and can continue on?” he asked the audience.

thoughts on this, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>you’re also saying that [white men] get to make mediocre movies and can continue on?


Really makes me think

It's time that university students teach old men that have been in the business for decades HOW it is done. College kids taught Seinfeld what real comedy is. College kids tried to teach the Coens how to write scripts with diverse characters, and they didn't listen

Jews know Jews. Who you know is the entire industry.




I respect SJWs more than faggots like you desu

>Sup Forums being pro palestine.

Nigga what?

>not aligning with one arbitrary group or the other means one believes in nothing

I still just can't figure out how both the major parties in this country fielded such shit candidates. Really makes me think.

>You are either a poltard or sjw and if you're not that means you hold no views on anything because there are no other positions
I honestly pity intellectual midgets like you.

>Employers are racist
>Against writers

Yeah, they totally scan portfolios and manuscripts for names that sound niggery so they can throw them out.

kill yourself 90's born queer

nothing else really explains why lindelof got so much work


They used to be before Sup Forums harbor.

At least The Jews is the biggest font since it's really the most important factor.

If you're middle class and a minority, then you hit the fucking jackpot. I don't know what my fellow middle-class/upper-middle class minority people are whining about, we are playing life on easy mode. we could grow up in a rich gated community, but purely because we're half-black or our surname is "Gomez" we get preferential treatment over a dirt-poor white kid. It's amazing. If I wasn't a minority I'd be furious.

>everyone I don't like is Sup Forums

Hi, /r/ShitRedditSays

The difference between /pol. and SJWs are Sup Forums beliefs are backed up by verified facts and SJWs just regurgitate bullshit told too them by their gender studies professor.

All marxists need to be thrown out of helicopters.

pol btfo

>Sup Forums beliefs are backed up by verified facts



t. reddit

verified by Sup Forumslacks maybe

>Sup Forums pro Palestine

>fence-sitters like me believe in things I swear!
And yet, you never actually say what it is you believe in, do you?

Really fires up my thought proceses.

>black people winning oscars is white genocide!!

Because most of the people complaining about Sup Forums complaining about SJWs agree with the SJWs on pretty much everything

>Yeah look okay pomo critheory privilegeshit is considered to be completely 100% accurate by almost every major and minor Western university, but I really don't know what you're complaining about - I haven't had a tranny come up to me in real life screaming about Gamergate, so what's the problem?

>you're either with me or against me
Lmao I feel sorry for you.

name 5 white christian heterosexual male writers that have worked on a movie with a budget of at least $30m in the past 5 years

pro tip: you can't

>bringing up Sup Forums and SJWs for no reason

but why?

The difference is that the "Sup Forums" things, by and large, have some basis in reality which the SJW things are just marxist critical theory bullshit constructs.

They were when it was politically useful

Ignoring that one side owns multiple media conglomerates and has considerable unchecked power. Ignoring that one side is just a message board full of lazy neckbeards who don't ever leave the house and don't even leave the site.

Yea they're exactly alike.

>This faggot obsessed with Sup Forums in every thread

Well Snyder made 1 mediocre movie and one shitty movie and is still in charge of a huge movie franchise.
Granted, that probably has to do with his wife being pretty high up the company hierarchy. Or maybe he just has footage of the upper echelon raping and killing underage taiwanese ladyboys.

But he's right. Even if someone's not a Sup Forumstard, you still don't allow them to criticize SJWs. It's strange how you say they're "just as bad" and then defend the shit out one side.

Y-y-you're just like the SJWs! I-It's not like I angrily shitpost all day just to bait you Sup Forumstards!!

I'll never understand Snyder's career. 300 I can buy it not having tanked it cause it would have settled him as a Ratner/Bay-esque director. But after Watchmen, and then Sucker Punch any studio went
>here's a couple of hundred million, go make your movie
then gave him their big comic book tentpole franchise, will never make any sense to me.

And even after MoS, to give him BvS, and then after that shitheap, to give him JL? We're past knowing where the bodies are buried and into something worse.

>feminists don't use those words synonymous with "you disagreed with me"
>ultimate goals are all wrong
>rope day is a meme
>i've never seen Sup Forums care about palestine or any other arab people

He met Abrams and came up with a bunch of crazy bullshit for Lost, and now he goes wherever JJ does.

Watchmen is not a bad movie though. Sure, it more or less completely ignores the messages of the comic book but other than that it was competently made.

Well yeah, I'll give you that it's coherent start to finish, but that's basically as good as it gets. Although if you're getting the guy that fucked up this adaptation, to then handle more adaptations? But that really falls on WB executives being walking retards that are only outdone in stupidity by Sony

if you get the chance you should kill yourself

The only real financial blunder in his career is sucker punch I think.

His movies are good trailer bait so he has great opening weekends regardless of critic reviews and before word of mouth can do any damage. Watchmen still made more than it's budget even with it's insane week 2 drop off.

Movie should do twice their budget to be considered succesful

Some of the scenes are pretty awkward/cringey.

He admittedly tried to mimic comic books by having as few cuts when people were talking. I think he said he only used one camera the entire shoot. Scenes like Nite Owl and Rorschach talking in front of the Archimedes are pretty bad because of this.

Watchmen and Guardians might have JUST scrapped through on budget, but their box office wasn't what they would have expected, specially with Watchmen. Sucker Punch straight up tanked. What's surprising about that is any other director, and Sucker Punch sends them to permanent TV hell. Somehow Snyder has managed to fail upwards.

All his movies meet that criteria and then some besides sucker punch and Watchmen.

Watchmen was an R rated comic book movie though and still made 60 mil over it's budget so it wasn't a huge blunder.

>that [white men] get to make mediocre movies and can continue on?

I don't think it's really a diversity thing so much as it is a nepotism but who knows, maybe Wonder woman will be good, fourth times the charm right?

>still made 60 mil over it's budget so it wasn't a huge blunder.
It was pointless. They made budget and PR back but that it. Wasted time

They'll never admit it's nepotism. Doing so would cause everyone to notice that everyone in Hollywood is basically related to everyone else in Hollywood

Does this bait STILL work?

Wow, well played user.

>[white men] get to make mediocre movies and can continue on
In many cases such directors are professional hacks. They are given shitty projects to work on because they have no reputation to ruin, they are just there to help studios and producers shovel their shit. They'll never be respected, but at least they get paid.

title of my next essay ese.

>muh palestine

i wonder who was behind this?

Actually Sup Forums neckbeards hate Palestine.