James Bond telling it like it is
James Bond telling it like it is
>blonde bond
Into the trash
>what is population control for 500 alex
Not including hunters are the number one contributers to wild life conservation
More like Moore being a massive retard. In Germany we have more deers & co than ever before because we overfeed them like shit. It is therefore absolutely mandatory to have hunters thin them out a bit.
>having a useful input on anything
This dude is actually less relevant than Michael Moore?!
I used to torture cats but theyre dead now
>it's manly to pick off a an animal from a hundred meters
I've always thought hunting was weird, but I'm a city slicker.
>all the fags ITT instantly straw-manning to make it about population control and not about hunting solely for sport
T. Guy who cant even own a spoon
Population control is extremely vital to wildlife conservation you fucking retard
Yes it is
I'm sure Mr Moore is aware of that
his argument was clearly directed at people who hunt purely for sport and do not in any way contribute to conservation
but your third world education only taught you how to spin shit in whatever way makes it easiest for you to attack
>killing defenceless animals
das rite
we be killing niggers from now on
>(seven time James Bond)
like how thats added at the end like it's somehow makes him an authority on anything.
Nigga you was in movies about killing other humans and banging sluts go fuck yourself
By "sport hunting" he means fox hunting with hounds. It's banned in UK and likely to stay banned or else.
Moore is an idiot.
The people who hunt purely for sport do so under license to control the population you inbred Cornish subhuman. It's a fortunate coincidence that controlling the population is ALSO tons of fucking fun, and that shriveled up cunt can be as mad as he likes about it.
This isn't the UK, we aren't feeding baby foxes to dogs or whatever it is you savages used to do for fun, we're killing mule deer, which are basically giant rats with hooves who obliterate the ecosystem if allowed to get out of control.
Every year in this country deer attack more people than sharks. They can seriously get aggressive.
>seven time James Bond
They make it sound like it's some sort of triathlon or wrestling match lol.
They're using it because a lot of people feel like hunting is masculine, which it is.
I mean he's wrong but it is always funny to watch Americans struggle to defend themselves from things they don't really need to care about.
Hunting with hounds is disgusting imo but that's not what he's talking about here.
He said this in response to Cecil The Lion killing shit that went on a while back.
Most of our hunting is the same up here, I've considered getting a permit and going on a hunt myself some time.
I don't think they understand how hunting really works.
Also he was literally THE worst bond, he's nothing compared to pic related or even smug faggot Pierce Brosnan
I hunt for sport and get all of the meat processed and make my own jerky. I hope Moore is a vegetarian.
I've always liked this man. NO HOMO
His charm and wit are limitless!
That isn't entirely SPORT HUNTING
That is also hunting for food. You are like the masses who cannot understand full meanings or statements. He is talking about faggots that want to shoot animals that they will do nothing good with. Like predator animals who have gamy shitty tough meat. Leave them alone FAGGOT!
> thinks he's white
> against killing without necessity
oh wow, an actor? someone who is paid to pretend to have opinions?
I always listen to actors, because of their integrity and high morals
Funny how the west condemns chinese for being subhuman for killing dogs for food, yet support killing other highly intelligent animals for mere pleasure
>Hunting with hounds is disgusting imo
so? well done for having an opinion
now, what are you doing about halal and kosher sacrificing conscious animals to satan?
the other animals aren't domesticated you fucking chink
At least it isn't a bunch of blood thirsty fucking kikes wanting to bleed out a little white boy.
blood li·bel
noun: blood libel; plural noun: blood libels
an accusation that Jewish people used the blood of Christians in religious rituals, especially in the preparation of Passover bread, that was perpetrated throughout the Middle Ages and (sporadically) until the early 20th century.blood li·bel
noun: blood libel; plural noun: blood libels
an accusation that Jewish people used the blood of Christians in religious rituals, especially in the preparation of Passover bread, that was perpetrated throughout the Middle Ages and (sporadically) until the early 20th century.
And KIKES wonder why people don't want them breathing!
>defenseless animals
Go into the woods with no knife, tools, guns voluntarily and see how that works out for you.
Its true though.
If you want to kill things, then go kill muslims.
>t. retard who never went hunting
I bet he thinks it's like torture.
I agree with Mr. Moore. Hunting is nothing more thAN getting a thrill killing another creature. That is morally bankrupt to take pleasure in the suffering of another sentient creature. If you have this problem, and many do, then there is professional help available for some cases. Sociopathic behavior runs at about 4% of the US population and many people cannot be helped except to realize the implications. I do not know what percentage of hunters are sociopathic. But surely much of hunting is merely a matter of culture and history. That doesn't justify it but does explain the popularity. I hope that fades, and am pro-2nd amendment user. Hunting is morally wrong. And I personally have extended the principle in my life to being a vegan, as well. I'm not perfect at it but pretty close.
But if you kill the animals they win.
what about hunting armed humans
Chances are nothing will happen if you are right with the animals.
they are of their father, the devil
why would they have stopped?
i have literally never met a hunter who didn't have the animal skinned and the meat processed
you get better meat for cheaper and that's why a lot of those people do it
Because I don't work hand in hand with the DNR to keep wild pig population down so the farmers don't get their fields torn up.
Anti hunters know nothing about ecology
Niggers aren't human
i might add that I've killed hundreds of animals and regret it. I first hunted at age 8. I went fishing before that too. And fishing is wrong in m opinion too. I would never do it again. Fish feel pain just as do mammals. Leave them alone to live their life in the food chain as they will. Interrupting that for your entertainment pleasure is sicko. And please don't try on me the argument that it's for food. I know better.
some people, and maybe they total a lot of people, but surely not most hunters.
>people believe the "animals are defenceless" meme
>people believe a gun magically murder anything it touches
>implying population control isn't beneficial to both us and animals
>implying people don't eat or study hunted animals
The only mental disorder here is veganism
It's true, i had hunters in family, we eat good, even had pets, but going around just killing for nothing is stupid.
I just copy pasta'ed but you're right. Why would they? Maybe they in general realized a superstitious act like such is meaningless in all forms than what they make up in their sick fucking heads. Maybe they evolved maybe not.
>And I personally have extended the principle in my life to being a vegan
aah, enjoy your rapidly diminishing vitamin B12, before it starts affecting your health, nervous system and brian
you "too moral to live" faggot
why not just kill yourself
I'm going to the shops now to buy some chicken, mmmmm, and maybe a steak, maybe they have some veal? I'll get one extra because of you, any idea how to tell which is the most abuse veal cutlet?
would you kill a bear that was about to attack you?
what about a herd of feral pig that had just eaten 75% of your areas vegetables?
and why no condemnation of satanic conscious meat sacrifice through halal and kosher?
So you didn't eat the animals you killed?
You're right, you are a sicko.
the deer is weaker than the man. it is immoral to upset the balance of nature and intervene in the destruction of the weak by the strong
Whitetail are also a pain in the fucking ass
I live in a small "city" in BC. The deer are a legitimate hazard when it comes to driving especially on the highway and especially when the albertafags are riding your ass 2 inches from your bumper. People have been killed in car accidents caused by deer. It's a legitimate deadly hazard. They also are in the city and attack people it was so bad that they had to authorize a deer cull basically a very organized hunt within city limits (they used bowser more safety) because there were so fucking many deer and people were getting attacked
or maybe they came up with schemes to hide it, breeding their victims in secret? in foreign lands using orphanages? who knows?
A: venison sausage is incredibly delicious.
B: Then you must REALLY hate black people, because they cannot see their victims as people.
You think I'm being racist? Uh, no. I'm a lawyer, and I have to defend them. They have NO understanding that they made someone suffer, they don't even understand why they were arrested, they really think that robbing and killing people hurts no-one.
Killing animals for no other purpose than to kill them is IMO SPORT HUNTING! Animals that aren't doing anything but just being there. I'm not talking about a lone wolf that keeps eating a persons cows. But a Lion half way around the world who isn't doing shit to no body nor never would have and some faggot wants to shoot it like that makes them some big man or something. Fucking losers. If you're a real big man go out with a knife and kill that lion or bear. Let's see how big you really are but that isn't the point the point is they are cowards and pussies so they won't ever do any real manly shit like that because they are just fake men. That is why they shoot animals for sport then think in their heads they are tuff. Somewhere they think they are all powerful.
You don't get to make that choice for other people and it literally doesn't matter how you feel about it. Even if they do get pleasure from it someone has to kill them. That's partially as to why people are allowed to hunt in the first place.
>Fish feel pain just as do mammals.
You're either a shitposter or a Redditor but either way you need to fuck off.
My wife is from the Phillipines. Her uncle owns a Cock Fighting ring. Thought it was barbaric to start with, but went and loved it. Those chickens don't give a fuck, all they want to do is fuck something up.
I torrent their cock fighting championships now so I can watch it in the UK.
I wish cock fighting was legal here.
It depends
If you hunt do you use everything you can? Do you eat the meat?
Or are you an AlbertaCuck who shoots an animal for fun and leaves it's rotting corpse for someone else to clean up
but by killing a lion, you are saving a hundred or more gazelles
what now, faggot?
So a wolf hunting deer isn't natural? Are humans not part of the food chain?
From what I gathered that isn't how they do it. They have to have a specific child to slaughter. One prerequisite is that they have to be born Christian.
There are very few sport hunters.
Most hunters and fishermen eat what they hunt.
>what is population control for 500 alex
Often a shit argument
>Not including hunters are the number one contributers to wild life conservation
Good argument
wtf I hate the persuaders now.
Then why don't you kill yourself? Think of all the life you would save goy.
we are and it is the height of immorality to think otherwise. if you have the ability to kill and eat a deer and you choose not to, you are in the wrong
>Often a shit argument
Actually, it's WHY hunting is allowed in America. The species that used to eat deer would eat humans, too. That's why there are no natural predators anymore.
We HAVE to keep the population down, or our roadsides turn into rotting travesties.
I guess the gazelles will over populate now faggot!
You probably never knew Sumeria used to have lions naturally. Then fags like you appeared and nothing was left.
May Zeus kill you all!
For Sport!
>sport hunting
If we didn't eat meat, the dogs would. Killing a whole elephant or rhino, especially endangered, to get some bone or nothing at all, such people need to be hunted themselves and of course to not waste money, feed them to African cannibals. Everything has a line one should not cross, life isn't simple as yes or no. When animals are rare then you got to place rules so they can recover.
>thinking animals are 'defenseless'
>being this uneducated on the sport
Wtf fuck off you old puppet looking cunt
i'm not the one too moral to live, shoahmo kikensteinowitzenburgenshekelgruber
look hitler, that was my argument to the vegmurderer, not my actual position, stick to gassing kikes, homo
>shoot animal
>dies instantly
>don't shoot animal
>it gets its asshole ripped out by wolves or it gets splattered by a car or a litany of other violent deaths
Do these people see what goes on in nature? Most of the animals we hunt are not dying of old age surrounded by loved ones.
Look at these scumbags that want children emotionally scarred from seeing thousands of animals killed by drivers .
You're disgusting.
Sport hunting, even sport fish hunting where you release fish is kind of stupid, but i wouldn't ban sport fish hunting, but i would say it's pretty retarded. Going fishing for food, that's fun, you make a camp, you eat fish, nothing wrong with it. What's very wrong is people who pay to shoot an endangered animals or hunters who play with their animals like childish torture games. When people killed bears that lived in wildness, they weren't an army of sissy boys with modern guns, they lived there, grown up in wildness, such people you can't compare to office fart pants who occasionally play Rambo. There's way too many people who want to play Rambo and hardly any real Rambos.
oh, don't worry, I'm sure they're working on animal retirement homes and welfare payed for by Whitey
Daniel Craig?
If a Lion has teeth and claws that can maybe only reach up to 10' during a pounce and your faggot ass is 200 meters away with a .308 sniper rifle. I'd definitely have to say that animal was defenseless.
Now faggot get within 10' before you take that first shot. Give him a chance to use what God gave them.
You're a tuff guy you can do it!
^ this
who gives a rat ass about what some old has-been movie industry worker has to say about random chit.
No, you are not part of the food chain.
For the last 10 thousand years your ancestors fought nature, and now they won.
You on the other hand, is trying to go back.
Yay lets cut every primal feeling out of men, feminize them and establish equal society xD ;D
Himlerry 2016
>people who find amusement doing what you've been bred to do over the course of millennia and millennia.
I swear to God humans are the most cucked animals on the planet. They'l destroy the fucking thing, construct their own nonsunsainabke environments, and then get upset when someone tries to live life in congruence with nature.
There's this closed down seminary school near my house that house that fencing where the top is essentially spikes, I remember going to school one morning and seeing a still alive deer impaled on one of the spikes with its guts spilling out and its legs thrashing. Guess it tried to jump and didn't make it over.
He right
Hurting and killing animals for fun is a warning sign for psychopathy
You hunt so you can eat it stop triggering me dumb cunt
Fucking dogs, kill them all i say. They do nothing useful except being mollycoddled by spineless pussies who never got laid once in their own pathetic life.
Dog owners are weak. And whoever has aggressive breeds (especially pitbulls) should be shot on sight along with their parasitic animals.
And no, dogs are good. Meat is a little bit chewy, but perfect if you cook it in a slow cooker (especially if the dog is still alive inside of it) and add some spices.
I've tasted both dog and cat meat, and i can assure dog tops them all. Cow meat is nothing compared to a good spiced dog
These idiot communists see nature as fragile and man as powerful. They believe we exist outside of nature instead of realizing that we are part of nature.
They abhor the horrors of the farm and hunting because they are ignorant of the horrors of the forest and lake.
If these people had any fucking faith, they would see that death is not the worst thing to have ever existed. Suffering is temporary. God is all powerful.
Humans are a recent addition to the food chain. We are not naturally a part of the food chain. Unaltered primates are natural to the food chain. Humans are a invader species we were genetically engineered and don't really belong so we have to watch out for what God gave us. That includes not destroying animal populations for no good reason.
Are you autistic? He literally just said the opposite
Did you sell your soul, convert to islam or are you chineese born? Only people like those share your views.
t. Alberto Barbossa tanned Italian
There is nothing wrong with having a soft side for animals and children, we are not savages. We do not require savagery to survive as a race.
No. Sir Roger made at least one masterpiece (Octopussy) while Michael Moore made a couple of mediocre documentaries and is perpetually stuck in the pre-HRT stage of his transition.
Don't care. The amazon will be gone soon.
Keep buying wood and soy from us tho.
That looks like the white lab that crazy kid cut the head off of his own doggy! Even the decapitated head the dog looked like it was still happy.
Humans are part of nature. If we weren't why do we succumb to disease?
>That includes not destroying animal populations for no good reason.
which is why you need to cull deer and other wild animals so they don't overpopulate and wreck the vegetation therefore turning it into a desert
Thinning out the local deer population is necessary in my state. The deer will overpopulate and fuck up the ecosystem otherwise. Hunting things like wolves and mountain lions is fine too in other states provided you have the tags or the game warden gives you permission; the whole "hunting for sport" thing isn't bad unless people go full retard and try to genocide a species.
That is like taking a Somalian and moving them to Germany and then calling them a German. It just isn't right.