Really makes you think, huh?
Really makes you think, huh?
Fucking everyone wants out of Russia
Look at me Sven. I am the Swede now
>go west life is peaceful there
Damn poles raping our women, and stealing Mohammed's welfare
>Romanian gyppos make our traditional gyppos look like baby Jesus free of sin.
What do you feed them to make them so dire, Dacianbros?
Poles dont have any chilidren thou
What's up with Italians moving to Belgium ?
how is this a surprise?
Only in Poland
Our diaspora breeds all the time
Spaghetti niggers came in the 50s to work in the Cole mines
Always eating pizza and smelling of garlic ,
Degenerate human trash
>Really makes you think, huh?
Aren't you guys getting all the Russian Muslims though?
when will the UK start building designated streets?
Fucking gypsies breeding with our national gypsies to create a new race of supergypsies to steal all the copper out of our railroads
>portuguese go to luxembourg
what the fuck
Are they actual Russians though, or just people who were moved around anyway because of the USSR? Or are they Chechens or some shit?
> Moved from Russia to Ukraine
They're really mad men
The real question is. What are the Portuguese doing in Luxembourg?
well we all know how white portugal is.
They propably went there to shoot some hohols.
Most of our families were moved during ww2. At least that's Uzbekistan, not sure about others. Stalin had paranoia and liked to move people from one end of the empire to another.
How is life in Uzbekistan m8? Can you get by on just Russian there or must you learn the local language?
We only take the best Indians. Pic related, sheepshagger.
In the capital you can get by only with Russian. Not sure about other cities though.
Why are there so many Bulgarians in turkey?
Can they not live without cock from their ottoman masters?
fucking gypsies
>Sweden: Finland
yea okay
ha made you think
And we only take the best from the UK you limey cocksucker...
Bulgarian T*rks, not actual Bulgarians.
Yeah fucking romanians and turkroaches spreading like cancer in the lung of a chain smoker, along with other fatal diseases like bosnians, algerians, angolans, indians, and moldovans, purge them all while it is not too late.
I thought swedes were the most immigrants here? Poles are better though, as long as they work for normal wages.
>And we only take the best from the UK you limey cocksucker...
But, as usual, we were not talking about New Zealand. We were talking about a map of Europe.
Now fuck off and leave that sheep alone.
There are barely 2k romanians in Hungary
Aren't Russia give everyone passports in the neighbouring countries who wants them, to have their protection as an excuse to invade the countries later?
Hungarians are pretty bro-tier
>We're not invading
>We're protecting the interest and securing the safety of the Russian people
Nope. The Russians in Estonia are mostly the ones that stayed here from the Soviet times. They don't hate Russia, they fucking love it. They speak their stupid Russian language and refuse to learn Estonian, completely cut off from the Estonian society here. They don't want out of Russia, they want Estonia to be a part of Russia.
Pic related.
There are barely 2k romanians in Hungary.Your map is suppose to show GYPSIES
This triggers me so much.
Our leftist government tries to fix our population issues (old population, low birthrates) letting thousands of African immigrants in.
We are being blacked at a vertiginous pace and we can't speak about that because of muh racism. I wan't to die.
Oh fuck off gypsy, noone has the time to check for differences, if it is brown kill it.
I wonder if the other countries are also bullshit (they probably are)
Greece makes sense from what I know though maybe the refugee crisis has changed that
Happy with finnish immigrants, good people that.
>doesn't know bulgarians are actually assimilated turks
wew lad
>Finns are the Mexicans of Sweden
Yeah. Get your gypsy shit out of here.
You don't belong anywhere near these threads.
>Germans fleeing to Denmark
Hmm really makes you think huh
The map looks like Ukraine and Russia will eventually exchange the names of their countries.
They are still testing the waters by trading cop shows, as of yet.
Give me your gypsy tears.
>Irish top minority language in Ireland
Makes me laugh, top cucked.
Go away gyppo. You don't belong in these threads.
German muslims looking to fickificki scandinavia
I love Russia, but anyone pretending it's not an authoritarian poverty stricken shithole needs a reality check.
Russia is not the powerful country the USSR was.
Why don't you go out and beg for change instead of (you)'s you fucking gypsy trash.
>this is considered a 10/10 in romania
Do basically dindus and allahu akbaris but white
What compels you to do this? Do you have some sort of autism, boy?
>When white people are your refugees and border hoppers.
This. They are not immigrants, they are remnants of the occupation.
You can't fight a war if independence against yourself. God's joke on the British.
Yea odd right? Sounds like somebody's sister isn't back from her summer job in The Netherlands yet.
He probably gets paid to shill.
I thought Iceland, Norway, UK, Ireland, Germany should all be polish? Isn't Poland the biggest diaspora in all of those countries?
Actually Angola is developing fast. Don't think it's just immigrants but businessmen too.
Show your hand the "white" man from netherlands.
how's the begging in Holland
He˙s an actual nigger not a gypsy. Normally niggers bash east euro countries because they are insecure savages.
Second biggest. Brits come here in large numbers apparently.
russians are here cause they were left here after the war some couldnt go back others refused to go back cause they still belive this place is russia they teach their children to hate "natives" not learn the language and now boom
They are very homogeneous when it comes to nationality.
Both of you gypsies get out.
A lot of Portugese actually go to Angolo to work.
That is an ugly as fugg finger
then you are just pathetic for bashing fellow europeans, you fell for the shill tactics
>fellow European
You're literally defending a Romanian shill who's getting paid to post academic untruths on Sup Forums all day long.
He's been at is for months.
You'd think he's trolling or having fun shitposting, he's not. They're actually teaching that shit at their schools. They're worse than Turks.
What is he saying? How can you be sure it was him?
Go learn your history, Bulgars are part of the turkic race that has been slavd by the russians.
>Fins comming from Ruskiland
>Not Mongolia
>Serbs migrating to Albania
This is,indeed, false.
Sweden no!!!