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who cares

Genuinely made me ponder.

>Many men, including Donald Trump

cant even go 4 words without mentioning trump and what horror he is.

Hey Sup Forums
Are we gonna let the feminists save Ghostbusters on IMDb or are we gonna bury this piece of feminist shit?
>pic very related. The difference in rating between males and females.
Go and do your duty Sup Forums and rate this feminist abomination with 1/10, otherwise you're letting feminists win.

>females age 45+

well look at that, guess they know the original.

Invisible Man, sleeping in your pants,
who ya gonna call?


>23% voted 10/10

Who gives a fuck about imdb or rotten tomatoes or any of that shit?

The box office results will be the measurement of success by which hollyjew decides whether or not they want to continue down this path

Here, senpai.

You have a friend in media.


Movie is bad
Modern journalistics is a joke.Wtf was that?

The movie had a 3.5/10 rating two days ago and now the feminists are trying to bring it back.

Show them no mercy. They'll use their high ratings and paid/scared critics reviews to say their movie is good and win the impressions at least, even if the movie bombs.
Don't let them have even that. Most people will not know that the movie flopped, they will only know what the kike media told them but a low rating on IMDb, where the people have voice and not the critics, will tell a different tale.

>Implying I care about the kike powered trends

I feel sorry for you user, do you really think this is an important cultural/political moment? Do you really believe that this shit will still be relevant in 5, 10 years?

The movie might be fun , or not, entertaining, or not. Anyone thinking this is a serious political matter is a delusional faggot who lost any sens of intellectual hierarchy.

Good luck wasting your time arguing with the most stupid "political" movement ever made: the artificial alliance of Hollywood kikes and fat Tumblr women

It's critical, not for its sake only, but for the sake of future entertainment.
You may have noticed that films are becoming increasingly liberal, pushing harder and harder their multicultural, lgbt and feminist agendas.
From the new Mad Max and Star Wars films to other proven source material movies replacing key white characters of the original content to niggers and gooks and fags, the latest example of which, is Sulu becoming a faggot.

You don't think this is important? But it is, because it's shaping the minds of the young and gullible, our children. Imagine if they listen to the liberals and Captain America and Bucky lovers or the princess from Frozen a lesbian, these movies that our children are going to see.
And they will listen to them, if Ghostbusters succeed.
With Ghostbusters, they pushed it a step too far and provoked a reaction. Now it's too late for us, to back down from that and say whatever we don't care, cause it will seem as their win. We have to tell them that's enough. And maybe... save our children from them.

This. If Cisbusters does well, expect other to follow suite. It's common sense.

That (((Cohen))) in the twitter feed isn't wrong. This movie is more about politics than entertainment.


Hahaha oh please. I'll just watch the original Ghostbusters and give this a miss. You know, catching ghosts instead of making man hate fake geek girl flicks.


Hollywood has always and will always push for the current kike agenda, no matter how bad the audience reaction is.

>Muh it's getting worse
>Muh white genocide
Stop that shit user, don't you realise they also need your hate to build their marketing campaign?

Do you care about Europe's future? About the future of your "white" children?
Then work, cherish classical/traditional culture and raise a solid family where you teach your child how to think and behave.

Wanting Hollywood to reflect such ideals is so fucking retarded, have fun contributing nothing to society you faggot

>(((Rebecca Cohen)))

>Hollywood has always and will always push for the current kike agenda, no matter how bad the audience reaction is.
Jews/Hollywood will only go so far. Shekels still matter more to them, and with what's happening in the current socio-political climate, antagonizing the "goys" wouldn't be to their best interests, if they don't want mass evictions of Jews to happen again.

Where are they going to go now if they get evicted? Israel? kek

they need to make about 500m to even see profit

150m budget. 140m? marketing. 50% revenue back from theaters.

and the fact the china banned this movie already sealed this as a flop.

>They'll use their high ratings and paid/scared critics reviews to say their movie is good and win the impressions at least, even if the movie bombs

I don't care enough about the culture wars or IMDB ratings to give you clicks, but for reference when the positive reviews are shit like this, where the movie is barely mentioned and instead an ideologue gives a harangue, it's pretty clear the ratings have nothing to do with the quality of the movie itself.

It's amazing they can make this a gender wars issue. Star Wars TFA had a woman main character and earned billions with merch added. Mad Max was a side character in his own movie and that made bank too.

Sarah Connor wasn't a problem back in the 90s.
Ripley wasn't an issue back in the 70s.

But now, today, 2016, this is where the big gender wars on the cinema screen happens? That's what they want people to believe anyway. I just can't buy that anyone but insular retards on the left buy this bullshit. If you're 25+ and you've watched movies you're already aware that women star in major films and nobody gives a shit.

The only thing left is to see if >muh misojyny is enough to market a shitty b movie remake on.

>Still, some of the other criticisms may be more justified. Judging by the trailer, Ghostbusters can fairly be accused of being a rehash of the original, of blunting its sharp edges, of being a blatant cash-in, of being dependent on cheesy-looking visual effects, and, worst of all, of being unfunny.
>But then, all of these charges, and more, could be levelled at Ghostbusters II
Is this BBC openly admitting the movie is shit?