What's happening in South Africa right now will the situation ever improve for Whites? Will you ever split off and form your own state?
What's happening in South Africa right now will the situation ever improve for Whites...
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>spilt off
white africa?
Cape Colony.
The evil racists are being punished for the abominable crimes that the white South African supremacists perpetrated against the innocent, care-free and loving blacks.
Decades of their abuse has twisted and corrupted their psyche - it was the institutional racism of the South African whites that has brought the rod down upon their asses again and again.
He was the liberator and hero that South Africa needed.
If i were a white south African i would do whatever the fuck it takes to get Australian citizenship
like the Bolsheviks in russia right?
American learning Afrikaans, here. Always respond to SA threads. What is happening to whites elsewhere has already happened to them, so they will be th first group of people to fix it.
I'm a black nationalist even though I'm white because I want all the blacks to fuck off back to Africa so they can see how shit it is, then all us whites can move to uncucked Europe or America free from
No self respecting white country will ever give any Boer citizenship.
They are the most vile and hate filled racists ever seen upon the face of the Earth.
look into my eyes I am EFF now
Also, have a based Terre'Blanche. He was *hand fucking picked* to be the personal security of a Nazi officer who moved to Rhodesia to secure the next glorious reich. German to Afrikaans is probably not a hard move, difficultly wise.
Omg why can't whites be supported in their effort to steal land from niggers???
It's white man's manifest destiny to go live on nigger lands, in a nigger climate, to become depressed angry alcoholic pieces of shit!
Whites were in the cape long before Bantuniggers.
Sa is more euro climat.
Shut the fuck up retarded Algerian nigger
reminder to not fall for the "leave southafrica" meme
well how about t. for Africa there Achmed
And those nigger cousins of your only came because the dutch were already there... actually making something out of the lands
is there pressure for whites to mix with the native blacks like in our propaganda here
Rhodesia is objectively superior
Not really. It will be very rare for an Afrikaans white to racemix. Also the niggers here are very African, so the cultural difference is big.
Many black families would not what their child to marry a white person because of the differences.
does the average white person look down on the Africans even if they keep it hidden its strange to think about white woman not fetishizing black men though some must
Are you in the Western Cape? I started boycotting the ZA media after they pulled comments on every news site.
Was last there in 2000 when I was 14 or so. I can't imagine what it's like now, and even my few friends who haven't left have gone insane brainwashed evangelical zionist (which is the new direction of Dutch Reformed) and the entire place is finished.
South Africa took a much worse beating after Brexit than even the UK, but no intl media even mentioned it. Zim 2.0.
pls rise up and build a nigger-free state so I have somewhere to run to when the lefty-neoliberal coalition eventually destroys us
I really feel for white British heritage South Africans.
Fought for the Commonwealth, many of them died for Britain in the world wars, successfully built their country despite harsh conditions, tried their best to create a peaceful land.
Now that country has been handed to the anc and is becoming zimbabwe2.0 all those people have been forgotten about. Probably not forgotten, more like left there as a punishment for being so 'racist'.
Would happily support letting a few tenths of thousands of them emigrate here. Provided they moved to somewhere other than Auckland's North Shore.
Europeans in North Africa would be better. Just don't bring degeneracy and feminism.
Fuck Nooooo! Until the blacks realize that the white man actually does something to earn their wages South Africa will always be a shit hole.
fucking leftists man
it makes me sad
Why are there no interesting/smart South Africans on here? Either proxtfags are just rude fuckers, because whenever ask what's going in nation in specifics, the fuckers never answer.
honorable memba
There is literally too much to explain and everyone has just about given up. I just don't care anymore.
It's a gigantic fuck up.
State broadcaster censorship, zero acountability to the law, violent protests everywhere, drought and rising food prices.
So what will you do when the ghouls come for you? Are there armed white bug out locations?
Please tell me this is b8
99.8% sure it is
Or a play that highlights their rhetoric methodology.
God I'm autistic
We have a nigger rapist president who only reached grade 3.
Is 22 too old to join the kommandokorps? How long does it take to do all of their camps? I want some military training to be ready for niggers like the one in Dallas.
Pretty much:
>Nesla Mandela was a terrorist who became president
>though he was shitty at bombing things, he did become a decent president (relative to what followed)
>meanwhile blacks and whites had a little publicized race war in the background
>massive anti white racism and killing of "boers" (translates to farmers, term used in a derogatory way when referring to Afrikaans South Africans (the dutch descendant whites)
>BEE goes into overdrive
>Racism becomes institutionalized.
>Companies must be >40% black >40% colored >10% non white
>free handouts of other peoples jobs to dindus who have literally no idea how to anything
>meanwhile our blacks and coloreds are caught in a cultural tug of war between black American gansterism and over consumerism and excessively lazy and unsophisticated bantu and zulu
>Most companies went to shit pretty quickly
>infrastructure went to shit
>currency went to shit
>racism at an all time high (the English hate the dutch who hate coloreds who hate the bantu etc etc etc)
>slums become megaslums within 20 years, encompassing the same areas as cities.
>All the dutch descendents secretly hate the west and the british for the political pressure to allahu ackbar our country to the nigs
>Everyone except the whites are allowed to be openly racist (and is rather encouraged by some political parties who go so far as to sing about >racewarnow)