UK's new Education Secretary is a dyke.
We're gonna get pozzed hard.
UK's new Education Secretary is a dyke
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oh that's not good
she's a tory though, is she redpilled or just one of those confused blairites in the conservative party?
Fucking subhuman bongs.
You've just got your own Merkel and you're worried about some dyke who's in charge of fuck all.
apparently the only reason nicky morgan was sacked was because of the controversy with harder SATs.
i'm not sure how hard they were but something like 47% of kids failed the new ones.
>We're gonna get pozzed hard
What? You're going to get AIDS? I don't understand.
Her face looks like pure evil
Better learn the following Goy
>White guilt, self-hate, muh colonies, muh sixshillion
>Jews did not do anything wrong
>Feminism, destroy the family
>Race-mixing is good, turn all Whites into mongrels
>Islam is the religion of peace
>Everyone is equal, there are no biological differences
>It is good if Whites go extinct, multiculturalism now, diversity is our strength
>It is only good what harms/weakens Whites, and bad what strengthens them
Not good lads.
The post she had prior to this was cheifly concerned with wasting money by paying toffs to go for extended gap years in various third world shitholes where they could have a grand old time wearing khaki and driving around in a land cruiser while distributing the largesse of the British taxpay to the indigent natives.
0.7% of GNI (£11.1 Bn) down the shitter every year!
>implying bongistan isn't already pozzed as fuck
Didn't you cucks just pass a law that classifies cat-calling as hate speech?
Learn2 alt-right
This website's an alt right free zone you faggot
Go back to your gamergate friends and masturbate over da joos
Cuckservative like May herself.
Only policy I know from her is she slashed subsidies to solar pannels, which is a good thing. If solar power was so efficient, it should be able to thrive on it's own without government handouts.
I thought "poz" was "positive", like "HIV positive".
Fucking carpet munchers
When will the government learn that no matter how much of a socialist Labour-lite Tony Blair clone they put as education secretary, the teachers' unions will still hate them
Bring back Gove tbqh
it is, it also means infected with cultural AIDS
Is she demon-posessed?
>ruled by queen
>having education secretary that matters
Britbongs pls
Well, that's stupid.
>Ruled by a mongrel Nigger who is on the leash of Jews
You're absolutely fucked english bros.
Notice that our case is worse, our Education Secretary is muslim, and marrocan, not only muslim she actually has MARROCAN nationality
She methodically destroy french education since 2 years.
Good luck with yours.
Take a moment /pol and look at her face. Look into her eyes, look at her "smile" and teeth. Careful observation of the creature will assuredly lead you to the conclusion that homosexuality causes brain degeneracy. Unfortunately the same will happen to Milo. I love the guy, but males consuming other men's semen is known to cause mental disorders and diseases just like cannibalism does.
His face drips with anger.
I'd fuck er
I'd fuck the hell out of her to be honest familia.
Yes because you're American and our women have become like our men lazy dumpy and fugly. (exceptions irrelevant here) Take a step back and splash cold water on your face user, you're either rockin a beer boner or your standards are too low.
Come on now, she's French as it gets.
Yes I notice too
this song is always right
She has dual citizenship, but not the double religion..
Guess where is his loyalty ...
And she really try to fuckup french education, I know the problem I've 2 kids here.
looks like something-something-fetus syndrome
...Why don't they hit it off with your PM
>protip: they already do
I care.
Do you think that woman that dress like this can possibly be Muslim? She would be killed if Islam to take over.
she's not muslim but a furious leftist cuck
jesus you are memeing way too hard SJW
Define "leftist cuck". Republican values is not cuckery.
She's muslim and very muslim.
Her dress code as education secretary is only takia.
pro muslim pro refugee lgbt shill
The French eduminister is dismantling any semblance of western culture in the educational system. History? No Enlightenment philosophers for you, just the French guilt over colonialism. Latin and Greek? Dropped: and Arabic is being gradually introduced in the plans. She'd love to replace Catholic Latin with Muslim Arabic.
Not necessarily a bad thing. Colonialism was horrible in its essence.
Just cultural thing. Muslims will never forget going out like she does.
How can she be pro-Muslim/rapefugee and pro-lgb?!'
Hey Serbia, is it true that guy was a poet? Have you ever read his stuff, was it any good?
wew lad. Get a brain
she hates islam. She was one of the first to promote gender theories propaganda in school for little kids.
>got our own Merkel
What ? She's female but that's it. Merkle fucks you whites while protecting saracen invaders.
May fucks everyone with a prejudice over non workers, well she will once she's stopped flicking her bean over our loss of access to the ECHR
But at least she's hawt
>the french start learning about otherkin
>tunisia follows lead after few years
god i love globalism
what the hell did you just try to say? I dont understand what you mean.
then gb2 school Pierre
If the French succeeds in implementing gender theories propaganda in school Tunisia will have to do the same.
I looked around and i can't find anything about Greening being a feminist or anything
i think we will be alright
lefisst love everybody exepet patriots and CIS