Sup Sup Forums, redpilled nigger here. I want my species to die out. How can I convince my relatives that we don't belong on this Earth anymore because we're the least evolved breed of human, and we should just all die out?
Any tips Superiors?
Nigger Surrend
Other urls found in this thread:
idk man seems pretty hard
>people on Sup Forums will actually believe this faggot
>Wants species to die out.
There are plenty of ways of improving your genetics after 50 generations, you just have to actually do them.
Living in a European country and living off their wealth is a good way to throw your genetics away so the first step is obviously to move back to Africa.
You could just kill yourself.
You guys are already doing such good job of killing eachother, no improvement needed.
Post pic of your hand, with timestamp
Sage until OP delivers
>huur duur imma niggah give me attention
Just die of AIDS already
just help them with the whole crime thing so they get shot
hero mode:
>major in disease sciences or some shit like that
>develop a disease that kills only those with over 50% nigger in them
>and over 50% ethnic jew
>spread it around the world with like a 10 year incubation time, with death occuring within 5 years after incubation ends
>should hopefully give the world enough time to prepare for the economic changes and shit
>niggers are kill forever
>planet earth has never been more peaceful
>announce you did it all along and then kill yourself