Revievs are very positive :^)
Are you excited about new Ghostbusters?
Other urls found in this thread:
>top critic
Wew lad. Got more?
Me thinks plenty of people will come out thinking they were lied to by reviews after they actually see the movie.
>top critic
More top kek amirite hahahaha
Sure thing buddy.
women belong in the kitchen
>far funnier than the original
Here comes a good one.
>female intellectuals
Top kek, are they actually serious?
They got paid to like it.
>these people actually get paid to write reviews
>these people's reviews tally up to scores which are what Wikipedia considers 'journalist consensus'
>the average pleb reads it and thinks these movies have worth
my god i hate "movie critics" so much
I can't imagine what it's like to base my entire life around spiting men to make up for daddy not loving me enough.
If he doesn't say that his wife won't fuck him in the ass with her strap-on when he gets home.
>Big brains
Sounds like movie critics are in dire need of a *-gate of their own.
here's a review from someone with a shred of actual integrity
I've got a close friend who is really turning into a concern troll. Should I post some of his Ghostbusters cringe?
>Reviews are positive
>Review embargo until after US release
Pick one
>anyone who doesnt like hamfisted feminist bullshit is a gamergoober troll
top kek cant wait for the lugenpresse to be gassed
>women with big brain
Truly a supernatural event.
This guy sounds almost sarcastic.
>all those buzzwords
Okay, that's enough. Too much cancer for me.
Literally all wearing cuck glasses
I wonder what Armond thinks of it
Where to KMS????
For you!
>there are people that will spend hours of their life pretending they liked something for FREE just because someone they dislike hated it
needs more ape sounds
>banned in China
>Western """"men""""
I just with everyone of pol could move here and enjoy our masculine culture. So sad to see the once proud white man be castrated.
Amy (((((((Nicholson)))))))
>No sold out theaters
> id: Why we did it?
more like chosen men tbhq
Rotten is junk
they are positive to every shit movie if it spreads the current propaganda and narrative literally a worthless source if the movie contains any feminist, anti white, diversity or black propaganda.
The last lulzy one, as far as
""""""""""top-critics"""""""""" go
I was surprised when they adapted this cartoon into a film, but I must praise the special effects on the gorilla - it just looks so life like.
>Top Critic
tell me again why people take critics' opinions seriously?
Who the fuck goes to the movies based on reviews?
stop making posts about this movie you dumb shits, you're advertising it for FREE. Kill yourself
Hey guys, I own stock in Sony, should I sell it before this fucking movie comes out?
How terrible to have the taste of shit in one's mouth all the time.
>Who the fuck goes to the movies?
download movies before they're in theaters from a good private tracker and watch them with your $1 trash bag of popcorn on the plane.
only the unwashed masses pay ~$35 for a movie experience
Well, people buy things only because it's popular or because other people tell them to do it. No one has an opinion on their own anymore.
>there are people who actually sincerely enjoy this movie
I mean I'm not surprised but still it's like holy fuck how far gone can you be
>Salon is a top critic
RT is garbage
Unless there are some harder to get into exclusive trackers with better content I doubt it
My 7 year old nephew said he couldn't see the movie because it's for girls, poor kid they're damaging his self esteem
Watched it. It was cringey shit. Gf didn't even laugh.
I think it's suspicious that all the positive reviews have a "fuck you sexist man babies" line it.
>If you don't like this movie you are a shitty misogynist manbaby
What the fuck? Its goddam paid entertainment you can't shame men into paying for a movie they don't want to see and pretend to like it.
Its fucking insanity.
Its Misandrist garbage filled with sexism and anti-male tropes so of course sjw, virtue signaling cuck reviewers love it.
Just read some of their "reviews"
read some of those very objective and unbiased positive reviews on rotten tomatoes. :P
I want to buy a ticket just to yell mid way through "women's rights were a mistake" and walk out
But I wouldn't be able to laugh at myself or it wouldn't even be funny
Chris Stuckmann and JeremyJahns
But we need to see the box office first.
how about you eat a dog shit sandwich user?
i hear the reviews are very positive
They have no choice but to give good reviews. The critic and the publication they belong to would be forever labeled as misogynists.
Fuck off, this is /pol not facebook. Gas Jews niggers and Muslims, gas fucking SJWs too. Seriously fuck off and talk about generic modern cinema elsewhere.
Imagine if they remade the original ghostbusters except this time the black guy shouted every line like a halfwit racist caricature, and Bill Murray yelled things like 'The goo gets everywhere, even all over my dick and balls!'
Imagine if instead of the sarcastic witty dialogue it was pure slapstick with constant references to cocks and cum, and the characters repeatedly shouting variations of 'HELL YEAH!'
Imagine if they recast the main characters as Seth Rogen and James Franco.
It would suck just as bad as this one. Just the self righteous SJW bullshit makes it more offensive.
I don't understand. Why can't guys do anything if women can't be Ghostbuters?
God what a massive can someone literally be this cringe worthy?
It's a parody account
Parody account.
Is that Hideo Kojima?
>current Bill Murray yelling things like "the goo gets everywhere, even all over my dick and balls!"
P hilarious tbqh
Phew my faith is restored...sort of.
>wipes sweat
That fucking nose though
I'm crashing this reboot with no survivors
No hold on to it. Should increase when VR comes out for PS4
Friend bought me a ticket. I didn't want his $6 to be what ultimately made him take his own life if I told him no. The movie was nearly on par with the Scooby Doo movies from the early 2000s. If you're ten, it probably isn't that bad.
I hope the sexistbusters movie burns in a fire and falls down a well and is sealed up forever.
But who knows? Some people might like it. Poor suckers.
This actually makes me feel better. I know to completely disregard RT
This must be a code word for comedy movies that aren't funny.
>every single positive review's tagline targets the haters instead of the movie's actual quality
>Forrest Gump
The Chinese know what's up.
Can't play existing games on it, will be a flop.
Everyone will still buy it
can someone explain this?
Never in my life have I beheld such a vision of WRONGNESS.
RT is almost completely unreliable at times to determine critical reception.
Also, perhaps more outlets are rushing to give their reluctant approval for this movie, which is equivalent to actually praising it.
>top critic