It's the 14th of July! VIVE LA FRANCE!
It's the 14th of July! VIVE LA FRANCE!
For those of you who don't know what this is about, today is Bastille Day. It commemorates the beginning of the French Revolution with the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789.
The fall of the monarchy and the rise of the Republic
So the french royalty did the classic french fighting tactic?
Not initiallyt, some tried to co-opt the revolution. Eventually though most were driven out or overtaken by the Revolutionaries
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Git Sum Freedom French bros!
Shit I need to do my siege challenges.
Today marks the jumping off point to the events that would lead up to Bonaparte becoming First Consul and subsequently Emperor of the French Empire. He cut his teeth on battle in the Revolutionary Wars of the Republic.
Fuck the french.
French 4th of July seems based
Napoleon was a badass. We need more French badasses.
Many of the young French officers who eventually ended up in politics served in the American Revolutionary war
Hey most definitely was
This threads a nice mix of history and Waifusee.
Specifically this
I really hope France doesn't get attacked today of all days!
Dat glorious postal TGV!
For those who don't understand the concept of Republic (and France which is in fact tied to the republic).
It's defining of a nation not by its ethnicity, but by the endorsement of republican values:
* Liberté - mean everyone is born free
* Egalité - mean everyone is treated the same
* Fraternité - mean everyone participate in structure that doesn't have profit as main goal but public wellfare and services
TL-DR; France is a concept, not an ethnicity
J'espère que vous tenez le coup. En espérant que le jour d'une seconde Révolution voit bientôt le jour, avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
(Je dis cela, mais le Canada s'engage sur la même voix de merde. La simple différence, c'est qu'on ne s'est pas mis dans la merde assez longtemps pour nourrir la colère civile. J'crois qu'on est foutu tbqh famalams)
Is this why native French people don't exist and everyone in France should become Muslim?
I made one mistake in my life; I should have burned Paris.
> Implying coming from muslim country = muslim
Wow, mever heard that one. Thanks for the contribution user.
>Algerian detected
No wonder you said all that pozzed shit about how "France is a concept"
Real countries only in this thread, "canada" or whatever your name is
fuck off
Daily reminder that France is the only country with their flag on the moon.
Et bien je suis assez sceptique ami.
Parce que tu vois, à un futur inconnu mais qui peut être meilleur, beaucoup de gens préfèrent un futur de merde mais qui leur est connu (du moins c'est ce qu'ils pensent).
Donc, c'est pas gagné pour qu'on se casse de l'Union Européenne (et malgré les couillonnades à Le Pen dont je suis certain que en réalité ils ne sortiraient pas). Dès lors que on reste dans cette structure, on ne peut plus au final exister comme un pays.
Ce qui se joue actuellement, c'est la disparition de la France en tant que pays souverain. Nous sommes ce que fut la Prusse, absorbée par l'Allemagne en 1871, justement après la défaite Française.
Ahmed please
>Migrant landing strip
>real country
You first
Thank you based France. Way to kick those oligarch faggots ass. Think you could help us with another revolutionary round?
fuck off sunibee.
Not Algerian, sorry.
But someone that can read statistics.
There is approx. 6.5 millions persons in France which a "muslim country" as origin.
4.7 millions declared themselves as muslims, out of wich 1/3 declared as worshippers.
Yet the overall capacity of mosquee in France is something like 250k, so it mean regular worshippers should be around this number.
Fuck France and its muslims
>islam is a race
>France celebrates Independence Day ten days late
Anyway, I get my degree next year, I'll move for a better place. France can rot, I don't give a shit. If that's France I don't want to be French anyway.
Your definitely some form of shitskin
> racism
> equates to being proud of being white
Those sneaky merchants and their tricks.
Ok. You can go we don't need guys like you.
Yet If I was in the gov., I'll make you pay for the education you've received for free in France, before you leave.
My parents paid lots of taxes during their life to pay for schools so I can go there.
>I get my degree next year, I'll move for a better place.
> Receive superior education for (almost) free
> go some other place to exploit it
So where are you actually from?
> Egalité - mean everyone is treated the same
Fucking joke.
Anyway travail, famille, patrie was a better national doctrine
Vive la France!
t.Colonial Baguette
>French revolution turns France from a world superpower to the laughing stock of the world
>French people celebrate this
>Laughing stock of the world
It's my birthday today. What does it mean?
I want to be fucked in the ass so hard.
blablabla, you paid fucking nothing yet you shit on the country that gave you your education basically for free.
You're just the definition of a traitor, and a wellfare queen that shit on other's wellfare.
You'll do like all the other crooks like you: at the very first time you'll need the social laws of France, you'll come back there.
Too bad you dumb fucks turned right around and gave your country up to an emperor.
Anyway, vive la liberté.
independence day was over a week ago you stupid frogs
>m...m...muh history
>plz ignore the fact that we are now being cucked by the people we colonized
>Anyway travail, famille, patrie was a better national doctrine
> enforced by a coup
> failed big time
It's wrong. The 14th of July commemorates the Day of the Federation of 1790, where the King sword to uphold the constitution, where the monarchy and the nation decided to go hand-in-hand for the peace and stability of France and the happiness of the french people.
And nothing bad happened afterwards :^)
Nah, frogs are too cucked nowadays. They'll probably try to enforce Sharia law on you, if anything.
dont talk shit about Napo
Thank you brother.
It always makes me so happy when the motherland acknowledges us.
I swear on me mum, one day we'll be free. Fucking leafs.
Is this a map showing places of birth of the average Parisian?
le marechaaaal a bien raisoooooon !
Happy Bastille Day French brothers! Stay strong!
> Egalité - mean everyone is treated the same
It means everyone is treated the same by the law. No privileges and everybody has the same rights.
>one day we'll be free
>free to import as many muds as possible
Truly the son of France
What are you doing in Vietnam though ? Teaching ?
I was in Paris 23 years ago today. I was 16 on a school trip. I spent the day walking around the city with a blue eyed girl with raven black hair falling in love. It really is an enchanting place.
People tend to shit on our country but fuck them they don't even get that a lot of benefits they have simply don't exists in other country.
And yet they still complain about life being too hard, (probably without even voting). I'm sick of people like that.
I love France being occupied in Victoria 2 :^)
Vive le Roy desu
It's hard to define a native french but they exist, i would be more worried about your country than mine about muslim.
Les inconnus, l'humour des années 1980, ça a quand même assez mal vieilli ...
Les années 80, il y avait que la musique qui était valable
on y a cru au début quand même ....
He's right, a lot of people coming from muslim countries just surrender themselves to the french pleasures.
You forgot the 80k in prisons.
I don't know how you manage to live quietly with muslims, they should be considered as a criminal organisation. I've never understood racism, and it pisses me off when the establishment tries to confuse anti-islam and racism. I don't hate them because they are snakes, I hate them because they bite, bordel de merde!
>celebrating liberty, equality and all in a country literally ruled by Germany, overrun by immigrants, crippled by socialism
Can't make this shit up
Montréal is bad, I'll give you that, but the rest is white af desu senpai
If you wanna point fingers, start with Ontario and CB.
>tfw it's also my bday
How many terrorist attacks did Canada have last year?
french pleasures like shooting people and blowing up?
Nothing to be proud of. That started the pussification of europe.
Who cares about Africa, it's full of blacks and arabs that havn't won a war since the sting was invented.
Pic related is the big deal
Show me on the doll where the french hurt you, Canada.
How can muslims be 80k in prisons, while the total population in prison in metropole is 63 490 (June 2016), with btw an occupation rate of 118 %
Keep your numbers straight before making any claims
>french hurt you
The only thing the french can hurt is themselves
why would anyone celebrate the rise of degeneracy?
The french revolution is what set French on the road to become a shithole.
>mfw after removing the monarch they french put an emperor its his place
The French are truly lost and its a damn shame.
Nah, 80k is the total prison population. Impliying they are all muslims is an obvious cynical bait.
Keep your humour straight before replying...
But as he said it's clearly 68K in the prisons according to these numbers ? 80K is full amount of people sentenced, 11K of which aren't in prison.
What are you, blind ?
prison population is people behind bars, and it's 63.5 k, not 80k
if you say people that have been charged with a prison sentence, but not effectively behind bars, it's different, and yes, it's a little bit less than 80k.
Yet it's still very far away from being all muslims, wereas 90% of them are from 10% smallest regular income.
so for short, poors are in prison.
>not including Britain
>The french revolution is what set French on the road to become a shithole.
You're mistaking 1789 for 1815
I agree, if we don't do anything the country will turn into a muslim shithole. Most of arabs that don't live in ghettos and assimilate a bit are the first to warn people about that.