>used to be a huge Sup Forumsack
>Completely believed in the red pill
>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
>Can't take any of the shit on this board seriously
Am I the only one on this? Seriously most the shit here sounds like absolute crazy talk now.
Used to be a huge Sup Forumsack
Other urls found in this thread:
oh look this thread again, /cfg/ getting close?
How hung is her bull?
>Am I the only one on this?
Yes I am married as well and canada is turning to shit pretty quickly.
this is front page on the cbc, I hope you are comfortable with 3rd world police and doctors. I'm about to move to australia.
no your just a dumb leaf
>girlfriend and her son
quit posting this shit every day
Been a Sup Forumsack for 4 years. Just got married last year and have an 8 month old daughter.
My wife is insanely redpilled and posts Sup Forums related items on Facebook daily. I cannot confirm your story of "this place sounding fucking crazy now." I think it's the only sane place on the internet.
This thread again?
You girlfriend's son?
Sup Forums is satire, no-one takes the board seriously, i hope..
> Can't take any of the shit on this board seriously
> Still not a transgender, nu-male virgin, BLM supporter, Bernie voter, cuck.
See you tomorrow leaflet ;)
>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
HAH. YOU'RE A KEK. Is it still alright if I talk to you girlfriend's son?
Seen this thread 10 times in the last few days
>1 post by this ID
>don't talk to me or my girlfriends son again
el oh el
Your girlfriends son?
Didn't you make this thread earlier?
>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
>Girlfriend's son
Your degeneracy knows no bounds, Cucknadian.
>1 post by this ID
Yeah, you're going to have to go back. Saged.
>recently my wife's son
t. Flag
>have a cool friend who can hold an actual discussion
>Actually has connection to politics
>Agree on many points
>Make an argument on socisl issues
>But user, you are an antisocial person severely disconnected from the socium
His opinion on trum is simple though.
Hes an irrelevant person because the election WILL be rigged and the actual votes wont matter even if it was 100% for him.
My wife is even more racist than me.
Feels good man
Canada was a mistake
Come back to bed, honey. You know I don't like you playing on the computer when you're supposed to be asleep.
-t. Op's wife