>Around what time/year did it all go down the toilet?

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Really, it was a constant battle, as we were trying to get out from under the thumb of the central bankers since before we decided to break off into our own country.

But I would say it really took a turn for the worse in terms of public character around the early 1900s when the machinations of the proto-communist Prussians really started to take hold.

How are we dicked? We have the most nationalist candidate running in a long time.

Furthermore, Obama's balls were chopped off all the way back in 2010. The one entity causing any cucking right now is the Supreme Court.

After the Cold War ended and leftists were able to say "it's current year, the Cold War is over" when accused of being a pinko after spouting a bunch of leftist drivel.

America died when JFK did

Right around the time Bush was elected. It's been all downhill from there

>We have the most nationalist candidate running in a long time

....who has an 80% chance of not getting elected

>(((Nate Silver)))

Around 1960, when the hippies and liberals starting to show up.

Somewhere between JFK assassination and Reagan being shot.

What do you know, George Bush Sr is tied to both of these occurrences. What are the odds?

you're deluding yourself if you expect Trump to win. He has a chance but Hillary is far more likely to be the next president

America died when Ted Kennedy destroyed the country forever with the immigration act of 1965

>you killed my brother
>now I'll kill your whole country
Wise man

when you started posting

I wouldn't be so sure. On a person to person level the pro-Trump energy is unreal. A surprising number of blue party die-hards I've talked to are closet Trump fetishists, although a lot of them live in places where their votes won't really matter.

Immigration act of 1965

carter years

This this this

Gradual decline since the 60s. That when moral degeneracy really started, but illegal immigration really started ramping up in the 80s. The united states is going to hell.

The 90s were the peak. 9/11 was the clear turning point. Since then everything has been speeding the descent. Smart phones, mass Internet, social media, gay marriage, nigger president.

The south secedes from a political union which has now appointed a known northern industrialist colluder, which the entire south abstained from even allowing on the ballot, who put forward tariffs to purposefully put southern economies under over 70%of the countries burden while still being a minority.

Obviously this sparks the civil war where Lincoln basically says looting the economic assets of the south is perfectly legal through the emancipation proclamation, meaning the union would not have to compensate southerners for such damaging constitutional change. And to top it off, Lincoln puts forward the 14th amendment which redefines Citizenship to being lower case "citizens" meaning that instead of being a sovereign individual pertaining to the self determined laws of a sovereign state, voluntarily within the union, you are now beholden to the foreign determined laws of the federal government of the entire union.

Lincoln was possibly the route of all the constitutional degradation that has culminated to what we see today in America,he not only justified stealing the assets of Citizens, he also redefined what it meant to be a citizen, no longer are you an individual independent of the federal government abiding by the laws you yourself have put in place in your immediate locality, no, now the power lies primarily with the supreme power of the federal government.

The war was not about slavery. slavery could have easily been paid for, which would have been the moral thing to do, slaves would be free as pertained to the constitution, and those who invested in them under the laws of the government , that were valid until not too long ago ,would be compensated. The war was about degrading sovereignty of the states and control over the individual.

>Hillary is far more likely to be the next president

I would say around 1600s
Shit was way nice before them white folks

Women and minorities hate Trump. And posting a youtube video of Latino trump supporter won't change anything. No, legal immigrants do not like him.

September 11, 2001

>No, legal immigrants do not like him.
Two-edged sword, actually.

Those that "did" the time and work, are actually often disgruntled with illegal aliens, as they are automatically thrown into the same mix with them.

Around ~2000


The vast majority of latinos prefer Clinton

late clinton, bush, obama

America was already going to shit in the 90's. Manufacturing was fucked, inner cities were burning. The economy was a very sick man being propped up by the tech boom and service jobs.

The last time America was truly healthy was in the late 60's, before the steel industry collapse in Ohio. From what I've heard from parents and other sources, you could basically walk into a factory as an 18 year old kid and come out with a middle class career.


when we gave women the right to vote

Yup. I can't get enough of the mother fucker. He's so fucking awesome and it's why the Jews tried to demonize him. They knew people like us would love him that much.


I'm probably one of those dems. Before Trump I would never have even considered voting for a republican.

>Women's suffrage
>Federal Reserve
>Department of Education

1920s, OP.

What happened on the 9th of November?

His daughter and grandson are Jews, and he is pro-Israel. He has multiple jews involved in the running of his campaign

When the liberals went crazy and took office.

I switched from registered democrat to independent like two decades ago, but this is the first time I even thought about changing to republican on the thought of being able to vote in the primary. Fortunately Trump wrecked it in my late-voting state.

Is Canada going to make it Ameribro, I just want one more good war beside you guys. We can still be uncucked.

basically this


America stopped being great once it stopped celebrating its history and began shaming its citizens with it.

I can't list a specific date as to when it happened, but I'd probably say somewhere between the last moon landing and the fall of the berlin wall. I suspect this is right around where peak nationalism occurred.