Should there be any repercussions for a supreme court justice meddling in partisan politics during an election? It's obviously totally out of line.
Should there be any repercussions for a supreme court justice meddling in partisan politics during an election...
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Totally out of line for an appointed representative.
Not illegal.
No, its an autistic rule. We should know how the judges stand all the times.
She was going to vote the same way before and after her comments. Only delusional idiots think the court isn't or shouldn't be political.
The highest court in the land, of which appointees are there for life, should never be involved in partisan politics. I don't see how anyone could make an argument otherwise.
There is only one possible repercussion since the SCOTUS appointment is for life - impeachment. You can impeach supreme court justices using the same rules as impeaching a president. Don't like what she is doing? Convince a majority of Congress to give her the boot.
She obviously doesn't give a shit anymore with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. And really, her comments are improprietous but not illegal. In this ultra-partisan political climate there is no neutral ground, everyone has an axe to grind, its not like the right-leaning supreme court justices were above this sort of behavior themselves (Scalia bashing having to goto Obama's State of the Union address comes to mind).
where have I seen that hat b4 ?
of course, but there won't be.
But for her I think she's a rare case for now
>old people think they can get away with everything
>she's literally becoming senile, she doesn't even write her own opinions from the bench, her clerks do it apparently
>she's a left-wing dingbat dumping on Trump so it's okay
Just goes to show how unprofessional she is. I'm all for it.
You're right. It is very political.
>shouldn't be
Fuck off. The point of the SCOTUS is to uphold the laws of this nation and defend its Constitution, NOT to push an agenda.
why we have 4 kikes on the Supreme Court is beyond me
The court is clearly just a subjective Marxists pit at this point
Checks and balance system has been shown to have huge flaws and corrupt potential, hence why the 2nd amendment is so vital
Whenever someone tries to tell you "it's outdated" as them if voting or limited government is outdated too
She is 83. I'm a medfag and wouldn't trust an 83 yr old woman with wiping their own ass. Clearly her mind is starting to go.
Gonna have a huge laugh when Trump becomes President and her ancient ass is sent to the Kiwi's
She even gets the nice Chanel one. Not really traditional not being gas and all, but it will do.
There needs to be an FBI investigation into her political dealings. Only then will we find out the truth and get some semblance if justice.
>a supreme court justice
The problem is the LIFETIME appointment.
Once appointed you have ZERO oversite and can stay at your job as long as you like.
Best solution is a one time 20 year appointment.
If Ruth "Blabber mouth" Ginsburg had any oversite on her she would be severely reprimanded or removed from the bench for her behavior.
I refer you to pic related.
I'd have to go read the federalist papers and stuff before agreeing too much, but that sounds like a decent reform.
No their duty is to uphold the constitution
The YOUNGEST Supreme Court Justice ever was 44. A 20 year appointment is very appropriate, AND it will allow for a planned steady rollover of justices that reflect "present" society.
Damn it.. youngest was 32... appointed in 1800's.
She needs to step down her mind is shot!
Still, that's pretty reasonable. You can pretty much count on being a pretty different person every time 10 years goes by, so two decades still allows for a growth of wisdom without lack of accountability that a permanent appointment affords.
I'm also for congressional term limits. And I'm especially for the elimination of permanent salaries and health care that come with congressional service. That's straight up bullshit.
The whole reason for the life time appointment was so the justices wouldn't have to be engaged in petty politics to get elected. So they could be truly impartial and wouldn't have to make an electoral promises.
Her lowering the court to this foolishness is an insult to the court and the constitution itself.
>Born in Brooklyn, New York City, Ruth Joan Bader is the second daughter of Nathan and Celia (née Amster) Bader, Russian-Jewish immigrants
The court is and always has been political though. A president chooses who they want to appoint.
Right wing presidents will elect right wing/leaning justices and left ling presidents will elect left wing/leaning justices.
All that matters is they leave politics out of their job and uphold the constitution. Which they do pretty effectively since there is most of the times 9 justices.
Totally inappropriate, but lets not be naive and believe every judge in our system was or could be free of some bias. If she was smart, she would of kept her opinions to herself and done her politicing through her rulings. The fact that this is so visable will only enforces previous claim of a corrupt and bias system. His support will only go up from this
>Judge Napolitano will never be a Supreme Court Justice
Who is this old hag, and why does she look like colon disease?
>why we have 4 kikes on the Supreme Court is beyond me
Is it really?
At the minimum:
She would have to sit out on any decision involving presidency, trump, the government, and america because bias.
In short she is now useless and she will be forcibly removed.
Is it possible to show she had intent to be biased?
This hag needs to go by any means, along with the other unelected Jew Supreme Court traitors.
I fucking love the post so much.
space balls
God Emperor can have the senate vote them off.
Can't wait for her edition on the Trump wall of shame. Can't find the picture for some reason so have Dan.
Remember him? They did Sprayaga IV magic burst on that bitch after she slapped him.
>why we have 4 kikes in the supreme court
Jews have a higher Iq then average, mate. Obviously they'l get in higher positions easier.
Of course not.
Yes, it is 4. Count em 4 unelected Kikes ruling over us.
Day of rope when?
There has never been a more desperate time in US history since the revolutionary times, and civil war...
Law School fag here ( yes, a t-10, not an "online" law school or something).
I'd be interested to hear what the Jews have to say on this, because this is without precedent. these people are meant to be above and outside politics.
If Trump wins, even if Clinton wins, she has to go. And god fucking help up if Clinton wins, it will be "the Turner Diaries."
If you don't have an AR, get one or get on a wait list now, scour the net, because if it goes wrong way you don't want to ne on ebay getting gouged before Christmas.
>Jews have a higher Iq then average
let's say that's correct. 4 out of 9 in a nation where thry make up 2%? It would ne like Israel's supreme Court being 50% Christian.
Every President should be able to replace 1 Judge when they are sworn in.
Having Lifetime tenure is retarded
It has nothing to do with arbitrary IQ scores that only the peasant class thinks has any merit.
It has everything to do with Jew Marxist subversion and their perpetual overthrow of society.
The point of the Rubicon is going to be crossed soon. And the Jew and their Pride will be their downfall. It's coded in their own book as the Synagogue of Satan whom they represent.
She's completely entitled to her opinion. This has nothing to do with her constitutional rulings. If she thinks Trump is full of shit, it's completely fine for her to say so.
Do you know there Isn't. single protestant on the Court in a nation that is majority protestant?
I"m still reading over the FBI ststements on the Clinton email case and fuming. Fucking dumb Hipsters, no matter what you think of Trump, how could you vote for a woman who the FBI has essentially admitted she broke the law? Petraus ; who was a COIN piece of shit, but anyway) got felo ny charges for a hell of a lot less.
>He needed to google that thing to work out its a jew
The elections are rigged brother. The point of no return has passed.
Desperate times..
She's a bitch that wants to ruin the world even more before she passes over to hell
>She's completely entitled to her opinion.
you're out of your mind. There is no precedent for this sort of thing. Let's say Trump wins.cShe has publically admitted to essentially having a vendetta against a nominee of the Republican party for president.
Any case she takes, any decision she makes would be automatically viewed in this context. Bush should have replaced Scalia with someone younger in 2008.
Even bush's one "accomplishment," -- getting roberts in-- fucked us on obongo care.
At this point I think the portion of the population that can still be swayed one way or the other is under 5%, everyone seems to have already made up their minds regardless of what people in supposed positions of authority have to say.
better get those senses up to par, you could easily know it just by looking at her face and name
>We should know how the judges stand all the times.
>whole reason for the life time appointment
But 35 or 40 years is too long with NO oversite is too long. A 20 year appointment is long enough to be free of political interference AND allows judges to better reflect PRESENT society.
supreme meltdown
>The whole reason for the life time appointment was so the justices wouldn't have to be engaged in petty politics to get elected.
how does that fare now that the ones who are politically unfavorable get murdered?
>he wants militant judges who openly try to interfere with an election
>4 kikes on the Supreme Court
Ginsburg, Kagan, and Breyer are Jewish, who's the other one?
>Should somebody be punished for exercising their first amendment rights
I want Trump wannabe fascist faggots to leave.
OK, a congress that pisses its pants at the prospect of appointing another Obama SCOTUS pick is going to ramrod an impeachment hearing based off a political witchhunt right before an election, and pull it off before they all lose their seats and Hillary gets elected
that's a bold strategy
Absolutely impractical. How is it that we know how they're going to vote on most issues before they do, and they always vote on party lines before they went in? To say they're there to uphold the constitution is totally naive.
>Let's say Trump wins.cShe has publically admitted to essentially having a vendetta against a nominee of the Republican party for president. Any case she takes, any decision she makes would be automatically viewed in this context.
If you think justices don't have political beliefs or favor one candidate over another, you're completely naive. Why be surprised or outraged when all she did was articulate what was always going to be in her mind anyway?
It's a disgrace and insult to hundreds of years of precedent, the mores of the Republic, and the instituion of the Supreme Court but unfortunately it's not illegal.
What she needs to do is shut her fucking mouth and then recuse herself from any and all cases that may arise during the election and any and all cases involving a future Trump administration as she herself indicates it would impossible for her to rule impartially.
Honest to God wtf is this country coming to? It's an embarassment.
KAGAN needs to go. Fucking PNAC family fucks.
Of course it's a woman and a jew. Jews and women should not be allowed to be on SCOTUS
There should be, but there won't be because our government openly mocks the principles on which this country was founded.
Lucky sevens
Ok, second serious question:
How many peckers has this slut jumped on at this point? Anybody keeping count?
Doesn't matter. She's not even that hot. Literally irrelevant SJW trash.
>Literally irrelevant
>topping the Billboard charts
>performing at awards shows
>selling out stadiums
lol keep getting mad
Because as a human bean you shouldn't side with ALL issues with a person who has an R or D in front of their name. You should pick issues based of your moral standings and whether they are constitutional to begin with.
interesting it's no longer authority figures... is it purely media and religion making up our minds?
>Calling someone a shill because they called you on your bullshit.
Classic Sup Forums.
How much jew cock is she going to have to suck and bounce on to make that film budget up?
Keep jerking off to a jew whore.
Well, "the people" could tell their representatives to kick her out of office, but since the modern generation of Americans have been indoctrinated into believing that government employees are divine beings capable of no wrong that's never going to happen.
How may peckers has she jumped on though?
You tell me. Won't be long until Emma is the same.
>US supreme court is not a party-political arena
Jesus christ burger, get real. THEY ARE APPOINTED BY THE POTUS... you think the POTUS that puts them there doesn't pick the ones that are most likely to follow the party? Their decisions can make or break political actions and they create jurisprudence that can affect the legal framework of the USA in major ways.
Billy Clinton didn't pick RBG without considering her future relation to party political positions. Do you burgers really need Euros to explain your shit to you?
I don't know, that's why I'm asking.
Who is Emma, another professional pecker hopper?
Lol she just released an apology.
((( )))
No fuck you judges are supposed to put personal bias away
She should be impeached and disbarred.
While it's generally true that SCOTUS judges toe their party's line, it's not exclusively true. There have been a number of rebels on the Court that either frequently or infrequently turned against their own party. It's just where their legal visions led them. It's not at all unreasonable to expect Justice Ginsburg to have similar impartiality. Though of course she doesn't because even before her appointment she was a die hard radical feminist. But the principle shouldn't be waived for her.
Ruth shouldn't be a judge, she obviously doesn't care what the Constitution says if you look at her decisions.
Wrong, judges cant hold a bias
Because once its made known she essentially bars herself from ever working on any case involving Trump
Nice administrative ethics there, supreme court justice. Good that she revealed her cards, now she can be rejected.
And have her Rascal reposessed.
>Right wing presidents will elect right wing/leaning justices and left ling presidents will elect left wing/leaning justices.
This is precisely what needs to stop, the Supreme Court is about the Constitution, not right/left wing politics.
>All that matters is they leave politics out of their job and uphold the constitution. Which they do pretty effectively since there is most of the times 9 justices.
This line of thought is wrong, politics is usually a major factor, especially to liberal justices, who are capable of subverting our nation, see the decision on abortion, and gay marriage. No where in the Constitution are these things mentioned, and yet, justices have been able to use sophistry to convince people they are "rights". The best judge would be someone like Scalia, who expressed personal reservations about certain decisions, but made the right choice based upon what is written in the Constitution.
>Murdoch gutter press
Rupert Murdoch is the real evil one.
Who honestly gives a fuck about gay marriage, like seroiously, we have bigger fish to fry
Judges shouldn't voice the political opionions publicly. Extremely unprofessional.
I suspect this too. In Denmark judges are forced to retire when they turn 70 for this very reason.