Are the most degenerate nations irreligious?
Christianity in Europe
It's largely a cultural thing, not believing in the actual religion.
Look at Italy, Greece. Highly religious yet corruption infects every level of society, including the religious administration.
At least the wealthiest, whitest and most educated are non religious.
Only if the Jews have an influence.
>All those crosses in the top 8
How do we save protestantism?
they brought this.
good riddance.
>estonia, czech rep
Yes. It will be their undoing. Thank God.
Compared to Poland they sure are.
>Importance of religion
Tell me how religion is a necessary part of a human life?
Never took part in any holidays, christmas or new years for example, they are just days like any other.
At this rate only mormons will survive
I've studied physics and astronomy quite a lot, but I still believe that there must be a higher power that plays part in all of our lives.
Communism fucked them.
fucking fell for it, fuck you.
that graph is bullshit
i'm russian and everyone i know back home is relegious
Porn doesn't qualify as physics, and studying astronomy is not the same as reading horoscopes.
These are the only two publicly available Gallup surveys
The OP study is restricted to American students
Kek, must be true right?
Also check'em with some sauce
map bump
No. But the loss of religion has certainly played a part in the loss of any coherent morals
Judges 21:25 - Everyone now does what is right in their own eyes
Proven, all niggers and niggerlovers are christian.
What's wrong?
They are basically of the same wealth. How does it feel that your granddaughter will be a sexually liberated dirty whore?
Yes, Soros did a good job of spreading cancerous liberalism at least here. I think only a war or financial collapse will wake people up.
FWIW as someone who's read every letter of the bible, Jesus was anti religion. I think the pope's gold robes and ornate lavish lifestyle, epitome of Religion, would look a lot like:
"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."