Relief all your pent up opinions of gay pride here bois
Gay Pride Hate Thread
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Push all the poo you want, don't do it in my home or in the streets and I don't care.
ban gays. make them hide in closets like in good ol days.
If it weren't for all this tranny shit getting pushed on us I wouldn't mind gay people.
I think this poster is gay
I hate them for not organizing gay pride parades here 2bh
The LGBT is shit because it is just a liberal echo chamber that hates science.
This LGBT bullshit needs to end
This is why I hate pride and the LGBT.
I've found that I've become a lot less promiscuous and never took part in degeneracy the moment I purchased a dildo.
Woah check it out.
Tranny blocks faggot pedophile and prevent him from getting twerked on by boyfaggot.
Actually I think the guy was trying to console the kid (probably because someone was recording it), or maybe he was a concerned parent, or maybe he was the parent but the tranny told him to back off.
Who knows, but it didn't seem like he was coming onto him based on facial expression
Yes it does.
Never really cared about fags until recently. Now I fucking hate them.
>If it weren't for all this tranny shit getting pushed on us I wouldn't mind gay people.
Just wait for the Furry shit and the Pedo shit
>Gays apologizing to muslims after the gay nightclub shooting
Yeah right. Faggots don't know limits or socially acceptable behaviour. No doubt they rationalize getting twerked on by underage faggotboys.
Who here likes penis?
I like penis :^)
By closet you mean 'tiniest solitary cell' rite?
is this for gays or for pajeets?
That is just a victim of the left, now gays are not oppressed enough now it's onto the poor oppressed Muslims.
I can never tell when someone on Sup Forums wants to have a serious discussion or not.
Ugh. Thanks a lot, fags.
I hate them too lads, I never really minded fags but now we have trannies, pedos and a whole manner of mentally ill freaks to deal with.
If they contract AIDS, they deserve it from their disgusting lifestyle, they'll get no sympathy from me.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I am convinced that nearly every single gay activist figurehead is an active pedo. If that was a girl in a room of adult heterosexual men, those guys would all be in jail right now getting raped by bubba.
The fuck?
>getting mad at parades
c'mon son
Dude relax, take some time and browse the board.
I've seen some extremely heavy redpills, like genuinly fact based mindfucks, and entire patrician discussions dropping massive truth.
Pride is a fucking joke, just a bunch of sick degenerates running around doing stupid shit and acting like fools.
>try to honour the massacre of Orlando
>made a gay pride mod
>put it in the least politically correct game
>made by a swedish agency
>I've seen some extremely heavy redpills, like genuinly fact based mindfucks, and entire patrician discussions dropping massive truth.
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
I have no problems with gays. It's everything after the LBG that weirds me out.
why not both?
Fuck. You.
Gay and Proud. We are here to stay and you will have to swallow us whole. Better get used to it, you filthy pseudo moralist misogynist spike
People like you are the reason the LGBT is now shit.
You'll be comfortable when I tell to go Fuck yourself then.
There are gays and there are faggots.
There are blacks and there are niggers
There are muslims and there are mudslimes.
So what's with all the pedophilia?
>LGBT is now shit.
You clearly no nothing. Let me guess your opinions:
> Gay parades are awful and the reason we are hated
> The trans are fucking up our community's image
> Degeneracy and promiscuity are rampant in the gay world, and it's why we are hated as well
> Pedos will be next
> There's a correlation between being gay and being pedophile
> Don't let your sexuality define who you are and you won't be hated
Did I get it right? Yes, nice homophobia 2.0 you got there. Once the old speeches of hate are no longer acceptable in society, homophobia finds new ways to be expressed. But it continues to be the voice of a ignorant mediaeval mindset. Consider living in a muslim country, they share a lot of opinions with you all.
>Don't give a fuck about trans
>No fucking way
>No there is no correlation
>Never said that and don't think like that
>TFW I am gay.
holy shit, what is this?
You know what muslims and gays have in common? Rampant pedophilia.
Care to explain it?
Where is all of this pedophilia? Tell me, which pedophilia are you talking about? And why the fuck are you linking pedophilia and gays? Because of the video of a kid dancing in the streets? Twerking? Clearly the signs of the Apocalypse.
No you fuck head, it's creepy as fuck to have some 11 year old twerking on a 30 something man.
The homosexual rights movement makes gains by playing on cheap sentimentality about love. But the reality of their sexual practices is evil and must be outlawed.
Gays and pedophikia? Ex fucking cuse me? Vare to provide source my dearest pollack? Or you think that every male on boy case of pedophilia characterizes a "gay pedo"? You think there's a correlation between orientation and pedophilia, because if you do, you are 40 years too late my man. You see several cases of "boy abuse" lead on by heterosexual men, who in no way would relate to adult or even post puberty males.
You are using an argument outdated by 30 fucking years. Step up your game
....This is pure shit...
Homosexual men love boy fucking. How many times have I seen a middle-ages queer with a boyfriend who is 20-30 years younger? Even Stephen Fry is on to this.
i found the picture that tells the story of your life, abdul.
stay insecure, kid. remember: you can come out of the closet whenever you want.
Look at this prudist.
Check my flag, phobe. In 2000 we had a huge national success here called Tchan, with extremely sexualized dancing choreography, and it was most popular among children. I believe you have seen the famous gif, a female dancer on a kids show, slowly "twerking" un top of a bottle of beer until it touches her bottom. In my very school we had a dance competition of the sort, and I remember very well being bullied because i wanted to perform the female choreography, not the male one.
My point is there's absolutely nothing wrong in a flamboyant kid dancing in the street unless you are projecting your own sexual desires onto him, or if you think that he should be sexually repressed and coerced to behave like a "normal prudish manly boy", which is exactly the fucking opposite of a gay parade ideal.
Seriously, that video is 2 years old. And still being used in your filthy propaganda. In 2000 he would be dancing to britney spears hit me baby one more time, along with other girls
Are you really equating a youngster adult to a child? Dating a 18 yo boy to raping a child? Seriously? Do you also want me to quote every nasty rich old man there is dating a young girl, starting with the celebrities?
Holy shit you fucking twat, let me put it like this. A 11 year old boy is rubbing his ass against the leg of a 30 something man. Is that still fine? Propaganda? What the fuck are you even talking about?
Is it? Well give me source of the research where you took the gay rapes kids data from. Unless you took it from your imagination.
Never said they did, your defense of this whole this is shittier than the tin house you live in.
Where you saw that? In the thread webm he's dancing alone and there are clearly two adult women with him, probably family or friends.
Or are you giving and hypothetical scenario forca fact?
If the male in question was taking advantage of the kid, surely it's deplorable. And how come that's the "gay community" fault again? That there's a pedo out there taking advantage of a kid?
All I am saying is that it is weird and should not happen.
Are you really gay? And yet you come to this place? How self hating are you?
Tell me if you were magically given the chance to become straight, would you?
Homosexuals are at war with nature. Whether that war be against the innocence of a child or a man's masculinity, it is all of the same impulse.
Yes I am gay, I am a conservative, and I like Sup Forums. I don't hate myself at all only people like you that think that conservatism and homosexuality can't mix. I would chose to be straight if I could, it would be easier life.
Absolutely Degenerated
I don't give a shit if you like to bite the pillow, but keep it in your dorm, do not need to see that shit in a street orgy.
Despite the fact that it happens in nature?
Again mixing pedos and gays for your own prejudice
You can be gay and masculine, although masculinity as you perceive should be never used as a matter to judge a man's value and worth
Being gay is more manly than being straight, hetero faggots. Take me for example, 6'3, 230 and I dominate guys on the reg, do you dominate men? No, only woman, why? Because you're a bunch of fucking pussies. Dominating another man sexually is the most masculine thing you can do. Panzy ass faggots.
you are one of those "there are more than two genders" people aren't you.
I hate how people make their sexual preference the basis for their entire identity. Like how gays will put that they are homo in their bios, make sure that everyone knows they are gay and list gay as a character trait.
I had a good friend several years ago who I would discribe as witty, humorous, creative and genuine. As soon as he came out, you could only discribe him as gay. He surrounded himself with gays, became president of a gay pride chapter, talked nonstop about gay shit and changed the way he spoke. Over the years I've tried to reconnect with him and underneath you can still see a glimmer of the man he was, but it isn't enough. I have lost a great friend to those faggots and it's sad.
>I would chose to be straight if I could,
Case closed. Self hating gay. You think that a black person who said something of the sort "choose to be white because life would be easier" isn't racist or self hating too? You think any person who's not ashamed of who they are would say this atrocity?
I didn't choose to be gay. But if I had a choice, I'd certainly choose gay all over again. I love it, and each adversity serves as fuel for me to be even more faggot than before. Your problem is within, and no, as you clearly stated, conservative and gays don't mix, unless you like to live in cognitive dissonance and paradoxical self hate like you.
Agreed. Gay haters are just upset that gays can get man-meat action while they can't.
You are using the phrase "nature" equivocally. When I used the word "nature" I meant it in the sense that Aristotle uses it.
You gave me a question and I gave an answer, I would chose to be straight because it's a straight mans world. But I am fine with being gay. Your problem is that you hate conservatives so much that a gay conservative "is not a real gay".
Exactly. You know how easy it is to have sex with a woman as a gay man. They throw themselves at us. Heteros are just jelly. Plus, gays have bigger dicks, known fact.
Not really. And you won't hear that outside of tumblr. What there is, is more then one gender identity, cis and trans, either for males or females. That's all. We are all either cis, kost of us, or trans, when one's gender identity is in dissonance with their biological assigned sex. And of course there would be the middle ground, the thin grey line that separates the genders, where someone doubtful of their identity would be, whether as agender or androgynous.
>I don't get people who are proud of their race
>you didn't accomplish anything, you were just born that way by coincidence
>By the way, people are born gay and I
I sympathize they're so bent out of shape.
Oh you are all gay for sure no doubt about it. Just a self hating one. Your tyoe might even be more common than my type, gay & proud.
What ever man faggots like you are the reason the LGBT is shit. No one cares that you are gay, you are not any better for it.
There are 5 countries in the world that execute gays. 75 that outlaws it. Last month a radical killed 49 of us probably for religious reasons. In my country one lgbt person dies every day due to homophobic hate crimes. And you don't think there is a reason to be proud?
>In my country one lgbt person dies every day due to homophobic hate crimes.
Only one? Hurry it up
I'm not any better. In fact im trying really hard to show everyone that I'm not any worse for it.
It's like being proud that you have brown eyes or black hair.
You shredded him.
You're a smart Sodomite.
Serious question -
How can you feel cool after you fuck a man, it could never be like being with a beautiful woman.
>It's okay to be gay
> As long as we don't see you
Oh my.
There is nothing to be proud of.
And I say this as a homosexual myself.
The new standard homophobic speech. "making your sexuality your whole personality" is wrong.
The problem is that you ade in the autopilot and you don't realize how much of your life revolves around your heterosexuality.
how about we start
Because dominating another man is exhilarating and powerful.
What parts of life revolve around sexuality?
Isn't it destructive in the longterm?
What about for the submissive?
Those boys are most likely mentally sick if not traumatized and misguided (not saying that women arent)
But two men doing butt stuff could never compare to the majesty of heterosexual union.
>you don't realize how much of your life revolves around your heterosexuality.
Such as?
When there is a massive army of people who think you should be ashamed, persecuted or even killed for it, yes there is.
In the ideal world with all equality possible, there wouldn't be a reason to be proud. The same way feminism, racial tolerance movements would also be unnecessary. Do you really think we've reached this ideal state? No we haven't. And being proud of something people want tou to be ashamed of is very important indeed.
You did not answer the question.
>waah waah! why shouldnt i be allowed to suck black aids ridden cocks and dress in whore outfits infront of children while i dance in the streets! I'm just showing pride!
>Why do people hate us?
Look at the bright side, at least gays can't reproduce.
The Russian system is ideal.
Homosexuality is tolerated by law, but illegal to glorify or depict in media.
I really don't like vaginas.
Feeling another man's breath in my neck as he pounds me, and feeling his heart beat accelerate as recreaches climax on the other hand... nothing better.
Also sucking dick is the funniest thing.
Destructive long-term? No, unless you're savagely destroying ones anus often.
In some cases I would assume submissive men may have a disorder, but not all. It's sexual preference. Some just like it in the ass, no mental disorder.
Hetero is boring because woman are retarded. Think about hanging with your best friend. Your playing video games and on the final level, then that friend deep throats your cock. . .Woman don't do shit like that.
I don't know what it's like in Brazil, but this hatred of gays is virtually nonexistent in first world countries. I could ask anyone and they are accepting of homosexuality and gay marriage. You're acting like its the 1950s and gays are regularly beaten for who they are, that doesn't happen. Being a gay person in 2016 is not something to be proud of. Again, I don't know what it's like in Brazil.
Think about it.