Guess which race of women scientifically have the smallest, strongest & tightest vag?

have to say I'm surprised by these findings. I have more attraction to Asian, Latina and white women personally and have never found a black women attractive. I always thought Asian women were tighter and after them white women, but apparently these studies say the opposite.

All these links and studies show that their vaginal canal's are smaller, the pelvic muscle strength is stronger than other races. The explanation being black women have more musculature in their PC muscles as well as their vaginal canal's being smaller due to that race naturally giving birth to babies with smaller heads than white or Asian women. Also the rates of incontinence is smallest in black women.

There is definitely a racial difference and also genetic factors which determine the length of vagina. White women give birth to babies with larger heads "on average" so their hips are "on average" broader, and their vaginal opening is also larger. Black women, actually have smaller vagina's. They give birth to babies with smaller heads and have smaller hips. Black women store more body fat on their buttocks, but their hips are actually smaller (men and women). White people also have longer torso's and white women also have longer vagina's. Asian women have shorter vagina's than both black and white women, have wider openings than black women, but not as large as white women. Unlike penis size, the body size/shape of a woman has an influence on vaginal size. Taller women (longer torso) with wider hips will most likely have longer and deeper set vagina. Torso size/length is more significant than actual height. As for men however, a 6' 8" man may have a smaller penis than a 5' 8" man, just like has ears may also be smaller. External organs are not influenced by body size or height, whereas internal organs are.

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Nice dubs

>which of the female sex organs I'll never touch would feel best, fellow BrĂ¼der?


>American flag
>He doesn't know about kegels and is surprised about his findings
top kek all the memes are true

Can confirm, black Pussy is smallest and tightest, and it clenches even tighter when you smack them and call them a nigger.

blacks habe bigger dicks
blacks have better pusspuss

who had thought that !

this is now a ebony goddASS threas





Bump for interesting thread. Most important thing I got from it: niggers have small brains

that's it, im a >racemixer now

wtf i hate science now

moar pls

I'm loving all this mulatto threads these days. Sexy babes.

Lets make BLEACHED great again. Confidence boost for a lot of you cuckerinos.

I want to impregnate a nigress now so I can watch her give birth to a baby with a bigger head than her body is designed for.

Yeah I can tell you this from experience.

I dated a 6ft blonde Dutch girl for 3 years and her vagina was huge.

I then fucked a couple of petite qts since and they were all tight as fuck. As in, if she wasnt wet, I couldnt get it in tight.

if the women have smaller vaginas, why do the men have bigger cocks?

>he unironically fell for the BBC meme

Is that why you hate black people?

id smash that body holy fuck

wouldnt breed though

we wuz neanderthals n shit.

What kind of shenanigans are you pulling, OP?

404 - Oops! Seems you accessed an invalid link

Comparison of vaginal shapes in Afro-American, caucasian and hispanic women as seen with vinyl polysiloxane casting.

> A new shape, the pumpkin seed,
What did they mean by this? Vaginas have shapes?

Damn Australia, back at it again with the shitposting.

>mfw that text sounds natural with my accent

white vaginas are literally designed for big black cocks

> designed
How is it going, fellow vagina architect?

Can confirm, Mexican women have gaping vaginas.

They're designed for big white craniums.

Cucks should be shot on sight.

Black women are massively underrated on this board and I really don't know why.

Have you ever dated a black woman? They are amazing partners. Loyal, compassionate and generally great lovers.

And the vast majority of them absolutely love white men.

this, that's all I'm getting out of OP's post



I've grown around them and that's just false. Most are gold digger and they cheat easily. They age extremely poorly and are in most case the most subjected to be a single mom. There's a few who are properly raised sure but not many, most are nigs or act "white" to trap you.

>Black women are massively underrated on this board and I really don't know why.
Firstly because they consistently uglier, such perception comes not only from white supremacist groups, humankind as whole are more likely to find them ugly, they are also more likely to produce offspring with lower fitness for western society which decreases even more their perceived value, they are also even more noisy than their white counterparts.

holy fuck that ass