you have 1 minute to explain why you don't have one. GO
Other urls found in this thread:
Didn't want a cheese factory in my pants
I'm a woman v ^_^ v
We in Europe invented we call "showering each day"
I know it sounds hard, but if you'll try hard enough, you can also make it.
That fucking retarded drawing gave me more shills than all of the ISIS and mexican cartels executions putted together.
Hahahahaha he doesn't have free cheese to use as toppings
Parents made the decision for me 22 years ago. If i were insecure enough to give a shit maybe i could ask them what their reasoning was.
is phimosis a good enough excuse?
I'm Jewish.
Pretty much the same as this
There was a thread a few days ago where some user said he had asked his dad why he mutilated him as a baby and he said that he had phismosis and he didnt want his son to possibly have the same thing happen so he cut him which seems pretty reasonable to me
i do tho
Phimosis. I had one until age 30.
B-but I do have one.
You fell for the cheese meme
It's a meme. Doesn't happen and never will happen.
Didn't have a choice but don't mind it
i do have one, because anything jewish is pretty much despised here
Am a ER doc. My two boys are circumcised.
The number of phimosis and general cheese dick cases I see come though every week would be enough to make any responsible parent get it done.
Mostly Mexicans and Niggers don't do it. Some times there is a Nu Couple but they tend not to have any children.
>be ER doc
>say niggers and mexicans and nu unironically
>use anecdotal evidence to support a generalization
just fucking clean your dicks, we were not made to have callused, naked, unprotected schlongs
You're a male nurse, aren't you? don't lie, nigger
my foreskin was too tight and unfortunately I had to have a Medical circumcision. Strangely enough I could fap with my hard after it whereas I had to brush up against a soft surface before.
Observations of statistical probability made by a professional in the field are not anecdotal by definition.
Now go off and not breed somewhere else nu male.
what the fuck about that was statistical probability? one case a week was an exaggeration to support an internet claim.
even if it was true, that would not be enough evidence, from one ER nurse, in one location, to make a claim about circumcision.
there's also studies about brain trauma due to infants haing their wee bits hacked apart at a young age, eh?
"professional in the field"
>implying professional "doctors" post on pol
GTFO, nigger, I'll fuck your childbrides.
>niggers and spics
I'm uncircumcised, the only time I ever had dick cheese was when I was 16 and my hormones were off the charts, plus I only showered every other day. Started showering daily and it's not a problem anymore. Just clean your dick with some shower gel and you're fine.
I have mine because my parents don't believe in genital mutilation
Your'e a walking proof that doctors don't have to be intelligent, just book smart.
Because my parents were dumb, young degenerates when they had me
"eh?", I detect a Cuck-nadian. How's it feel to have your president be openly homosexual and fly in African fighter fighters who don't actually fight the fire but instead quit because of a pay dispute?
400 - 1,000 is normal for a sample size and Medical Doctors see about 2,000 people in their clinic a year. So the sample size is sufficient.
Also no medical professional, Doctor or Nurse, stays at one location, especially a ER Doctor.
There is about as much legitimacy to brain trauma due to circumcision as there is to vaccines causing autism.
Now please explain why you keep calling people niggers and talking about raping children? You sound really mentally unstable.
but I do lol
I am not gay for subhumans and developed beyond their prehistoric religious traditions.
>he can't wash his cock
In U.S. the saying is Europeans don't shower
Because I'm not Jewish
Who has healthy dicks with foreskin still on? Europeans or Americans? Please remind us.
Cutfags will never know the feel of a woman's tongue in your foreskin.
I have mine because I'm half Filipino
>mutilate penis, get drop of water as reward
>give goy credits, force into debt
Jewish ways
Because I didn't have to return some videotapes
also check it
because i aint got pokemon go, 4g nigga, 4g! I have to just pretend a caught a pokemon.
>he fell for the cheese meme
My foreskin wasn't developing properly and by the time I was 7 it had become a serious problem.
Thus I had to get circumcised.
Do they actually eat the foreskins?
but really the only people without foreskin in europe are americans, jews, muslims.
and the rare medical necessity.
now please fuck off with the bait thread
Who cares? You niggers make $3 a day on average and consider that a healthy lump some. Now go make my prekmurska gibanica bitch.
I think it will soon be banned in denmark
>may the 5000 year old Jewish conflict finally come to an end after 4 billion circumcisions, this time peace is for real, ok goy?
Chosen people here.
Tits or gtfo
>removed as baby, don't even know what it is until later on
>Totally normal 8" German cock
These threads always make me laugh because I see foreskin fags trying to seek acceptance. To be fair I wouldn't have it done today because I don't want someone chopping off anything near my dick, sounds like pain, but mine was removed so early I don't even have a memory for it.
>dick cheese is a good enough to warrant a brutaly savage and barbaric practise
>not just washing your dick by pulling back the skin
>not showering for atleast 1 week or more to develop dick chesse
completely and 100% in the trash
Are you serious?
>> pol is literally as informed about Judaism as Antisemites were in the middle ages
It was stolen by jews
I won't do it to my kid, but I had it done to me. Don't care all that much.
Most murrican sloots think uncut benis looks strange anyway.
Timestamp with tits right now or GTFO!
>I want a fish factory instead
Jews. My father did it because at the time he was terrified of AIDs (his brother got it from a needle) and was told that slicing it off would keep me safe.
He actually told me once while we were drinking that he did some research and felt terrible about it, and that he hoped my brother and I would have better sense when it came to our own kids. I never really resented him for it, it's not like I can tell the difference between something I never experienced, but it's good that he's realized that the Jew tricked him.
A lot of people are really bitter about it though, and that sort of worries me. Don't hate your parents dude, they were lied to by kikes. They were tricked. We were ALL tricked. It's easy to believe that you're doing the right thing when the people who you are supposed to trust tell you that you're just looking out for your kids.
It's not the Jew who eats, his mouths are instrument of lord, he's innocent, it's the foreskin that wanted to be eaten. It's like when money goes missing in banks, it's not the Jewish people in charge, it's our fault we didn't allow more migrants to get stolen even more money. You know goy, god needs certain things for justice to come, we just need to keep on circumcising and giving monies. Mary is around the corner waiting with Jesus to finally come to earth and give us chosen arnageddon of peace.
uncut anglo here
all you burgers and euro cucks falling for the jew memes...what the fuck is wrong with you?
What are you talking about??
Cutfags will know the feeling of a tongue on their 4skin...
The tongue of a 80-year old...
Male rabbi...
Before they throw in their teeth and off it goes
Choppa offa nao!
Circumcised as an infant.
>most murrican sloots
Keep telling ur self that brah.
Why do you think American white girls like to hangout with Tyrone or Jose all the time?
They can't get enough of that UCC (uncut cock)
Cause theyrr fucking ugly. My wife says they look like grub worms. Glad i dont have a dog dick. Uncircumcised penis' are fucking gross looking.
ha, ha delicious.
mean while I got to play with my fucking imagination. lol
I think some people are bitter because their parents don't really apologize or anything of the sort. I remember talking to my dad about it, and he told me to do it to my sons if I had any. He got pretty upset when I said I would not, and started taking my decision not to do it to my child in the future as an insult to his parenting.
So he just starting calling me foolish, hoping I met a woman with "The good sense to do what's right", etc, even after I explained there's ordinarily no need whatsoever for such a procedure. I'll admit I'm a bit salty, but that's because my relationship with my parents has atrophied for unrelated reasons, and it's just mildly annoying reminder.
You guys really think cut dicks look better? Since I am circumcised, my dick head looks shriveled like a raisin because it is dried out and unprotected. Uncut dicks have nice, smooth looking heads.
>If wömän tell me cut benis öff
>I will dö it :D:D:D:D:D:
unless you shower once a week or cream in your underpants and let it ferment, it is not an issue
enjoy 3/4ths of a dick, dicklet
I am not fat and retarded.
Are those hats meant to resemble/symbolize a cut penis?
I couldn't defend myself at that age.
Jealous of my attractive member? Only a dumb faggot would hold someone accountable for something they had zero control over.
If i have a son he will be cut, I dont want his partners seceretly hating his dick.
Untreatable phymosis.
dont forget the rabbi literally sucks the blood from the freshly cut baby dick
>He has to cut his dick to make it more attractive to women
Never had a problem with a woman calling my dick ugly. I guess its just feminized americucks who have this problem. Im sure your wife loves Jamals uncut dick tho doesnt she cuck?
Less is more, ain't that right goy? Now work, until you are dead, then you will live in kingdom of heaven where you get 50% reduction of credits and 50% more foreskin. All colours of Jew hold hands in heaven, eternal peace, unlike Earth. Palestine is evil, refugees are hope, bad white man, bad foreskin, bad bad everything that isn't Jewish chosen people.
Yes a nice smooth looking head that pops out like an alien insect.
Uncut men are so sad, theyre jealousy and hatred masked by pride is so hillarious. Youre not fooling anyone with your incredibly unattractive cock sheath.
That extra 4 millimeters of ugly skin with little hairs on it. Jesus that is the shit of nightmares.
They are preparing his ritual, you know mumblemuble mumble blabla mumble ... then coins fall into basket ... end of ritual.
Why would they call your dick ugly to your face moron?
Its ugly, get over it. Your parents were lazy and scared.
>Hairy foreskin.
Might wanna get that checked out, bruh.
>gets blown the fuck out
>m-muh money
>I'm an honorary kike
Good for you, Bobby Hershel.
>He talks about pretty penises
>Not a faggot
You're women love uncut goy dick kike
No worries, i dont have a dog dick senpai.
I was a infant had no choice.
I had no choice in the matter it was done when I was an infant.
My parents weren't even die-hard christians, they did it for "aesthetic reasons"
No my wife says they are ugly. Sorry, thats the way most women feel. Not my fault they are simplistic and superficial.
That good desu.
Though actually being serious, if someone DID have a hairy foreskin I wouldn't blame them for getting it circumisized. That shit would awfuullll. I'm not even sure it's physically possible without some sort of mutation.
I dont care about your fucking wife cuck. Why do you keep talking to me about your wife Chaim? You want me to slide my nazi goy dick inside of her while you watch?
(((male genital mutilation)))
My parents bought into the Jew myth from my Jew doctor. Also, we're Christians, but for some reason the church said that they would recommend I get circumcized. I was an infant so I couldn't protest shit.
No, im speaking from the experience you dont have.
>Your parents were lazy and scared.
or perhaps his parents come from a civilized nation where people dont think its normal to cut the end of their childs penis off?
Why not wait to actually see if the son has phimosis? Just because the dad had it doesn't mean the son will. That argument is almost as retarded as "I wanted my son to look like me!" or "women like cut better!"
I was born in USSR and that's not common over there. I grew up in the US and it was awkward and weird first time I saw porn (before I knew what circumsicion was) because everyone is circumcised.
i could buy you if i wanted to