Why isn't North Korea bigger issue on the global stage?

Why isn't North Korea bigger issue on the global stage?

Why isn't there a constant attempt to bring democracy and a capitalistic system to the region, and turn it into an economic super power like South Korea?

Literally 25 million people living as slaves under a dictator, and no one cares.

>inb4 Sup Forums defends a fascist dictator again.

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>Why isn't North Korea bigger issue on the global stage
because no one gives a shit. literally.

and the rights advocators, you'd think that SJWs and enablers would fight for the freedom of some mindwashed gooks? why would they?

its the same reason why they dont fight against ISIS, because it endangers their lives.

they are satisfied with themselves fighting against the patriachy, the white men, the system or whatever that doesnt risks themselves.

North Korea has no resources and does not control any major road, rail, or shipping routes.

The even cut down all the trees so you can't even make chopsticks. There is literally nothing of value there.

No resources, murika only brings "freedom" if its profitable.

we hate dictators now?

because deep down nobody really cares about gooks. Not even other asians cares about gooks. Liberals will make documentaries and charities to make themselves feel better, but nobody will do anything. It serves as a chess piece for china and usa to flex their muscle over.

Ding ding ding.

They don't even have a large pots iap consumer market, they'd just do like Worst Corea and buy all Korean products.

because there's no black people to opress in north korea so no one for white liberals to care about

>Why isn't there a constant attempt to bring democracy and a capitalistic system to the region

The west let them live as a reminder to what communism really is.

And so we can tell commies to go back to north korea whenever we get the chance.

There are two countries I'd be happy for America to invade and bring democracy and freedom to.
>Saudi Arabia.
>North Korea.

Of course, Suadi Arabia is bum chums with the western world due to money despite having a horrific human rights record , and North Korea is protected by China, has no incentives for the US to invade (markets for their corporate overlords, oil, uranium, etc.) or both.

jesus dude. get off pol once in a while. this has nothing to do with SJWs. u r a clown

China..... they dont want N.K. refugees flooding over their border. and in reality neither do the south Koreans. think about it. millions of illiterate stunted growth zombies crossing into futuristic south Korea. the gibs required to handle it would be astronomical

because the media is controlled by the Jews and the Jews don't give a shit about anything other than the Middle East.

It's still a good point, people are cowards and only fight things that are perceived as easy targets or unlikely to retaliate.

North Korea sends dissidents to prison camps in their own country, and have been known to kidnap and kill foreign nationals who criticize the regime. They also hacked Sony Pictures' servers for making that gay Seth Rogen movie. So definitely not as easy of a target.

>implying its communism what they do there because their glorious leader says so
do you also believe they have democracy because its what their leader says they have?

First, they have nuclear weapons within dangerous range.
Second, they are quite brainwashed, an invasion would end in something like a genocide and that makes you look bad in PR.
Third, NK is full of poor starving (brainwashed) north koreans. Who would deal with them, South Korea? China? Good luck trying to make them adapt to a capitalist society by the millions.
Forth, NK makes a nice buffer between China and USA-allied Korea. We don't want commies banging on our friend's door nor they want to give a backdoor to 'mericans.

What does this "100" with two lines mean? I don't get itю


Doesn't stand in the way of Greater Israel.

>implying kim isn't based asian man willing to do whatever he can to protect his culture from the jewish overlords

I seriously think that it's better to be a North Korean.
Better be a slave than a drone.

It's called "national sovereignty".


Except there are black people in NK. Primarily at the international school, where they come from Africa to attend.


My spook speak is a bit limited but they use it like 100% honest or real. "I'm keepin' it 100, that bitch was cray."

Friendly reminder that DPRK is basically the same size as Mississippi.



It's North Korea... no one cares except South Korea....

Because "globalism" has been the norm far longer than any of us would like to admit. North Korea has its place as a boogeyman for the rest of "modern" society.

Didn't matter in Iraq.

Because of CHYNA

I have been wondering about a more specific aspect of it:

WW2 and the holocaust. The shit that went on in those camps is often referred to when talking about the worst humans can come up with. And leaders across the globe agree that they must do whatever to prevent similar happenings again.

But When you listen to North Korean prisoners whom escaped the country, you hear stories from the prisons of equal and greater atrocities with 100's of thousands of people involved.

Just goes to show that we only care about great acts of wickedness as long as stopping it works in our favor economically and preserves the relative status quo of the political world.

>implying fascism is bad

That's my hope.

Seriously. Look at blacks in America.

>The west let them live
More like best koreans were smart enough to not believe western lies and get nukes. Stupid Hussein and Kaddafi cancelled their WMD programs and believed they could befriend amerifats. Hue hue!

>he fell for the "west BRINGS democracy"-meme

because they're within artillery range of the most populous city in the region.

And they have nukes, you don't get to fuck about with people so much at that point.

>But When you listen to North Korean prisoners whom escaped the country, you hear stories
SK hates NK. What do expect, story how decent NK is? no it will be tales of how they executed people using artillery and shit

>inb4 Sup Forums defends a fascist dictator again.
Sup Forums defends dictators?
you are unable to spot memes. gtfo.

I swear most of Sup Forums unironically thinks Saddam wasn't so bad.


I always kek at the color palette of their buildings. Like if pastel colors makes them look happier.

Because he wasn't.

Then you do it you fucking groid

Compared to what is Irak now? Without any doubt. It's not about the guy, it's about the state of the country.

plz dump appreciate ur infos

still want to move to NK from last time I saw you

inorite? Their color schemes do tend to suck.

If you manage it, I'm still super interested in how you pull it off. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!

Good to see you're still around!

how prevalent is English there amongst upper/lower party?

Because they are the biggest supplier of slave labour which results in anyone being able to hire them for dirt cheap and have them shipped anywhere around the world. Even Nato's warships which are being made in Poland are being put together by north koreans. There is not really any reason financially to do it.

Same reason you don't pick a fight with someone who has nothing to live for.

They're basically the real world's version of the 13-year-old wanna-be troll on Sup Forums who runs and hides under his mama's (China's) skirts whenever any real action against them seems likely.

If anyone wants something interesting to read about NK btw, I've always liked the best Hitchens'

Currently not too much outside of those specifically trained for it. The younger generation though has english as a primary topic taught in school - so they'll get better.


pls dont

post more photos

American propaganda

Aiight, starting a dump.









Also china would never be ok with North Korea falling ;it's the only buffer between than them and South Korea, which is pretty much just a vassal state of America and the West.






I think everyone is approaching it the wrong way. We should be trying to talk to them, not punishing them for not seeing a certain way.

What do you believe to be the biggest crime America and/or the west has committed against North Korea? I understand if you don't want to talk about that kind of stuff. Thanks for the photos and information!




Hrm. I'd say the economic sanctions mixed with the prohibition on NK military exercise while simultaneously engaging in military exercise right outside of NK - specifically practicing for invading NK.

I think that's pretty shit.

Though if you ask NK'eans, they'll say it's the KOREAN WAR - and you can see their American War Crime exhibits for their view on it.

>LED bulbs

I though NK was stuck in the 1950s and had no technology or electricity


Here's their recently made smartphone thingy.

They've also got some solar panels and other shit. Not particularly wide-spread, but it's a step in the right direction.




They have no oil.

Libs are the ones that care about such things, and they refuse to acknowledge anything that shows socialism in a negative light.



Looks nicer than Chicago there desu





north korea is communist, opposite of fascism faggot


Well all they do is threaten countries and their army equipment is old Soviet shit. To put it simply no they are not a threat.

Has the media been lying to me about NK?

Poor korea, was always a vassal state to someone and still is, no wonder they are so mad and nationalistic.