"niggers are inferior because they are niggers"

>"niggers are inferior because they are niggers"
>turns out negros in germany have an IQ similar to whites in germany
Explain yourselves stormfags

In any other country I would believe it but germany can't be trusted to report honestly on anything like this. They are a lost country.

Padraig is correct

hello where is the proofs

No niggers are dumb as shit here
I had a negress in my class and she always told about her nigger friends who sit in prison.

>no cited sources
>calls everyone on this board "stormfags" in the first post

Reminder to sage shit threads by liberal cucks if you post in them.

>germany can't be trusted to report honestly
the german government is not the one collecting and reporting stats like this

[citation needed]

The entire country is cucked, though. Can't really trust anything a German says.
