I have no friends

i have no friends

i'm an alcoholic

i was born without a personality

i have no skills and no career prospects

i have so many skeletons in my closet

i'm boring i'm sad i'm lonely i'm hopeless

i'm think about death all the time

and i'm gonna do it. i'm finally gonna kill myself.

alright then

Sleep tight, pupper.



With all those crazy creatures in Australia I'm surprised you're still alive desu

don't do it lad i feel the same way. just that for me add >25KV to the list

just stand outside for a few minutes and some XXL snake or spider should do the job for you



we don't care here, we are all suicidal here, you arent special, go attention whore somewhere else

Same, except I don't drink

stream it or cry for attention somewhere else

dont do it aus bro
i love you
add me on steam or something

tell me about the skeletons

is skeletons in the closet an expression or does he have literal skeletons in his closet?

Go to /biz/ I guarantee you'll feel better for five minutes

I love you OP try and get help

it means he's killed people


watching england lose at the world cup will cheer you up

i can't deal with the pain of my parents dying in my lifetime

there is so much pain and sadness in the world

The snooker is on bro, things aren't so bad. Come get comfy.

Than make good. Live in the now. When you're parents pass you will deal with it than and learn to move on. Treasure them now while you can

lol fag

Is suicide a sport?

That fucking hair