Trump: 44%
Hillary 37%

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I am now a #Trumpmissile

Polls mean nothing until November.

Though, it's no surprise Trump has a lead, the Libertarian party is sucking voters from the Democrats, not Republicans.


This is roughly how much I expected him to win by. Nobody likes Hillary and will make the effort to vote for her


bout' time

Funny how trumps ratings go up when he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't make controversies

Those are the same pollsters who predicted a landslide for Mittens, tho. I wouldn't trust them too much. Trump needs to bring his absolute A+ game for the debates.

Yeah retard. Congratulations you figured out what's happening.

Trump's NEW MANAGEMENT HERE KNOCK IT ALL DOWN shtick worked for the primary. Now that Clinton's team has tried to label Trump dangerous and unstable, he's beginning his shift to "serious and presidential" to take that away from her. Meanwhile Trump's gotten Hillary labeled crooked. As long as the investigation continues she can't get rid of that.

With Hillary shown as Al Capone this week, she can only sink lower.

trump is one of the best goys in this election faggot why would we not want him to win?

Rasmussen is always + with trump

>polls last week
>Trump is essentially finished, fellow media elites, what shall the Clinton presidency bring us?
>polls this week
>uh these polls are just a snapshot and are not indicative of novemeber results

While that is true he's trending up with Rasmussen, as he has with other polls released this week.

Trump has not broken the 45% barrier.

People aren't switching from Hillary to Trump, they're switching from Hillary to 'undecided'.

That's why ~20% of the vote is unaccounted for in each poll.

This election is not going to be won by trump, it's going to be lost by Hillary. People don't trust her but they don't want to vote trump.

The best thing trump can do is stay on message and push the email lies she told. The strategy should be to simply get people to be so unenthusiastic for her that they don't vote at all. But that also means not stirring shit up so they feel the need to vote 'against' him.

Here's hoping Bernie runs with Jill and splits the dem vote.

You clearly haven't met any American Jews, they're all
>le fugg trump xD

Bern victim here, it's true.
Clinton must be stopped.
Heil Trump, gas the nogs, police crackdown on the crackhouse now.

Don't believe the polls, they are propping up Trump now so when they start showing Hillary winning everything you'll believe them.

Just like they did with Sanders.



>poll shows hillary leading
it's only july!
polls are made by shills!

>poll shows trump winning

Yup. Scott Adams posted a piece about this that made a lot of sense. Hillary needs to prove that she isn't corrupt, trump needs to keep his mouth shut. Guess which one is easier?

Based trump is fucking brilliant

Will we really get millions of leftist to move to Canada and millions of illegals to be deported?


The summer smell is still there, but it's fading

>20% of vote unaccounted
ever heard of independants?

>hoping bernie runs with (((stein)))
a vote for an independant is a vote completely thrown away
besides,hes endorsed clinton

Bernie endorsed Hillary

He's not doing shit anymore besides pissing off bernouts so hard that some will go Trump

low energy campaign
low energy candidate
no stamina

>Racial violence and tension off the charts
>Hillary as corrupt as the day is long

Are you surprised?

He doesn't oversample democrats.

Trump should not be winning yet. He just went through an awful primary with tons of mud slinging. Hillary just had to infrequently debate one old communist. It's only going to get worse for her.

I think the most annoying thing is all these neocon clowns claim to be libertarians now but in reality they would have argued with a libertarian till blue in the face

Well brexit polls were clearly inaccurate

With all the pro-hillary shilling going on? Yes.

Haha he slicked 220 million off them

>most females vote Hilary
>US votes women will have to register for the draft
>Putin threatens he will attack US if Hillary wins
>"you know what girls, I think Trump is kinda good choice"

He just knows when to let Clinton speak for herself.

No they aren't, they are just heavily biased. I don't even trust polls where Donald is ahead. All that matters is my vote, and the vote of other citizens. Until then, keep out of the circus and mind to your own.

Bernie will destroy the middle class. He scares even hardcore liberals. Like my aunts and cousins. Trump isn't the first choice of many conservatives either. But neither is Rato Cruz. I am a Gary Johnson voter myself. Or I would be if I didn't know that my vote would mean a vote for that soul-sucking reptile, Hillary.

I guess it is down to Trump. He has my vote. I will not vote for Hillary. I will not vote in a way that will give Hillary the advantage. I am not a Republican. And even during the times where I agree with the left, I cannot fathom letting the pendulum swing any further in that direction.

The left needs to be stopped. They scream like pod-people, and they push forth agendas that promote tyranny. Given what is happening in Germany, I know that if I allow the left to continue, the EU will come to our shores. They must be stopped. The pendulum must be stopped.

Balance must be restored.

The polls actually oversample both democrats and republicans, although they oversample democrats by more. They undersample the shit out of independents, who are the largest voting bloc and with whom Trump leads by nearly 30%.

Also, while polls won't really matter until the debates at earliest, it'll be nice to see the Hill shills on full damage control for a while.

wat. Really?

Her problem is she won't stop lying or shut up she keeps pandering to progressives at the cost of her base.

CBS/NYtimes has them tied which is up from their last poll.

The polls are close when they skew Democrat, but Trump has a sizable lead when they skew Republican... sounds like a landslide victory in the works!

Did you not notice the Reuters polls that were 50% Democrat and 11% independent?

Are you implying there's any difference between Johnson and Hillary? Because other than what's between their legs, there really isn't, not on any key issues anyhow.

Dubs if Trump will win

Polls are meaningless. Trump's Lion's Guard is already being trained to make sure that only the right people vote come election day,

Huge Clinton fall in the RCP poll.

in California


Remember this poll that had Clinton up 11.4%? I did the math, and when you adjust for actual party representation Trump leads by ~7%.

I can post the breakdown for anyone that doesn't believe it, if you want me to. Also notice that dems and reps are both oversampled, but inds are ludicrously undersampled.

This will be a repeat of the 2000 election, I'm calling it now.
Trump will win the popular vote but Hillary will win the election.

You know what I don't understand? Bernie was beating Trump by double digits, yet they went and rigged the game for Hillary.


On some aspects? No. On others? Yes. Johnson wants people to be left alone. I don't agree with his open-borders policy, but he is for protecting the constitution and maintaining our freedoms in many areas. From minding ones business where it comes to cannabis legality, to making sure the government keeps it's hands off of our guns. And other rights as well.

He is your stereotypical lolbertarian, with some left leaning beliefs.

To tell you the truth, given Trumps past, given his propensity to sympathize with democrats on many subjects, even, at one time, gun control, I don't completely trust him. His family was the best of buds with Clinton and co, and he walks lock-step with the Jews on many subjects. He would keep us meddling on behalf of Israel in the middle east.

All the damage ISIS has done. To our history, to humanity. I don't know about Trump. But it is either him, or Hillary. All I can hope for, that if Trump is as much a Democrat as I suspect he is, that he at least tries to be a moderate.

Now use 2012 voting distributions. Independents are less likely to vote.

The Libertarian Party has two main factions, libertarians and low tax liberals, and their candidates go back and forth between the two based on whether they are trying to win or just get more people interested in libertarianism. Their picks this election are purely low tax liberals and have no idea what libertarianism even is.

Friendly reminder for afterberners:

If you only look at the white voters in the Democratic Party, your guy would have won. She won by promising more gibs, and given the demography of the future, you aren't getting your progressivism unless you get some Trump style immigration reform first.

It should really make you think.

That's not the point. An intelligent person knows that polls are not a good way to determine who will win. However, liberals are too dumb to understand statistics, so they think that polls are like a scorecard, and predict who is winning/ going to win.

It's all just about hurting liberals. Are

On it, will post results when done.

This is socially acceptable and talked about in public in America

Kill yourself burgers.

Okay poo.

Well assuming exactly the same turnout as 2012, that puts things at a dead heat. All figures for people rounded up because
you can't have a fraction of a person.

(30/38)4855 = 3833 D
(43/29)1248 = 1851 I
(26/32)3752 = 3049 R
8733 Total

3833(.08) = 307 T
3833(.70) = 2684 C

1851(.35) = 648 T
1851(.16) = 297 C

3049(.72) = 2196 T
3049(.07) = 214 C

Total T: 3151
Total C: 3195

Trump % = (3151/8733)100 = ~36.08%
Clinton % = (3195/8733)100 = ~36.59%

Once again, this is assuming that turnout this year is EXACTLY the same as 2012.

I want to believe but I feel like it's more Jewish tricks. Build us up to knock us down.

Thanks. I figured it'd be close. There's also the fact that Trump will increase turnout among working class whites, and Hillary will decrease turnout among blacks.

Exactly, I'd be shocked if turnout resembled 2012.

Yeah, ok.
Hillary is up.
Its been over faggots, back to the caves you trolls came out of.


Diaspora jews hate immigration restrictions

oy vey I wonder why

Polls will strike fear into Hillary. She will get more desperate, more pandering, and more shrill as she panics. The harder she tries, the more she will fail. The harpoon is bleeding her.

excellent post

Growing up in NYC during the 90s and seeing Trump in tabloids literally every day, combined with hearing him on Stern (before he became a complete Zionist liberal cuck), I never really liked Trump that much.

But fuck, if the alternative is Clinton? Rato was, as Dr. Scheuer said, "quite possibly the biggest whore in the history of politics." Am a dual US/EU citizen.
Have to vote Trump, the woman is fucking criminally insane. Imagine-- Shillary, Merkel, and May? # bitter old cunts in control of 3 most powerful White nations (though Us soon to be more Spic than White).

Would be the end. But then, if wife wanted to live in France and I could get a transfer, headquarters is in Paris so I'd be in another multicult sewer.
Fucking Sarkozy the Rothschild Jew now making overtures to see if he can get his kike ass back into office.
Would love to see a real poll based on FN's chances-- which we don't have since French gubment prohibits keepingstats on Race/Religion. Only indicators are top baby names (mohammed in Paris) and diseases like sickle cell only niggers get.



More like #trumpatriot

Thanks for the flag, Mr. Rare.

How the final debate will go down:
>Trump: My opponent is very crooked. The most crooked. She lies all the time, I know it, you know it, we all know it. You cannot trust anything she says. Just looks at the emails, and the Iraq War, she will just cause yuge problems...
>Hillary: Ya know, as a woman...wo..wmn...STUMP PROTOCOL 66 ENGAGED. ACTIVATE IT.
>Trump: finally begins.
>Hillary suddenly rips her rubber mask off to reveal that she is a reptillian terminator with the DNA of Hitler, Stalin, and Muhammad running through her silicon veins. She grotesquely morphs into a 7'3'' (emperor of manlets) destroyer bio mech and begins to release toxic chemicals into the crowd. Her arms grow into distorted lizard claws with the sharpness of a katana. *Teleports behind Trump.
>Hillary: We let you romp around America for long enough Donald. Playtime is over.
>Hillary brings down a slimy and meaty fist upon Trump, intending to snuff out America's last hope with vindictive glee.
>Her fist smashes into the floor where the Don had stood only a milisecond before. Her yellow cyber eyes grew in fear as she saw the powerful form of Mankind's Savior swiftly climb up her muscular green arm.
>As Trump reaches her shoulder, he draws his red, white, and blue chainsaw battleaxe. He leaps into the air, twisting his godlike form into a whirwind technique that took years to master for the greatest of martial arts masters. He did in only 1776 days. His body formed a ferocious twister that was suspended in the air above Shillarytron's horror of a mug. She(?) could only watch in awe and fear as this bayblade-like warrior prepared his ultimate move.
>The spinning of Trump created an air vortex that sucked all of the dangerous chemicals from the crowd and cured them of their liberalism. Then in one lighting fast strike - a moment that would be recorded in history forever - Lord Trump brought down the battleaxe into Hillary's twisted skull.

>Bits of cybernetic chips and wiring coated in warm green reptile blood splashed over the debate stage as Hillary was cleaved in two. Her two writing halves collapsed onto the ground, leaving Trump to stand victorious and unscathed. He faced the crown and did that thing with his head where he draws his lips tight and jerks his chin upwards - you know what I'm talking about.
>The crowd goes insane.
>CNN reports Hillary won the debate.


I think Hillary is going to shitroll Donald in the debates.

She and the moderators will actually stick to a topic and Hillary actually knows policies and intricacies of said policies. So she'll steam rape him and the GE will realize he's too ignorant for office.

According to this poll Trump leads independents with 13%. I agree they're undersampled though.