>people who want to have sex with child prostitutes become politicians
>people who want to have sex with adult prostitutes become singers and actors
Really makes you think huh
>people who want to have sex with child prostitutes become politicians
>people who want to have sex with adult prostitutes become singers and actors
Really makes you think huh
Nah mate go back to watching your wife fuck an emu.
>people who want to live in a third world country become australian
says the moslem
Singers and actors are pedophiles too. All of the "elites" are
underage (((boys)))
jews are targeting the male at a young age. To destroy them, so they become mentally ill, trans. Leaving behind the females to be easily manipulated and raped
State politicians, judges, producers, they're all doing it for the power to fuck kids. They have their own law separate from the peasants.
It's sickening, the filth that politicians do to kids. I bet you anything they have a secret event, where they all get together and set loose enslaved children to run through a giant maze, disorientated, where the politicians hunt them down to rape, torture and kill them.
English are the most degenerate European race. What else is new?
It's all politicians in all countries that participate in child sex rings. Partly for blackmail purposes, partly for pleasure.
Possibly the psychology of why politicians choose to abuse children. Is because politicians were loner type in school, they never had a girlfriend, they were harassed. Consequently they have pent up rage against youth, because they never experienced any.
>Really makes you think huh
Yeah.... Attach bullshit and accuse dead people.
Politicians also have some degenerate shit like being dominated as well.
>People that want their families to be raped by Muslims and anti-hate speech go to Germany
Dig deeper you will find it firmly ingrained in your country. Epstein's lolita express plane, and island of children sex slaves for politicians, sponsered by the Clinton Foundation is just the tip of the ice(((berg))).
I really wish a lot of these propaganda posters had the source on it
>tfw never be a high ranking politician
>mfw I have no face.
Why live?
Do emus actually have penises or do they just have a Hole where both shit, piss and semen comes out of like other birds?
If so, how would an emu fuck a human?
Any aussies care to enlighten us?
Why? You don't know the story? It's not like these get posted anywhere besides Sup Forums.
Rrally maekas yuu tgink??!!
;p Xd xD
>implying Allah won't punish your sorry asses when the end arrives
>implying I won't pour bacon grease on your grave
>implying Allah won't know that you did and punish you for it while rewarding me
He is all knowing and forgiving after all