How far will this team make it this season

how far will this team make it this season

solid cast but lacking depth in some areas. they'll make a moderate run

>all these shit meme breeds
>no border collie
>no jack russell

*blocks your path*

you had ONE job OP

it’s coming home la

>jack russell
Disgustingly shit taste

the star player is here

Team Cat all the way.

>le 56% face

Looks like it's gonna be a ruff season.



I finda stray dogs and crook them


best breed coming through


>canadian groupies


*does a caca on your team*

definite favorites for the cacabowl


*blocks your path

those must all be very good boys to get a picture like that

no Australian shepherd, no chance of success

they look like they are about to drop a sick album

not so fast, friends 8-)

t. frasier


They should have no trouble in groups but will definitely get eaten alive by China in the quarterfinals.