Hello guys... I don't mean to be an attention slut but today is my birthday

Hello guys... I don't mean to be an attention slut but today is my birthday..

No cake, no party, no girlfriend or friends to celebrate with, my family cares about me but they won't care enough to at least to something about it....

And to make it all worse I gotta go to my shitty job to get bored all the fucking day.

I have never had a good birthday guys, it seems this won't be different.

Stop crying-be aplha

happy birthday user love u

Soz user, happy birthday + nice trips

Happy birthday tacoanon!

it's okay you can cry a few years more, every child deserve a birthday after all

happy birthday my mexican friend

nice trips

Happy birthday mexibro


happy birthday

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. At this very moment brave Mujahideen are fighting against tyrants all over the world, from Syria to Myanmar to Nigeria.

you've got a real shit attitude you know that?

Happy birthday user. I know that feel.
How old are you now ?

Happy birthday

I hope you can find happiness somehow

Be like me, stop fucking caring about birthdays. It's childish. I never wish any family members or friends happy birthday, and at this point they don't expect it from me either. It's a fine thing for children to be excited about, adults shouldn't care.

>tfw my last birthday party was 19 years ago at age 10
>tfw turning 30 soon and nobody will wish me a happy birthday

Happy birthday user, I want you to know that I care about you and wish you the best.

happy birthday

happy (soon to be) birthday Germanon

not yet... in January

make a calender note that says "hapy day of brithday t. finanon" (on your birthday date)

Happy birthday, user!

thanks... let's see if I'll still be alive then

same (realized my birthday is december)

Happy Birthday, user!

hapy birtdai fren

>not yet... in January

Happy birthday user !

Happy birthday mexicana friend !