Why can't you Eurocucks and Ameriburgers struggling with illegals just say; "Fuck off, we're full" like we do?

Why can't you Eurocucks and Ameriburgers struggling with illegals just say; "Fuck off, we're full" like we do?

It's that simple.

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We are saying that you dunce

enjoying your new liberal government? the sea will lack boats

Amerifats are never full

>his eyes
cant believe they allow people with down syndrome to your army

liberal is better than labour.

Because the neoliberal EU has been hijacked by far-left feminist globalists.

But Eurocuckistan and AmeriburgerJoint is not full.

To call them as full, is to mock our fullness (and we are pretty full).

We have sudanese niggers and I want them fucking gone.

Our Liberals are conservatives. They are economic liberals (ie; tight fiscal policies, surplus over debt, less gibs me dats).

At least both sides are anti-illegals.

Why don't you just revolt?

At least they're in Melbourne. That's one blessing.

Because EU countries literally can't say that, the citizens can complain as much as they want but the governments hands are tied because EU decided otherwise, and people don't get to vote the EU council.

Country with one elected government =/= the EU. Even the ones on the sea like Greece and Italy can't because the need the EU's support, and then they still have to deal with the fucker's going through the other countries. Literally all they can do is go full Hungary and put up a physical fucking fence and deal with the EU and their neighbours throwing a bitch fit. It's amazing we even had a government with the balls to do it.


>that pic

Counter question, why does the Australian military wear camouflage the US used fighting the Japanese in WWII?


Because the controlling interests of both our parties like it. Democratic politicians like it because illegal immigrants and their children vote democrat. Republican donors like it because it drives down the price of labor. So neither party does much.

We're not as good at memes. Also we have a liberal president to put ICE on house arrest - they literally aren't allowed to do their job.

everytime i see that picture, my autism makes me salute.

i dont mind it, but thank fuck it's not Morrison

It's not as simple in the EU, since border security is a responsibility of the EU. Instead of kicking them out, they provide a ferry service for migrants. Seriously, they pick them up a few hundred meters out of the coast of north Africa and ship them to Europe.

Also, people that are against migrants keep voting for parties that let migrants in. Fucking retards.

Counter-counter question; You guys have guns, why not just patrol the border yourselves?

We are probably one of the most liberal countries in the West, regardless, we are pretty fucking tough about certain things, mainly WE ARE FUCKING FULL

Our government literally tells you how to go home, and even assists you in terms of travel, and financial assistance, to resettle back


Because the love hearts and bunny rabbits still work. I think they're switching to a similar-coloured digital pattern.

Sometimes we do.

The man of the hour.

Fucking hell look at his eyes. The shit he must have seen and done.
Does that look like the face of mercy to you?

Nigel Farage has nothing on this guy. Nige might laugh as he watches a boat full of migrants crash and drown into the sea, but this guy would probably jump swim into the shore, swim to the boat and beat the fuckers to death, then swim back and mutter something like "Gotta make sure when we're talking about keeping the sovereignty of our borders mate"

Are you retarded.
We just voted in the liberals (conservatives).



it was globalist-fabian from the beginning

>Campbell entered the Royal Military College, Duntroon in 1981, receiving commission as an infantry lieutenant in 1984. Initially assigned to the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment as a platoon commander, he later passed selection for the Special Air Service Regiment, with whom he served as troop and squadron commander.

>Campbell commanded the 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment in East Timor as part of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor, for which was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 2003

Well played old chap

Australian's Liberal Party is different from American Liberal Party.

While Americans is SJW -- Australians is mostly conservative.

Of course they're not the best party, and we do have better. But it's better than nothing

literal pencil pusher with a lazy eye

Read this one.

And here's the outgoing pussy of eternity

you can just see from the look of Campbells eyes that he is not a soft cunt by any means, while Morrison looks like he's worked supply all his life

>Cuck Morrison
>Tranny Mcgregor

Man, we have the worst military leaders

>former SASR
>pencil pusher

>tfw live in north queensland
>tfw rarely saw a non white growing up, only abos
>Now always see women in hijabs dragging 6 kids around the shopping centres
>Tall skinny dark as fuck Africans walking around the city

At least it used to be contained to the big cities before. They are leaving their containment zones. We need a wall that runs along the QLD NSW border

i kind of hold Campbell in pretty high regard Tbh.

Morrison and Mcgregor can fuck off to La Trobe and fuck a fag

>Our Liberals are conservatives.

I wish this were true in America, I hate how the Dems have co-opted the word

>officer his entire career

he's literally Sobel from band of brothers

Tville? I'm in cairns and it sure as fuck isn't like that here

Morrison is more comparable to sobel than Campbell

just compare their fucking fruit salad.
Morrisons is full of """"""""""""honors""""""""""" thrown at him by dignitaries while Campbells most prominent is his DSC and Afghanistan service medal.

>In May 2015 Morrison retired from the army and in September 2015 was appointed chairman of the Diversity Council Australia,[36] a not-for-profit workplace diversity advisor to business in Australia,[37] and as a gender-diversity adviser to Deloitte Partners

nearly forgot that gem

fucking straya I swear

This fucker is all over my Youtube ads and even on TV
fucking hell man its just boat people we dont want
dont you wanna be enriched

Jesus christ my countrymen are fucking mouth breathers.


Literally neither of those three add up. The only true conservative parties are meme parties at this rate. How can you fucking mongs not understand that

Kek, I've been to your country, and I'm not surprised your the target demographic

Do Aussie gals like BBC?


You're average Australian Sup Forums user is a memer who either supported the coalition or the ldp.

According to West Indian cricketers, yeah.

>it plays all the time in sri lanka
didnt even know

stay out, gyppo

our country isnt bad
its pretty good now with the civil war over
its just the northern tamils that leave..embarrassing everyone

we don't have a geographical advantage like you. you basically have a natural wall around your country.

Why'd you get all pissy at the Brits, they weren't so bad were they?

Because our politicians are complete surrender cunts.

We want to but our own leaders don't want to enforce the laws we have

King OggaBooga literally tells the border patrol to stand down

>tfw will have to go up north where it's too cold for the rapeugees

is there any hope for canada?

Underrated post, that post-match was comedy gold.

we wernt pissy
we stayed more or less loyal till the end of WW 2
after that everyone left the club and we just didn't wanna be left out

Liberal is conservative in Australia.

The Liberals in Australia are:
- Anti gay marriage
- Anti immigration
- Anti welfare
- Anti Islam

It is kind of shit how they want to censor the internet and infringe on privacy though.

>just say; "Fuck off, we're full" like we do?
>It's that simple.

no dude you obviously have to LARP as an ebin nazi and be edgy as fuck and discredit everything you say and everyone else that wants to stop illegals from entering as some looney psychopaths

Yes but then they become single mothers on the dole


whats a Bogan
i here it alot from aussie youtubers

then what are conservatives like there?

A cultured Australian.

because that would be incredibly racist desu

Kind of like a redneck in America

They drive utes and do burnouts, they drink a lot (usually beer) and are generally quite unaccepting of other cultures and they fucking HATE the Muslims.

Quite a few bogans are really funny. Kings of banter.

They are the conservatives. On the other side of Liberal party is the Labor party. They're more left wing. Then there are the Greens who are complete fucking degenerates who can't wait for Jamal's cock and kale shakes.

There are far right groups such as Rise Up and a bunch of other anti immigration and anti muslim groups but they're pretty small.

A term used increasingly by cucks to disparage true australians.

Melbourne here!
-Fucking swamped with these fucking dark as fuck Sudanese fucks.
-THey are lazy as shit
-They never fucking work.
-they copy you
-they complain about not having enough free money.
-Melbourne girls flock to these guys and drop their panties for them.
-Melbourne girls catch HIV and there try to transmit the shit to whites.
FUck me will this shit ever end.

Help other states of the country, we are sorry for being such stuck up assholes.

Because we're being destroyed from the inside


I miss living in Perth. So many utes and fuck off stickers, I felt at home, truly.

Can't ramble the Campbell

We are, unfortunately our educational and political systems have been infiltrated by cultural marxists who have large amounts of our populations guilt ridden and convinced that they need stop reproducing and let 3rd world refugees in to reap the benefits of all this work our ancestors have done.

You can always come live with us, Amerilad.

>because acting normal has worked so far
You must be blind, deaf, and dumb if you think behaving rationally in this day and age will get you anything besides being shit on by dindus and your corrupt government.

I would if I could bring my guns.

Obabo told the border patrol to stand down. They patrol but they aren't allowed to use force.
Democrats love immigrants because they turn into democratic voters
Jerry Brown, the Gov of California, recently tried to give illegals the right to vote. It got shot down but the intention wa there

Like I'm going to listen to an island of zipperheads

A. Sanchez

>go to uni in melbourne
>have to deal with sudanese guys trying to talk to me about islam