Thoughts about this handsome male?
Thoughts about this handsome male?
Stop spamming him
He is not alt right
Cuck, coal burner, only niggers from reddit tbhfam like him
His most recent podcast with Joe Rogan was kinda entertaining.
makes regressives' blood collectively boil, which is good enough for me
please watch this amazing compilation on youtube before it is taken down.
completely Sup Forums-approved.
It's all here to refresh your memory as to why we are here, anons.
Nigger lover with grids.
-t. homo
degenerate faggot and a raging homo who i hate being associated with Sup Forums
he needs to kill himself
If that insufferable degenerate pleb really is the best the right has to offer I worry for us.
Bringing back the GRID. Under fucking rated.
He's just someone who we should ignore as he is unnecessary and never really causes anything, he's just that one reddit-tier edgy kid
>1 post by this ID
I know people generally joke when they say this, but Milo admitted recently that he has friends post threads about him on Sup Forums
And I guess it's worked, since everyone here knows who he is
>Milo posted a new profile pic to his social media accounts today
>he dyed his hair white
>tfw next week he is throwing a RNC party with Pamela Geller
>Geert Wilders and Roger Stone will attend
>the silver fox power trio will unite
Can't wait for the group photo.
he's not terribly handsome tbqh
Attention whore bimbo who talks about "ethics in journalism" when he doesn't even follow these ethics himself.
>A study from UCLA’s dedicated eating research institute concurred, explicitly recommending social pressure on the overweight as a remedy to America’s obesity crisis. Sorry Lindy West, but the experts agree: fat-shaming is good for you.
Too bad he didn't even read his source he posted there:
>Why is obesity said to be different from smoking? Three reasons are common: it is wrong to stigmatize people because of their health conditions; wrong to think it will work well, or at all, with obesity; and counterproductive with the obese because of evidence that it worsens rather than improves their condition. Ethically speaking, the social pressures on smokers focused on their behavior, not on them as persons. Stigmatizing the obese, by contrast, goes after their character and selfhood, it is said, not just their behavior. Stigmatization in their case also leads demonstrably to outright discrimination, in health care, education, and the job market more generally. The obese are said to be lazy, self-indulgent, lacking in discipline, awkward, unattractive, weak willed and sloppy, insecure and shapeless, to mention only a few of the negative judgments among doctors and nurses.
I guess this guy's bullshit flies in America and Britain, where education is shit tier and people aren't taught media criticism. And when you criticize him for making these errors, his uninformed fanboys will come to whiteknight him with grade school level arguments just Sarkeesian has her whiteknights. This kind of clickbait shit works perfectly for people like that because they don't bother researching the given sources, much like Sup Forums believes anything written on Express or Breitbart.
But he's not even a journalist, he's a college drop-out.
The gay community needs to make some big changes and fast or we'll rightfully hang with the tranny golem.
His podcast is breddy great and he knows how to talk, it's just that he could tone down with his "I love black cock I love black cock I love black cock" attitude. I don't care who he fucks but he repeats it too many times
He likes to suck cut black baby dicks.
degenerate faggot kike
i am not milo and I have never met him.
It also says on pages 37-38:
It will be no less necessary to find
ways to bring strong social pressure
to bear on individuals, going beyond
anodyne education and low-key ex-
hortation. It will be imperative, first,
to persuade them that they ought
to want a good diet and exercise for
themselves and for their neighbor
and, second, that excessive weight
and outright obesity are not socially
acceptable any longer. They need as
well to be mobilized as citizens to
support a more invasive role for gov-
ernment. Obesity is in great part a
reflection of the kind of culture we
have, one that is permissive about
how people take care of their bod-
ies and accepts many if not most of
the features of our society that con-
tribute to the problem. There has to
be a popular uprising when so many
aspects of our common lives, indi-
vidually and institutionally, must be
changed more or less simultaneously.
Safe and slow incrementalism that
strives never to stigmatize obesity
has not and cannot do the necessary
I'm gay, but I can't stand his blatant pro-circumcision pro-black-cock attitude. Too obviously controlled by (((you know who))).
>muh fat shaming
this was the best thing he ever did. fucking fat degenerates are just as bad if not worse than queers because no one has every stood up to their bullshit. they should be shunned until they're thin.
Fucking amazing
Faggot kike
Never watched one of his videos, and I am not sure if want.
Some people says he promotes race mixing, but is based on all the other things. Who knows, maybe he is.
I don't like trendy things, thats why I stay away from most of this alt-right bullshit. I like PJW,Varg Vikernes and The Golden one, if you can consider them alt-right, but that is.
He's cool, but not infallible like he thinks. So of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is utter bollocks.
talks a lot of shit for the pure sake of talking shit. automatically shielded from criticism because gay and european. basically he's a huge hypocrite and essentially a real life "alt right" buzzfeed sensationalist
He's just a faggot with a platform
without his platform, he'd just be a faggot.
I'd prefer Mohammad over Mlio
I don't care what he ot you personally think about fat shaming. He sourced material he didn't read and twists it to fit his own version so he makes it "science". Pretty typical from Breitbart, so it's expected. That goes against all the ethics in journalism he talks about so much, and you're typical Milotard who can't come up with proper arguments. If you keep following this type of rhetoric you're no better than those militant SJWs Sup Forums hates so much.
British accent may make you sound like an intellectual but it doesn't necessarily make you an intellectual. Too bad majority of people here aren't interested in information research and want simple answers for simple questions instead.
Pussied out of the debate with Shapiro like the cowardly piece of shit he is
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
I like him. He's not a philosopher or a great debater, but he does a good job of showing the right as the free and fun side, while exposing the left as the church lady scolds they've become.
That's enough for me.
I'm not sitting through that. His anti-Islam is admirable, but he isn't that great a leader of the gay far right. He's too questionable with his Jewish/American fascination about circumcision and black cock.
One of the things the Nazis had right was flat out banning circumcision in Germany. It's abuse, plain and simple.
Milo talks about 'ethics in journalism' but he's the most unethical journalist in the world. Half his shitty articles are bollocks, no wonder why he couldn't a job at a reputable news company
I don't give a fuck in particular about Milo, but when it comes to integrity and content he is head and shoulders above 90% of net journalists.
There are no ethics in journalism, particularly at reputable news companies. Which he doubtless knows.
i agree circumcision is a terrible thing. Milo agrees with you and with me. Milo is not in favor of circumcision.
attention whore doing it all for money and fame
he is handsome tho fucking hell is it even gay if you fuck him
>no shirtless pics of Milo
>wants to shame people who might be a little overweight
>but when it comes to integrity and content he is head and shoulders above 90% of net journalists.
Not even sure what should I say about this. You must have pretty low standards or read/watch only shit. Would probably help if he was a journalist in the first place.
Actually there is. Why would he even hijack GG if he didn't think so? Oh right because he did it only for attention.
I like his ability to make moronic libs go into frothing rages. I don't know much about him beyond that.
Coke is a great way to keep in shape tbqh.
>Not even sure what should I say about this. You must have pretty low standards or read/watch only shit. Would probably help if he was a journalist in the first place.
Point is you compare apples to oranges.
>handsome male
Another example of how all the good men are either gay or taken.