He is a scientist. How can you disagree with him?
He is a scientist. How can you disagree with him?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's an engineer, not a biologist, not a geneticist, not an anthropologist
That is what I'm trying to say to everyone I see here. Though Arabic people became degenerate through radicalized Islam.
He's a another Jew who has no business discussing genetics
They push this lie because it then pushes all inequality as white racism and privilege
In reality, when you control for IQ and experience, most inequalities go away
stop making fun of me that degree wasn't a complete waste of money okay? fuck it i'm going to cry/drink myself to sleep
There is a difference between species and race. . .
Race has nothing to do with skin colour. Indians are Aryan.
I remember hearing that "we are star dust" line in Carl Sagan's Cosmos. Every time it is like taking a cumshot to the eye.
being of the same race does not magically make us 'all the same' you commie dingus
He's wrong because skeletal structure, what a fucking cúck.
He's definitely not a boxer, his guard is appalling
Even if there were sequentials in race, we are all stuck on this one planet. Why wouldn't we work together?
world btfo
He's a mechanical engineer. He hasn't done any research, nor does he conduct any. Shit, I qualify more to call myself a scientist, as I have a degree in chemistry and I am performing research as well, with a couple published papers as well.
He's not a scientist though, he's an engineer. I literally have scientist in my job title and this is offensive to me.
That's fine but to perpetuate the lie that we are all the same hurts whites and blacks
Blacks think their issue is white racism and whites get labeled as racist
Instead, black populations could understand they are more susceptible to low intelligence and promote stability, education, and other things instead of "it's whiteys fault"
Blacks could also start realizing that the welfare state they support makes them dependent serfs, not whites
Liberal's delusion
Bill Nye the bachelor's degree guy
literally btfo with nukes in an month
Only libs listen to anything he says.
He's the world's #1 science fraud.
You know, with him being and engineer and all.
He's a celebrity with a degree, not an actual scientist.
And yet you still replied to this thread as if OP was not being sarcastic, so it begs the question of what you're actually researching.
Cancer. Did infect a bunch of Cruz's family with cancer grown in-lab as part of the research.
Anthropology is interesting, user
Would you share your understanding of the out of Africa theory? I heard it has been debunked a while ago
Everything he said could be used to justify that there are no differences between species either.
>Humans and lizards are all made from the same start dust, we all share one planet, differences in skin texture, color and body shape are all just results of different environments and different ways of life. etc
Well I dunno about the Cruz's family claim, but learning about cancer, that's definitely research that is in high demand.
and I used to enjoy his show as a kid. Should have watched beakman's world instead
Guess bad joke is bad.
Part of the research I've done involved using ovarian cancer cells grown in media to be implanted in rats, and then run various chemotherapeutic agents to see if the drug we're using is efficacious as compared to current treatments
yea the actual story is that bill nye likes to eat balls you can see that my testicles are replaced with him licking my scrotum from the inside on wednesday night and friday night and he lives there and i feed him buffalo chicken and lettuce mixed with mozzarella cheese for a good job on licking my scrotum
he has a horrible æsthetic though and i dont like that so sometimes i make him rub his face in my boyfriends manboobs to increase the kawaii-ness because she succ me
see dubs
He looks like a creepy satanist.
I only pretended to be interested in whatever research you were doing to make the public announcement that we should all stop replying to these fake "Sup Forums BTFO" threads, because the the less they get bumped, the more that show up on the front page.
He's an engineer, not a biologist.
It's the same deal as with Elon Musk fearmongering about AI.
They are both good at what they do, but these aren't their fields and they are no more qualified to speak on the topics then you or I.
>They are both good at what they do
What does Bill Nye actually do other than TV appearances?
Didn't Richard Dawkins come out and say the opposite, recently? I thought I saw a tweet in which he said. "Social construct? Forget it, race is real"
I'd live to see an evolutionary biologist like Dawkins tear his asshole apart
THIS is science
your ad hominem is showing
So in his text, he says that all our modern ethnic groups evolved apart due to differing climates where humans filled different niches, completely contradicting his statement that we're all one race.
>ad hominem
ad hominem is attacking the person, e.g. that's just the sort of thing a burger would say.
i'm merely pointing out that his area of expertise is in no way related to what he's saying in OP's quote.
nice try though, i'm sure the mods will be pleased that someone read that sticky
Dawkins is just going to tell *everyone* what they don't want to hear.
Genetic differences are real. "Race" is how you feel about them.
That's not an ad hominem.
in other news, there is only one breed of dog
and no such thing as "sub-spieces" either
you have no idea what that phrase means
He is not an evolutionary biologist with a specialization in anthropology.
His argument holds no weight.
He's a comedian with a BA in mechanical engineering.
arent those two animals just breeds?
europeans and africans are the same species but different races
>Genetic differences are real. "Race" is how you feel about them.
How you feel about them? Race is a word that in this context refers to those differences, not individual "feelings". The colloquial use of the word race in this context might not be aligned with the proper scientific definition, but a word is just a word, it's used to identify something, in this case measurable differences between different groups of people.
>get sued for malpractice if you don't take race into account
>get fired by pc police by saying there are genetic differences
Top kek
"The scientific left"
>He is a scientist.
No he isn't.
>How can you disagree with him?
Because I am a scientist who majored in Biochemistry and minored in Genetics and know beyond doubt that memes like "race is a social construct" are objectively wrong.
The skin colour comment itself disproves it because this is caused by race-specific alleles, which implies race is real by definition.
Did he actually even say this? I vaguely remember this just being bait.
>How you feel about them?
Niggers are retarded. Their genetic traits apparently contribute to that retardation.
But I don't have to lie to kick it. There is still no objective definition of race, and such a definition would be arbitrarily determined.
>you have no idea what that phrase means
Actually, he's correct. Attacking someone's qualifications in substitute of addressing their statements is the definition of ad hominem. I could go into more detail about why but this is why the sticky is retarded. We're in a casual environment and nobody is subject to the constraints of formal logic.
Also, Bill Nye is an easily demonstrable moron, and I don't have to resort to pointing out his lack of qualifications to make it apparent.
Dude needs to stick to childrens TV shows about rudimentary physics.
Bill Nye the terminal bachelors degree in engineering guy
We wuz stardust n'shit
There may not be such a thing as race, but it just goes to show how a small genetic change can be the difference between a rational person and an irrational nigger.
Those who say that race or sex are social constructs and demand equal rights, forget that 'rights' are the only social construct on that phrase.
Now, this is not to say that there can never be any objective definition of race, but such a definition would require us to simulate every single combination of every single genetic possibility and then arrange it into categories in a similar fashion to that which reflects the subjective interpretation of color itself, with respect to frequency.
To say that race doesn't exist is a bit confrontational until that happens.
And this is why Bill Nye is retarded, irrelevant of his qualifications.
He has a bachelor's in mechanical engineering he's literally an actor
Everything he said is technically correct.
>"We are much more alike than different"
Technically correct, and yet still misses the meat of the argument.
Oh, except that part about there being no such thing, scientifically, about race.
I'm so sick and fucking tired of having to deal with captchas or paying money to speak coherently in a world which tries its hardest from giving morons the ability to speak. I had to fight with people who genuinely have a good reason to protect their interests in disallowing my 2spooky4u ass to prevent me from accessing their wireless network just to convey this super-important information that you'll all just dismiss anyway.
Irrelevant of all of this categorization, it still reflects an element of desire in our efforts to portray reality in the way we want it to be expressed as an anthropomorphic priority, because the way bees interpret color cannot even possibly reflect the way we do because they not only cannot experience frequency on the same spectrum that we do but we can only assume that humans do so...
And it's objectively demonstrable that they do not.
I can spam a million quotes at you all which demonstrate how retarded we are but it will never encapsulate the proof that we're all self-interested mammals wearing clothes.
Gender-specific clothes that we somehow managed to rationalize as being dictated by deities, nomorenoless.
Therefore, God exists.
Seriously, kill yourselves before you give me the power to do it for you.
We cannot return to the Garden of Eden, but our cousins can play there forever.
Feel free to disregard my message to humanity, because it has a recognizable similarity to Satan's deceptions.
Ignore that Satan is not a NoFunAllowed meme.
Sometimes I think I should write a book.
But this book will only feed the insatiable curiosity of the fedora-tipping edgelords like me that you all run and hide from because reality sucks.
On the bright side, you always have the freedom to stop being such a cowardly faggot and face judgment, which ironically is a property of your own self-awareness, to whom we speak of as God.
Kikes be damned. They work against their own interests by understanding this and being too cowardly to face the fate that we all deserve and flee from.
Jesus loves you.
Buddha says you're an idiot for giving a shit.
Mayan Gods are unironically careless of such notions as altruism.
Connect the dots.
Reality is inescapable.
You're an expression of the universe's tendency to redistribute heat energy toward optimum thermal equilibrium.
Hmm. really makes you wish you didn't have to think.
See Ecclesiastes for more information.
Now of course you don't have to fall into a pit of nihilistic degeneracy, but why wouldn't you give in to the obvious self-fullfilling prophecy of people who took the opportunity to tell you what not to do because dying of desire is scary?
Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
...when Armageddon is so much more fappable and dresses are so cute?
And I am the metaphorical serpent who is whispering into thine ear.
Wasn't this guy employed as a fucking janitor or something after his show ended and the cuckbucks dried up?
Can you even imagine how fucking spooked Christfags are when they read this thread?
report and sage
Meanwhile actual evolutionary biologists such as Dawkins agree that race is a biological reality.
Mechanical engineer, TV personality and Statist bootlicker but not a scientist.
>irrelevant to anything that matters
he tried so hard and came so far
>chimps share 95% of DNA with humans
>much more alike than different
i hate that fucking idiot.
>How can you disagree with him?
I trust the man who discovered the molecular structure of DNA over a man who has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering on topics of zoology.
not at all desu
Of course not.
But when you look back on the witchcraft you'll realize that I did you a favor.
Much love,
I honestly think Dawkins is hiding his power level at this point.
And he still gets a lot of flak from SJeWs.
That's great Bill Nye, but why do they keep committing over 50% of the country's murder?
nothing, but hes good at that
Whites are the Ryu of life. Allrounders with no weaknesses.
Maybe we should start saying "breed" instead of race.
>looks like
Fixed that for ya
Now you're memeing with memes.
I'm just saying we have different breeds of dogs.
breed implies eugenics. Breeding for specific characteristics
subspecies might be more accurate
I didn't disagree with you.
I think you're a genius!