When did you stop using Jewwit?

When did you stop using Jewwit?

I never used it in the first place.

I never started.

now get the fuck off Sup Forums

I didn't
it's useful as a news aggregating source for my niche interests
not nearly as much BBC shilling of leafposting compared to this vile shithole

Literally never

When they banned /r/coontown

Never used it.

Fuck off, everyone on here is a fucking redditor whether they want to admit it. Its the fucking gayest shillsite in existence but there's no where else with that type of content.

Its a love hate relationship but you fucks all use it

It's more comfy than Sup Forums.

I visit niche subreddits. Anything popular on reddit is absolutely fucking cancerous though, I had to make an account just to unsubscribe from all the horseshit so I didn't have to see it

It cam be useful. Let's say I want to look at shit for something oddly specific like the CK2 Game of Thrones mod for example, why would I use Sup Forums for that?

When I discovered Sup Forums.

I have read some threads, when pointed out through other means, but I have never posted there.
Not everyone is lying.

What this dude says
Yes, for some things it can be useful and dont understand the general zealous hate people project towards it


Never touched reddit even once.

Only if you're new to Sup Forums have you used reddit, lad.

when /r/european was closed

Never used it, never will. Fuck off back to it.

remember /r/niggers? those were the days. also shout out to r/European

Overall it's actually very surprisingly become much better about not blindly shilling liberal agenda

Although I would still avoid /r/politics like the plague

when i got banned for making a joke about the homosexual agenda

Almost every 4channer these days is on reddit. The only true unique shitposters are probably somethingawful.com goons.

I've read stuff for various other topics that's hard to find data on, but never once even had an account. Places where relevance is controlled by up votes only result in forced content and not actual discussion. Most people here understood that.

you're kidding me, even the subs that used to make fun of the liberals have slowly been taken over by left wing cunts.

The MDE subreddit has its moments.
I used to go to r/museum every day but the moderator banned me for posting an isis beheading photo as art. He thought I was trying to be political and racist or whatever but I just thought it was worth posting regardless of the context.

I go on reddit for the r/Sup Forums.
So I never stopped to use it.

Been to the site like 5 time maybe. Looks shit and discussion is boring.


After I got sick of the Donald becoming a "who can spam shitty overused memes the most" contest.

Never used it for anything except to look up how to fix a few problems in games or software and it was literally the only result.

If you've ever had a Reddit account, posted on Reddit, or just browse Reddit regularly then you're a disgusting subhuman unfit for the kind of memes we dish out here and need to go back there immediately.
Sup Forums only operates when pure, deal with it faggots.

I use it, just get annoyed at the lefty shit which gets pushed to the All page sometimes

That website is so infuriatingly cringy. I can't exactly put my finger on it but the overall tone and humor of the main subreddits is really irritating.

lmao no

But it's not really that different than how it was in ~2006... back then it was ex-gaiafags turned newfags, now it's ex-redditfags

As a guy who's on Sup Forums since 2007 and on reddit since 2012 I can assure you reddit > Sup Forums every day of the week.

When you tailor your subreddits to your interests and disregard comments (except for r/depthhub or subs like that), reddit is
>much more informative
>much less tiring
>much less autistic
>much less toxic

It's a fact, deal with it.
>Sup Forums only operates when pure
>Sup Forums
typical newfag talk putting fucking Sup Forums on pedestal, topkek

Never started.
When did you stop sucking dicks, OP?

>implying I ever used that shit

never used it in the first place, I have browsed it a bit after finding Sup Forums to make up my mind but I found out pretty quickly that it was absolute cancer. I didn't even create an account.

I seriously stopped using it around the mike brown bullshit. So much liberal shit was being pushed.

Now I just use it to troll leftist Morons. I usually get banned after a few days. I make a new account almost weekly. Fire some reason I can't post on news anyone no matter what device or network I use. I think they Mac address banned me.

last year, was a cuck for a while.

Speak for yourself you slimy faggot. How long have you been here? A week? When I started using Sup Forums reddit didn't even exist. And even then I didn't even hear about it until 6 years after it's inception. So go fuck yourself. Your mascot is fucking gay too.

Reddit is only good for the smaller niche subreddits that haven't been invaded by the gay agenda/black lives matter/general cuck fuckery


are the only places on Reddit I visit regularly


my nigga

Lmao, using the MP40 as well. He knew what he was doing. Hickok is based.

Speak for yourself. I don't use reddit at all. The only times I've ever even seen it is when I am linked to it through here, and it's a messy disappointment every time. I don't even know how you people put up with the atrocious interface.

But you're faggots, so you probably have no standards.

Jewwit's good for things that have nothing to do with politics.

Been on Sup Forums since 2006 and you're a liar.

The only reason I use reddit is to get NHL streams. I do not understand people who live on that site

never used it

I'm a regular at r/opiates. I sometimes check out r/the_donald as well.

I have never had the pleasure.

Fuck off fag I don't use that gay site. I started on Sup Forums back when it was like a year old and never left.

I love small thematic boards, why would I not use it?I don't circlejerk or do any reddit shit anyway.

face it, Sup Forums was always shit
remember when Sup Forums was good?

Joined reddit once, but only for /r/CoonTown, half a year before it got shut down

is this how you pick up women user? tell them you've been on this shitty site for a decade+ and they come running to suck your willy?

i've been here for a while and i won't even admit it for the shame i feel deep inside

Funny, I use it to find SM-liiga streams.

>Ässät master race

my niggas*


>be me years ago hear about reddit
>open reddit frontpage
>click interesting link
>faggots making puns
>more faggots making puns
>even more fucking puns
>more fucking upboated puns
>close tab
>never return


Only use it for specific interests/hobbies. r/android is good for Android news, the subreddit for my city, stuff like that. Hell, r/2007scape is the only way to stay connected to Old School Runescape, no one even uses the official forums on the website, everything is done over the subreddit.

never even started in the first place
now back to your liberal circlejerk homeland

I use Reddit on public WiFi, especially at work, because it's a lot more socially acceptable than browsing Sup Forums's Nazi board.

I will just check out whatever is new on /r/the_donald and also go laugh at /r/sandersforpresident. That's about it though.

This. The only time I end up on reddit is through a jewgle search or if i need to check patch notes for a game or something and I can't find them.

Most of reddit is "baby's first blogpost" though. Pretty shitty.

i stopped using teddit when i started using Sup Forums (when trump announced presidency run)

>i am now on Sup Forums with redditors

I never used in the first place. Saying you were a redditor is like a white girl saying she's been blacked. Its an automatic into le trash bin

Never used it. Sup Forums was the first place I came across

>niche subreddits

Lowest common denominator of entertainment, user. It is not a coincidence that puns are reddit's favorite form of humor seeing as how puns are also the easiest form of humor to understand.

I didn't.
I still go there for /r/aww

>this entire thread

and people say this board isn't full of r/the_donald immigrants

This. Reddit has the worst shitposting I've ever seen, at least Australians are funny.

I still use it when I want an actual answer about something.

I started using it because it was more work friendly than Sup Forums but lately I have given less and less of a fuck about what I look at on my work computer.

Sup Forums has fucking turned into redit

Sup Forums is fucking dead

>(Stupid pun)
>"Appropriate username is appropriate."
>"Honestly this."
>"Wow! Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!"
>"As a millenial..."

i went from FB to /pol i dont even visit any other boards

except r9k to laugh at autists

holy shit i'm the exact same. what do u use?

joined reddit because the gaymer youtubers I followed used it was like 16-17
I used Reddit before Sup Forums but the views people there gave me headache and the karma system and post history system turned was even worse
first time I visited Sup Forums there was a thread with big lgbt on the first place and I though this is another liberal shithole
only few months later I visited here again for some reason and realized how wrong I was, I was like 18 at the time

I wouldn't consider myself a redditor, no account, but r/publicfreakout and r/streetfights are great aggregators to find some fun content without having to go on WORLDSTAR. r/mma is also a great news aggregator so you don't have to go check 5+ MMA sites for news.

You know Sup Forums existed before Le Reddit right? Fuck off this website cunt and never return, fucking normie scum such as yourself do not belong here.


I am so, so sorry. That city is a huge shistain and it's inhabitants drunkards and life schoolers. A concentration camp is more comfy than their hockey arena.

>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Reported, saged, hidden.

Any system built on and promoting attention whoring and hugboxing is fundamentally shit.

r/atheism was a default subreddit, one of the reasons I made an account to hide it from my page

I just browse some smaller game subs because /vg/ isn't the best place to find information

>Implying the platform through which you find content regarding news, world events, political issues, and other related topics isn't relevant

Jarno Kärki is my 2nd cousin.

>implying you don't need to go back there

oh look, its another faggot who projects his personal experience onto every other poster here

>a wild shitposter appeares


>>Implying the platform through which you find content regarding news, world events, political issues, and other related topics isn't relevant
so Sup Forums?

If someone started a thread about Sup Forums on Sup Forums, no one would complain that it isn't relevant. Same thing should go for making a post about reddit.

This leaf gets it

what are you getting at?

Oh, ok. That's pretty cool. Kärki is a pretty classy player and should become a part of their core-unit in the near future

That this thread shouldn't be deleted by the mods, I guess.

i have never once in my entire life Been or used Reddit

I have absolutely no desire to tell real people about my casual browsing habits. Only the fake niggers here. I swear I'm the only real person here and the rest are shills, computers, and one person in australia

and why are we suddenly talking about moderation?


This, although I did use Kikebook for a brief time.

Was on Sup Forums first though.

TFW working at a department of defense contractor at this very moment and browsing pol