Nigger Hate Thread.
Post experiences and stories.
Nigger Hate Thread.
Post experiences and stories.
Shit, id auschwitz dat pussy.
Bear with me first time green textin
>Be me
>be in high school, junior year
>nerdfag, playing on phone with friends
>nigger is playing basketball
>nigger friends are playing with him
>nigger sees us
>"user why dont you actually get up and do something worthwhile, you piece of shit"
>"why dont you just do something worthwhile with your life and get a job"
>I was working and getting paid under the table at the time
>"user how about you shut your cracka ass mouth and have some respect"
>"I'm respecting you with the same level of respect you gave me"
>"user you're fucking racist you know that"
>"How am I racist"
>"telling me to get a job and shit"
>he actually didn't have a job
>"you don't have one"
>mfw he called me a cracka and said I'm a racist for telling him to get a job
Did you then pull out a fucking gun and shoot him in he face afterwords?
Fucking blacks man, always pulling the racsist card..
It's like when a Woman hits you as hard as she can in your face, then you're all pissed off and you're about to hit her back and then she stops you saying..
>You can't hit me I'm a girl
i don't have stories because i grew up in a 99% swiss town (the 1% was a german)
Thanks for the bump,
But threads like this usually take off at the last second or fizzle out and die eairly, I'll post this thread again later in the day. To many Sjw's on at the moment.
is that a trap?
that is a hot trap
>be me
>be highschool inna deep south
>bumfuck redneck town
>the most notable events are the annual harvest and rodeo
>after school one day
>talking to gf about something before I take her home
>other friend calls us over
>leave truck unlocked
>talking to friend
>he tells me 3 niggers from our school are around my dads truck
>we walk over
>these niggers have opened my doors and are rummaging through driver side of truck
>tell them to get the fuck out of my truck and fuck off
>one pulls out my pack of ciggs
>"ayyo cracka lemme get one"
>tell the nigger to put it down and get lost
>"ayyo whitey i'll beat yo ass you talk to me like that"
>reach in dash compartment
>pull out a 357
>"last chance"
>one nigger says "o shit homeboy crazy wtf"
>other one walks
>third says "mayn if i had my 9 I'd bust a cap"
>"fuck off piece of shit"
We got along pretty well after that. They didn't fuck with me, I didn't fuck with them. Still see all three occasionally.
it wasn't uncommon for people to come to school with a shotgun or rifle in a gunrack during hunting season.
It was frowned upon, and senior year it caused a few people to be sent home for the day.
second story
>be me
>highschool again
>playing football
>am 6' even, prolly 185
>obviously am lineman, occasionally a back
>on offensive line
>my fucking wing keeps getting thrown into my legs ever fucking time the ball goes into play
>this clown is going to fuck me up
>go to pull
>what do you know, the asshole gets his shit pushed in again
>goes into my legs mid pull
>dislocate kneecap
>"fuck this hurts"
>get drug off the field
>goes back into place
>in locker room
>nigger underclassman, just transferred
>"ayyo cracka i think u just fakin to get out of running"
>slaps my knee
>come up, pin him to the wall
>"nigger if you hit me again it will be the last thing you do"
>sit back down
>rest of team covers for me when he goes and cries to the coach
>kid doesn't speak to me for the rest of the year
>fails, held back
I don't know why, but it was only the younger blacks that were pieces of shit at my school
most of the ones in my class, and all of the upperclassmen were bro as fuck
I don't really deal with black people at all since I started going to uni, can't imagine why
>be senior year
>teachers assistant
>end of the day
>it's the typical group of blacks, then the one mixed kid that gets drug in
>have to grade papers
>watch the mixed kid go from straight a's to c's and d's
>wonder what the problem is, coz i know he's not stupid, he's actually fairly smart for a freshman
>pull him aside and ask him
>gives me something to the tune of "my (nigglet) friends talk shit if i do good"
>shrug and tell him he can do better and i expect him to
>teacher brings the entire group to sit in front of her desk
>poor kid has to go the rest of the year with me breathing down his neck expecting him to do well
>he passes with a high b
>his friends barely scrape by with low c's
>comes up to me on graduation day and thanks me for helping him out
I don't understand why niggers can't accept it when a black or mixed person tries to accomplish something
>I don't understand why niggers can't accept it when a black or mixed person tries to accomplish something
Reminds them they are shit, this isn't just a black thing saw it happen in the UK in a all white school I can obverse that the effects are worse with the black guys however
Every year I ask Santa for a tied up Aaron Paul in my bedroom but I never get it =(
but u r white
black ppl can't be racist, user
t. Carl "T.C."
>be like 7 or so
>after school so me and my cousin are sitting on this bench near a park that's near a liquor store out of the way.
>3 black kids come up, don't recognize them st all so probably not from my school
>all 3 come up to us for no reason
>look at deze crackas just read in they gay ass books watchu reading white boi?
>I wasn't even reading a book
>I look around because he can't obviously be talking to me as I have no book
>yeah you ugly ass cracka can't you listen?
>he walks up and pushes slaps me
>literally just walks up and slaps me
> the other nigs just go ooooooh
>the one who slapped me isn't even facing me he's facing his friends with his hands in the air.
>hay maker to the back of the head
>all you hear I'd the conk as my fist smacks him in the back of the head.
>cousin and me get into a fight
>turns out black people would go to that park to bully people like some kind of game.
> be 18
> enter college
> great grades
> blacks blame me for not helping them do good
> I help them
> no use
> they drop out
> some blame me
>be me
phew, for I moment I thought it would be someone else.
dude even hitler had his own "untermensch" slave
>be me
>walk into a bar w/ friends
>drink a few beers
>accidentally say nigger
>Tyrone in the back (drunk af) goes ape shit
>yells something at me
>pulls a knife
>his friends calm him down somehow
>negro and his friends walk away
>nothing happened to him because his a "victim" somehow
>the guard did not even bat an eye when he walked out
>he saw everything
shutup faggot. if you don't like memes what the fuck are you doing on a Korean pagoda enthusiast forum.
>Be me, white kid in college
>double major, in Material Science & History cause fuck it, I love 19th/20th century European history
>Have to take an American History course for my degree
>Only one that fits for this particular semester is African American History
>Fairly enjoyable class actually, professor is bro-tier
>Be good student, always do my homework, go to class, do well on tests, etc.
>Final for the class is to write a 12 page paper about a pre-approved topic pertinent to African American history
>Decide to compare the directions Garvey and Du Bois hoped to see American blacks go in
>Get A- in class for the semester
A few semesters later...
>Friend of mine who is also a history major takes the same class, same professor
>Friend is black
>Friend is a terrible student, never goes to class
>I let him see my final paper to give him an idea for his final paper
>He gets an A in the class
I was pissed. I took academics fairly seriously in my undergrad. I know I deserved an A in that class.
>be me
>be 18 years old
>see a random black dude coming towards me
>i'm waiting for bus
>he approaches me
>think he is some immigrant vendor of fake stuff
>i'm in a good mood
>he babbles something about time, smells of vodka.
>shows me his watch, it's broken or something
>well lets see if he has some fake casio to sell
>bargaining begins
>speaking loudly in a heavy nigerian accent
>black dude stares for a few seconds
>yells something about USA and tries to butt head me
>misses badly and he hits the pole to my left
>falls on the ground, covered in blood
>nearby police comes in a hurry, they think it's some illegal on drugs
>he gets btfo some more and then arrested
Apparently he was actually in the US army, read it on a local newspaper about the arrest
>.be me
> be yesterday
> get a flat tire
> fix tire
> fuck i hate niggers
Well, to be fair, it is a common stereotype for black people to be jobless and on welfare.
> San Francisco, going to work
> Quickest Bus goes through the housing project where OJ grew up
> Have to deal with loud dindus all the way to work
> Kids are obnoxious
> The parents are worse, dirty foulmouthed and uneducated
> Older generation is all crack heads or drunks
> I'm paying their rent with my taxes
Just fuck my shit up familia
>be 14
>have slight lisp
>black manlet comes up to me
>begins exaggerating lisp in front of everyone
>getting a few laughs
>looks at me with smirk
>grab him and throw him into lockers
>smirk gone tears in eyes
>rushes to teachers office next to lockers
>teacher isn't there
>"you're lucky the teacher isn't here."
>Be Medical Supervisor at plasma "donation" center.
>Basically I do physical examinations, gather medical history, determine whether or not someone is eligible to donate, and get to permanently reject donors whose blood comes back showing disease.
>Mostly niggers and spics come to "donate" because you get paid to give plasma.
>Coworker hands me a donor file saying donor is here now and he came back positive for HIV
>Tasked with breaking this kind of news to donors, but it's gold seeing their reaction
>5th one today
>"Tyrone, please come to the MS's office"
>Apparently hes been calling everyday for the past 3 weeks to see when he can donate again due to a hold placed on his donation
>"mugafuga it's about time"
>Please sit down sir, I'm afraid you wont be able to donate anymore, you have the HIV
>"FUCKIN CRACKA WHATD YOU SAY?? I just went to my doctor yesterday and said I was clean"
>yeah okay (its takes weeks to get bloodwork back)
>Finally accepts that he can no longer donate but is now demanding I pay him $5 for the bus to get back home
>Nigger wat?
>I say no and this nigger starts yelling/cussing/causing a scene
>Lol okay
>Manager tells him same thing and to get the fuck out
>Storms out causing more of a scene
>This happens once a week, such is the day in the life at a plasma donation center
>End up quitting to become a firefighter
mfw niggers literally blame me for the fact that they can no longer donate after contracting a disease
>Part 1/2
I have one of me pulling the race card.
>be me
>be jew
>be 2006 and high school
>kids try to be anti-racist as fuck
>they'll practically bully anyone for doing anything that appeared even remotely racist
>yet when accused of racism -- no one ever fights back; and just take whatever shit people give them
>think this is bs
>tried to argue against it, but get accused of racism myself (despite the fact I was arguing with the white kids -- and this was a 99% white school)
>get idea and start randomly pulling jew card on people to illustrate the stupidity of this
>holy fuck, no one ever fought back
>they just sit there looking unable to figure out what to say
>the most I got was "how is that racist/anti-semitic?" but my half-assed, poorly articulated arguments still shut them
>once poorly argued point was made, even their friends turned on them and started harassing them
>keep doing this for junior and senior year of high school
>again, not a single person fought back to my baseless accusations
>apparently got some kids suspended (other kids reported them for racism -- which was severely punished in our school)
>keep dropping the jew card over the slightest intervals
>they just take my (and eventually everyone else's) abuse
>I once had a guy threaten to beat the shit out of me for knocking his pen down by accident, and yet here I am pushing others around with the race card with absolutely no effort whatsoever (including that same guy)
>notice, over time, those I've accused eventually became actual racists
Part 2/2
Seriously, it was shocking how easy it was to whip others around with those accusations. I only did it to be satirical and point out how idiotic it was. But, as you can see, it had some unintended consequences. One of them being that those same people I was essentially smacking around ended up becoming actual anti-semites themselves. I mean, it's good to see schools doing seminars on prejudice and bigotry in order to make people more aware of it (which is what they made us go to every year). But fuck, the way they handle it, go about it, and use scare and shaming tactics doesn't really resolve the issue, it just flips it to the other side. I even found some of the kids I Jew Card'd on Facebook just a few weeks back, and they're still pretty racist -- even to this day. Hell, they're probably on Sup Forums right now.
>Hi guys!
Academia isn't about intelligence; it's about politics.
Source: I'm a math professor
My only response to this situation always has been and always will be FALCON PUNCH!!!
>Nigger Hate Thread
woah! cool it with the racism man. not cool, that's hate crime.
Wow Israel allowed to get away with treating other people as inferior, color me surprised the kike didn't sue for emotional damage
Pump the brakes there mate you got into a fight what was the result?
Can't wait till summer is over and the young tough guys are back in school. These kid stories suck my butt.
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one more
>be going to a party with gf
>she starts to feel bad
>take her to her house
>hasn't eaten for a day and a half, low blood sugar
>go get her some chinese
>come back
>her mixed "friend" opens the door for me
>it's almost midnight
>set down food
>tell her to eat, ask him to come outside
>explain to him that I don't care for him being at her house at such an hour, or being at her house at all really
>he doesn't take kindly
>he thinks i'm giving him a choice in the matter
>he's really wrong
>grab him, pin his arm behind him,
>introduce him to the wall
>he struggles
>i force compliance
>explain to him that I REALLY don't care for him being at my gf's house
>may or may not have told him i'd kill him and sleep like a baby
>he gets the point
>next day at school loudspeaker comes up
>"user, please come to the office"
>o boy
>police chief, resource officer, principal and vp are in the office
>chief has been a hunting/fishing buddy since i was a young kid
>resource officer is literally my nigga, has lent me ciggs when i was out
>"user did you beat up mixedfag and tell him you'd kill him?"
>"nah, just told him not to be at gf's house in the dead of the night"
>chief and RO kinda smirk, principal looks slightly worried, vp is pissed because it's my word against his
>4.0gpa, 4 AP classes out of 5 in my senior year, leadership conferences, no outstanding issues
>some barely passing hood in no sports, parents are known to police (domestic and drugs, minor), fighting, disruptions etc etc etc
>oh boy who's side will they take
>i wonder
>"by the way user, we still on for hunting this weekend?" -chief
>vp is irate
>principal can't help but chuckle
>they clear out, principal tells me to stay
>"mayng, i like you, but you can't be doing that. It's not just the dude that's the problem and you know it"
>"yeah, imma talk to her"
>"go back to class"
>go to the movies with a classmates sister
>my gf doesn't approve of this
>we break up
>mixednigger moves within a month
When I was young my Catholic grandma sent me to a YMCA camp and I made friends with a chill black kid. An amazing experience.
He held up a store he's in jail now.
The year is 2016
This is my story.
I'd expect nothing less from an untamed wild animal.
>Meet my close friend who is black
>We get along with no problems
>Tells me he likes Rei more than Asuka
Dumb niggers. They're all the same.
Black anons here, have you ever been called an Uncle Tom?
i got word of them moving from her, but i found out a bit later from the teacher I was teachers aid for (who heard from administration) that the kids parents withdrew him because he told them (((someone))) threatened to put lead in him
Thinking back I was an impulsive dumbass with a short temper
Probably lucky I never had major run ins with the police.
Well, Rei is better
>7th grade, just moved to California
>get mugged while getting books out of locker inside the school by a 17 year old 8th grader
> report to school, they make excuses about SED.
>>be me
>>be born on a planet where niggers exist
Do i start a charity or how can i get sympathy?
>American black
>Nigerian accent
Must have been trying service act to become a citizen
That's what they usually do, not taking any responsibility and blame someone else for the own failing. Always trying to be the victim of society.
I've developed reflexes thanks to my abusive mother, no woman can land a hit on me and will get bitchslapped for even trying.
Women are like niggers, never relax around them.
too real
It never fails, a commonality among every single one of them.
>turns out black people would go to that park to bully people like some kind of game
Sand niggers do that a lot around here and they always take a costly souvenir with them.
Sempre tem esses filhos da puta.
>be me
>just fucked shitty prostitute in soho
>nigger offers me some weed
>walk around the area with him in a big loop before ending back where we started
>give him £40
>gives me "weed"
>go into local pub toilet to check it out as he doesn't want me to pull it out in the street
>mfw it's a plastic bag wrapped inside another plastic bag
>mfw I wished that nigger a happy birthday for his daughter
>mfw he laughed knowing what he was about to do
And that's the last time I bought weed off a nigger
>at college
>wednesday night during finals weeks
>walk to a fast food restaurant at like 10 pm to grab dinner
>walking back on one of our busiest streets
>shitty toyota drives by with windows down
>Negress screams something at me as they drive past
>dont comprehend a single word she shouted besides pills
>all her negress friends hootin and hollerin as they drive past
Most adults go as far as they can from niggers as soon as they earn money. Of course it will be kid stories.
>an other whore story
Niggers AND bitches is too much for me to handle. Keep it nigger related please.
Anyone got this without the ifunny mememark
Never seen a nigger before honestly. Feels good.
>not going back to kick the shit out of him
>reading comprehension
holy shit these are some lame ass stories
It's a band.
Are you so computer illiterate you can't use mspaint or something?
>Rural Ireland
>Driving home today
>Two lane road
>One line is jammed and the other one is free
>Want to change lanes to move
>Look back into the mirror, nothing there
>Start moving out
>This nigger in an old van speeds up just to block me off
>Hit the breaks
>He stops next to me and gives me the chimp look and swings his hand
>Drives off
fucking niggers
Not really a nigger hate experience, but this is what happens when a black kid grows up in a white neighborhood.
I live in the North East of England and there was one black (african) kid at school. There were a couple other pakis and indians but I won't count those. He grew up chill as fuck, a really nice guy. He doesn't have a criminal record and he is currently at university studying a useless degree and has great prospects for the future. He cares for his mother and votes Conservative because he doesnt want to scrounge off the state.
Blacks need to be white-washed in the United States. Its too late to "keep them out". Although its not too late for Muslims. We need to keep them out and so do you (United States).
>that filename
Living in America is pretty much one big nigger hate thread. Sadly so many of us have been brainwashed into thinking white guilt is real and that America is the only civilization built on slaves.
People cant understand that where I work there are dozens of older black guys who dress, speak, and act like normal functioning members of society and I look forward to seeing them and hanging out with them everyday. But if I come across a nigger embracing nigger culture my antidegeneracy shields go on full blast
Femanon here. When I was twelve I got beat up by a bunch of nigresses on Halloween and the police didn't do shit about it.
>Be me
>be mixed white/hispanic kid
>look brown, feels bad
>first day of middle school
>riding to bus to school, didinduing nuffin
>black kid pops over the seat
>Halfie.exe has stopped working
>cat. 5 chimpout with only one person ensues
>proceeds to whoop and holler to his fellow silverbacks about how mad he is
>that was the end of that
>or so I thought
>be end of the day
>shit was cash
>science teacher was a 5'2 20something 10/10 blonde haired blue eyed goddess
>riding the bus home
>Trayvon 'Harambe' didindu sits behind me with his sheboon companion
>he and laquisha pop over the seat and proceed to beat the fuck out of me
From that day forward I've always hated blacks
Got a translator? I can't handle that shit.
I saw one when I was 5 and hated them ever since
>be me with my family on a vacation to Chicago
>family steps off the Amtrak train
>nigger steals my mom's purse
Hated them ever since
Maybe your friend is just better at writing papers
Most recent.
>walking home after work Tuesday night
>nigger arguing with fat coal burner two doors down from my building.
>open door, go to close it, coon pushes door open to foyer.
>yells at me "Why you try close the door on me?! We live here, nigga.!!"
>been in building for 7 years, never seen said monkney before
>tell him "Well you know about the recent break ins then. I don't know you so you should use your keys."
>proceeds to yell and be all chimp at me.
>there is a second security door in the foyer
>tell monkey and burner to go ahead and open the second door and go home.
>nigger sucker punches me, was holding my dinner so wasn't ready to fight.
>my grub goes flying
>hits me several times but don't get knocked out.
>bleeding from both nostrils and mouth.
>stand up call the 911
>they run out, go down street
>follow them
>they get a cab and take off
>couldn't get cab number because nigger broke my glasses.
wearing my contacts from now on.
should've had my knife.
mfw nigger ruined my dinner
place bets, how many niggers will be killed tommorow?
finally an opportunity to use this pic
Never enough.
its a jew with colored lenses and hair dye
>not carrying a gun
>not shooting him
you got that right, pierre
that nigga has a dick
I'm getting a gun now.
Also going to apply for conceal carry.
Don't know why I waited so long.
I vaugley remember chokeslaming one once
Never even seen a nigger in real life.
Why u so hate them?
Because we live in America, the worst kinds of blacks out of any kinds of blacks in the world.
There also an eye sore.
>low IQ
come home friend
Dude, you'd have to go to Africa to find niggers who are worse than the species we have here.
>it takes weeks
actually if you've had HIV for more than 3 months it takes minutes to check.
you just gotta prick a finger to get a bit of blood and do the test.
at least I've had to check twice and that was the test. but I doubt it's different in the US
>telling this to a russian
Don't be mean to the ruuski
I happen to really like Russians and I don't typically find them aggressive or anything you commented on.
>lower body of a woman
>upper body of a man
traps, mang, why the fuck do they exist
>185lb linemen
Theres your problem
I'm in the Army and so I see a fair share of just dumbass people...but man there are a ton of hoodrats that join in (for obvious reasons).
Luckily my overall job is pretty distant from it all. Mostly I work with 20somethings dropouts/'what do I do with this useless degrees' and African immigrants who want citizenship at the moment. Prior to this, my enlisted time was meeting some of the stupidest people in my life...many of whom were just the most ghetto ass nignogs you could imagine.
Nothing makes living in a shit hole barracks worse than dindus blasting 'music' and acting like trash.
Pay no attention to him, he's just upset Russia is the last remaining white country.
To niggers, doing absolutely ANYTHING the correct way means you're trying to "act white".
This thread is racist. :(
>that nose
>those colored contact lenses
>the puffy bottom lip Jews are known to have
Pretty sure that's the idea.
>be me
>5 hours ago
>wake up to tornado sirens
>clouds are green
>derecho in the distance
>family of nigs outside packing their car to outrun the storm
>the hail begins before the rain
>they take cover in their car
>visibility is too low to drive anywhere
>go to my bathroom to take cover
>come out when the sirens die
>nigs still stuck in their car, probably praying to jesus
I wish a tornado had carried them someplace else, but small towns have all the luck.
Please tell me it's all irony then. Because some of the people in this thread sound like they are dead serious.
It makes me uncomfortable that such racism exists openly in this day and age in our society, if even a fraction of this is genuine.