Why aren't you dating a conservative Christian black female, Sup Forums?
>traditional values as evidenced in her video
>loyal to their man
>will not be polluted by leftism
Why aren't you dating a conservative Christian black female, Sup Forums?
>traditional values as evidenced in her video
>loyal to their man
>will not be polluted by leftism
Good, I hope to see more black people speaking out against their bullshit.
Because knee-grows are stupid and dumb and they don't smelly too good either :P
why do niggers always say "y'all"
It sounds so forced like they're trying to sound like a stereotype
They are signalling that they are "authentic" in their blackness.
It's a Southern thing, ya hear?
y'all is an abbreviation for you all. It makes it easier to speak
Better than finna.
not finna do see monkey do. wat.
damn she looks like my coworker
Some of you blacks are alright, don't come to america tomorrow
This woman can see, too bad niggers are retarded so she does not know what to do to change the situation and other niggers wont listen to her single word.
I believe it's a Texan thing, it's common in that state for people to say it.
I'd fuck her
Do you even Texas, bruh?
Y'all is a southern way of saying you all and most blacks live in or came from the south.
Fuck you, shill. She's a disinfo agent
Good we need more of this.
The only people who can defuse this situation are black people speaking out against the stupidity of BLM and this new black power movement.
If whites say this stuff they are branded racist and part of the problem.
When a black man/woman say it they are branded a "race traitor" or a uncle tom.
I am not trying to rain on everyone's parade but you shouldn't take every redpilled black person at face value. Some black people will be contrarian just to "expose" the white racists by adopting so called uncle tom positions like she referred to in this video. Some are genuine obviously, but you have to be discerning. Here's an example:
Black guy Calling out BLM for prompting racism and violence:
Same guy coming out as being a BLM supporter the whole time:
Now he wasn't doing this just to troll, cause he went full on "we wuz kangz and sheit" in one of his other videos.
Finna finna finna bitch what the fuck, speak English.
So you're saying he took the "black pill" and woke up.
> 0.00001% of the black population in the US
This will really change shit ...
How damn, I'm picking up with this girl is putting down. Good on her.
>mfw that pic for the first time
This guy is based tho
>let me speak my mind for a minute, you all
It doesn't make any sense
I'd colonize that ass
Bell curve, this is a rare specimen of this sub species. Stop hoping there will be a mass awakening. It will never happen.
It doesn't make sense to you because you are trying to convert African american vernacular English aka ebonics to mainstream English. The sentence structure is different. Ex:
Y'all niggas stupid = all of you niggas are stupid.
Y'all best believe = it's in all of your best interests to believe
The best comparison i can make this way of speaking English to is cockney English vs received pronunciation or posh English.
Ya'll niggas better be usin' dat propaine for grillin' I tell ya hwat.
There is nothing wrong with race mixing as long as both partners are redpilled
She is so brave. Non-whites are feeling white guilt.
History will repeat itself (BML is SNCC?):
> White SNCC members were asked to leave the organization in December 1966.
>Carmichael first argued that blacks should be free to use violence in self-defense; later he advocated revolutionary violence to overthrow oppression. The Department of Defense stated in 1967: "SNCC can no longer be considered a civil rights group. It has become a racist organization with black supremacy ideals and an expressed hatred for whites."
>Professor Charles E. Cobb, formerly SNCC field secretary in Mississippi, has asserted that SNCC's grassroots and autonomous community work was undercut and co-opted by Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty: "After we got the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965, a lot of groups that we had cultivated were absorbed into the Democratic Party...a lot more money came into the states we were working in.
I can't figure out where "finna" comes from
>fixing to
guessing that makes more sense in american dialect.
because that's certainly not a word combination we use this side of the pond.
It's a southern thing. I went to school down there, got the y'all bug pretty bad. But it's a convenient word instead of saying you all/ you guys. I say y'all every now and then since I moved back to the north.
Because I'm dating a self-hating White Nationalist Turkish-Jew.
Many negroes are actually "down home" and "laid back" and southern by heritage.
Unlike Obama and his cringey attempts.
If you were born in certain parts of the US, you will talk like that. I say y'all on a regular basis since I was born in Louisiana, my parents talked that way when I grew up, and now I talk like that.
Jesus fucking christ, this is barely English anymore.
When did you move from Sup Forums?
Is she the new Christ-chan?
Holy fuck, I cannot listen to that subhuman accent regardless of what she might have to say.
It's a Southern thing. Better than Ghetto language
>Sup Forums hates niggers
>"""""""based""""""" nigger makes a video on why she hates niggers
Blacks are from the south. Southern whites say that too. But blacks segregate themselves so you hear their Ebonics accents all over the nations not just in the south.
Sup Forums hates niggers not blacks
They're fine with blacks as long they don't cause trouble
>trying to talk about "forced" slang
Nice double negative faggot
>Why aren't you dating a conservative Christian black female, Sup Forums?
Because race mixing is wrong. I want to be with a white wife, and I want white children.
I guess you are white, have you ever smelled yourself? you white dont even like to take more than one shower a day, when you come to my country for vacation you body odor is horrible, you think niggers smell bad? take a smell on yourself, specially if you are a fat burger.
It's a southern thing that goes way back to the scotch-irish settlers
Eat Merkels cum filled asshole
>Why aren't you dating a conservative Christian black female, Sup Forums?
Because conservatives, Christians, blacks, and females all tend to be retarded. I'll stick with liberal, non-religious, East-Asian, homosexual men.
I love you too Sven
while she might not be as retarded as the rest of the porch monkeys she's still ugly and likely smells like an asshole that hasn't seen a shower for a week
Pay your debt, Carlos
>Really makes you think
They have smellevison where you are?
she could be
>And now your black god has failed you
How fucking scathing is that?
MA here, white, i say yall as a short version as you all on a regular basis
Why do Potato niggers say feckin' instead of fucking?
10 years from now, regardless of who wins, Obama will be remembered as "that bad one."
There will be people who will write tell-all books. Robert Gates already did and he said Obama is a stubborn ass who put political hacks in charge of foreign policy.
Really makes you think
Idk why but a lot of redpilled blacks women are noticeably more attractive then your average black woman.
>People round the world, I expect them to act like heathens.
top kek
You guys act like all blacks support this shit. The majority of us absolutely so not support BLM at all. The only ones that do are the idiots and thugs. It used to have good people in it, but they were alienated from it.
I thought it was a Philadelphia thing
you should make a vid or something with #NotYourShield hashtagged for these fools
>I thought it was a Philadelphia thing
They say "john" for everything.
I want to marry her
Y'all is a second person plural pronoun.
Finna is a contraction of 'fixing to,' like 'gonna' with 'going to.' It's an irrealis immediate future form.
I'm autistic and can't talk to women.
immah finna.
black un proud.
lemme jus speek.
I see chrischun peeplez.
Wasn't the emancipation proclamation signed over 150 years ago? Why haven't they learned proper English yet? It hurts my ears everytime they open their mouths start their jibber-jabber.
I love the fact that when some blacks aren't the same on spmething, Faggots come out of the would work with whatever
>All dat softness
"yall" is incorrect english and nigger gutterspeak
Pretty much this.
A red-pilled ethnic woman is hot.
Maybe it's just because you don't really get many white women who hold these sort of views anymore, so it puts these kinds of girls a step above the rest.
It's the fact that people similar to you who SHOULD know better dont, while people who aren't similar to you DO know better. Like minds make great connections.